Enjoying the market and choosing our goods!!
Of course, we have to see and try everything...
So much to choose from and so much fun to buy!!
From market to the banana trees...
Enjoying a Sunday afternoon together.
Now to get serious for a time...
Elder Davis had to have some minor surgery done to correct a very badly ingrown toenail.
Walking the halls and waiting...with Elder Davis' companion Elder Mitchell.
Amy at the nurse's station...
...the next day showing Elder Davis how to clean and care for the wound. I was so grateful she was here to help with his care.
Elder Mitchell and Elder Davis -- new friends.
Another photo op at the new
Building Site!!
We are hoping they will begin construction soon. Such a blessing for the Saints in Angola.
Attended a funeral of a member's mother.
There are so many people who attend funerals every day. About 300 funerals per day around the city.
Just for FUN!!
OH LOOK --- Amy found her twin!!
Love this picture. Father and daughter.
How about Mother and Daughter? Can you find us?