Paris Mayor: Donald Trump is 'So Stupid' - NBC News

La nouvelle édition du journal The Freethinker Post vient de sortir de presse! Edition du 11 mai 2016‏

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Dorian Staten
11 mai 2016
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Paris Mayor: Donald Trump is 'So Stupid' - NBC News
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Dorian Staten
thumbnailwww­.nbcnews­.com - Arriving in London, Anne Hidalgo was asked about the U.S. presidential candidate's proposed ban on Muslims. "Mr. Trump is so stupid, my God," she said.
Jonathan Chait, "PC", and Liberal Responsibility for Trump - Almost Diamonds
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Atheist Feed
thumbnailthe-orbit­.net - Today, Jonathan Chait uses his column over at New York Magazine to do what all the cool kids are doing, tell us how Trump ended up the presumptive Republican nominee for president. Spoiler: It’s ou...
Too much folate in pregnant women increases risk for autism, study suggests: Researchers say that while folate deficiency is bad for developing fetus, excessive amounts could also be harmful
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thumbnailwww­.sciencedaily­.com - The researchers found that if a new mother has a very high level of folate right after giving birth -- more than four times what is considered adequate -- the risk that her child will develop an au...
What's killing white middle-aged American women? - BBC News
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BBC News (World)
thumbnailwww­.bbc­.co­.uk - The rich world has got used to health and longevity getting better, and death rates falling for everyone. But over the past few years, data has been accumulating which suggests that this trend has ...
The never-ending soap opera that is now the Republican party
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Atheist Feed
thumbnailfreethoughtblogs­.com - The next storyline is the will he/won’t he courtship between speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan, who is the one who is the chair of the party convention, and the presumptive nominee ...
Archaeologists uncover 13,000-year-old bones of ancient, extinct species of bison at Old Vero Man site
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Leptospirosis bacterium still haunts swimming holes
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Science News
Chemists find 'huge shortcut' for organic synthesis using C-H bonds: A new way to turn a simple, abundant molecule into a complex, value-added one
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Cosmic dust reveals Earth's ancient atmosphere
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These New Technologies Will Be Both Powerful and Planet Friendly
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Singularity Hub
History of road-tripping shaped camel DNA
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US defies Myanmar government request to stop using term Rohingya
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Guardian World
Kenya says it will shut world's biggest refugee camp at Dadaab
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Guardian World
Venezuelan protesters clash with soldiers over Maduro referendum
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Guardian World
Brexit would hurt Britain, US foreign policy expert says - BBC News
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BBC News (World)
Walter Scott death: More charges in South Carolina shooting - BBC News
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BBC News (World)
Veteran drug lord still trafficking after prison release, US treasury says
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Guardian World
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Trump's Team: The Bigoted, Unhinged Conspiracy Theorists Benefiting From Donald Trump's Campaign
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This North Carolina High School Just Made It So Trans Students Can Be Pepper Sprayed For Peeing
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No, Juan Williams, The Culture Wars Are Not 'Done'
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Heidi Cruz: Ted’s Failed Campaign Is Just Like The Fight To End Slavery
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Secular Values Voter
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Secular Coalition
Nancy Pelosi Blasts Republicans For Hypocritically ‘Denouncing’ Trump
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Prince death: Detectives question doctor - BBC News
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BBC News (World)
Is Kate Smurthwaite really the WRONG sort of feminist? | ShowSpot
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Inside Superstar Machine, Which Ex-Members Say Is a Cult Preying on New York’s Creative Women
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Center for Inquiry
My grandfather didn't fight suffragettes just to give women a gender-neutral O Canada - The Beaverton - North America's Trusted Source of News
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gretta vosper
Ken Ham’s Latest Ark Encounter Ad Contradicts His Own Theory of Creationism
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Your body isn't your world: The heroes of Mad Max and disability
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Whenever Trump gets cozy with bigots, his campaign cites these technical "errors"
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Daily Kos Radio is LIVE at 9 AM ET!
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