Kenyan artisanal miner killed in incident in Migori County.

An artisanal miner has died in an incident at a mine at Osiri in Migori County, Kenya, this week. The man, who has not yet been named, reportedly slipped when climbing out of the mine after completing a days work. Conditions at the site have been described as slippery following heavy rainfall in the area. Rainy season peaks in April each year in Migori and typically leads to a number of incidents in the area's mines.

An artisanal mine in Migori County, Kenya. The Star.

Migori County is home to numerous small artisanal mines targeting gold deposits in the area. These are typically run as co-operatives or by small local operators, with only the largest having access to rock crushing equipment. Gold ore is extracted from small pits then broken up either with such equipment or hand tools, then heated with mercury to extract the gold. The industry has a very poor safety record, with frequent landslides and collapses, particularly in the rainy season, as well as incidents with explosives and the toxic effects of handling mercury without protective equipment.

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