Anarchistic update news all over the world - 09 May 2016

Anarchistic update news  all over the world - 09 May 2016

Today's 5 Topics:

1. Greece Anarchist Political Organisation: WORLD OF STATE AND
BOSSES IN ABSOLUTE bankruptcy (gr) [machine translation]
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #259 - Read: "I am writing
from the factory" (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
3. Southern Africa, Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (ZACF):
Maisiri (
4. Holand, a-g amsterdam: All Flex? About the limits of the
flexibility. (


Message: 1

The society savage attack experiencing today is the result of the time effort of the state 
and the bosses to transform and enforcement sweatshops and prison conditions. This attack, 
in conditions of deep and comprehensive systemic crisis and de-legitimation of the 
political system, scaled and highlighted both incurable contradictions of state-capitalist 
system of organization, and the absolute inability to produce from up any coherent social 
vision, perspective and hope. ---- The roots of this, the ever-increasing aggressiveness, 
are the very nature of the oppressive and exploitative system. The need for deepening and 
expanding the power company seeks to control human activity, in order to complete 
subordination of society to the requirements of the state and the bosses. The 
state-capitalist system is structured on the basis of the absurdity of social and class 
oppression, which seeks by all means the perpetuation and therefore the perpetuation of 
destructive effects on society and nature. The decay so visible today is not the result of 
a multifaceted crisis. In contrast, multi-faceted crisis is the result of deep decay and 
chreokopias system in social, political and level of values.

In this context, the basic direction that continuous individual state and capitalist 
entities in the West, regardless of political and economic management, is the campaign for 
the establishment of a modern totalitarianism, the regime proofing business for 
uninterrupted perpetuation of, for establishment of a new impersonal autocracy imposed by 
one provocative luxurious living of the elite and on the other the unliveable up crippling 
conditions for the excluded defined as "redundant" - in which are forced to exist as 
slaves billion people.

The uprooting of the resistance and the transformation of society in galley is the 
response of the rulers in the continuous sharpening of social discontent. Sharpen 
resulting and constantly arises from unresolved and fundamental contradiction of the 
system, the contrast between the many who lack the ability to decide about their lives and 
the few who appropriated. That is, the contrast between the real social possibilities for 
creation through mutual aid, freedom of coexistence and on the other the suffocating 
restrictions and distortions imposed social relations the state and the bosses.

The recent restructuring of the state and the capitalist world is accelerating in the 
early 90s with the collapse of the "Eastern bloc" and the renewed aggression of Western 
power block, the capitalist periphery and within Western societies. Notices for End of 
History and the New World Order accompanied by the creation and upgrading of supranational 
and transnational control and subordination mechanisms.

The creation of the WTO, the upgrading of the EU's role and G8, the establishment of 
agreements such as Maastricht and NAFTA are fanfare war elite during the plebeians. At the 
same time, rearrange the geopolitical balance of forces and resulting war, after the 
emergence of a single superpower with its allies expand the boundaries of the world "of 
living space." These companies have as an ideological vehicle the "war on terror" and 
"anti" -tromokratikes crusades. The strongest block of sovereign attempted spread of 
power, putting constantly 'fire to powder kegs "with prominent examples of the two wars in 
Iraq, the war in Afghanistan and the creation of the state of modern apartheid in Israel.

The devastating effects of these crusades and the capitalist periphery intensive looting 
is the disintegration of all social life meaning and existence in the Middle East where 
the war has swept local populations. It is these effects result in millions of uprooted 
and desperate people to try in every way to escape and entry into Europe. To prevent them, 
the state - capitalist system shielded both law with the adoption of the Dublin 2 and 
sedatives creating the corps of FRONTEX.

After the war in Syria, a huge refugee and migratory wave moved from the wider war zone to 
the west, to Europe - Fortress. The new treaty is formed, resulting in a revision of 
previous agreements -as Dublin 2 and the further enhancement of FRONTEX, creating hot 
spots and many new camps, closure of borders to refugees and immigrants consistently 
trapping tens of thousands at entry corridors of Fortress Europe.

The decision to treat the refugees from the same political and military mechanisms (NATO, 
EU) that caused the destruction of the site has multiple objectives:

It is part of the preparation for the generalization of war that has declared sovereignty, 
initially in the area where the competitions of the strongest power block main expressed 
today, namely the Middle East and Southeast Mesogeio as the grim prospect of a global 
conflict returns to the fore and plans of military-political staffs.
It is indicative of the treatment accorded to uprooted, which includes concentration 
camps, repression and persecution.

It is a clear signal for the use of military units and the ferocious repression to deal 
with populations that the state and the bosses define as "unnecessary".
Within Western societies, the status of emergency is fixed through the militarization of 
societies and ekfasismou. Within the modern ghetto under supervision or militarized 
repression units either individually and military units, as in the recent example of 
France, the war unfolds against the "internal enemy", the war against the poor and 
excluded. More specifically, after the attacks in Paris last November, the French State 
under the pretext of security took the opportunity to establish and then make permanent 
the Status of Emergency with simultaneous invasions into houses, especially the struggling 
fragments society and immigrants , impose ban gatherings and demonstrations and to 
guarantee institutional maintain this special arrangement for long. Upgrading the legal 
arsenal, which is already in the mobilization bureau, such as those against the new labor 
law in France, increased surveillance / monitoring, prefiguring the repressive maze of 
modern totalitarianism.

The people of the state and capitalism is bankrupt. It can not give answers to real social 
needs and not to promise nothing but more misery, poverty, oppression, cannibalism, war 
and death. The absolute sovereignty of the jungle law of force Os of the fittest.

It is this condition that determines each individual policy and in the field of class 
struggle, which is why internationally exacerbated by looting proletarians businesses. The 
attack in a series of social and class conquests are part of the business establishment of 
modern totalitarianism, in the same way, which is the spread of the war. The war and the 
volume measures of looting of social wealth, beyond the material benefits they produce for 
local and international elites, to the sense of weakness of the oppressed majority by 
partitioning it into disadvantaged units struggle for survival, and through the propaganda 
and exemplary repression even want to deprive and thinking of another fair and open social 

In Greece, the current government (SYRIZA / ANEL) - who last summer signed a loan 
agreement on 3-mnimonio-, receiving social consensus for the continuation of political 
restructuring, based primarily on the cheap trade and hope in trying to kapilefthei and 
assimilate the social and class struggles in recent years, stepped up in these races to 
disarm them and to maintain social peace in conditions of intense social de-legitimation 
of the political system.

The basic ideological proposition is none other than accepting the brutality of the state 
and capitalism -arkei wearing the remnant of a democratic prosopeiou- with concomitant 
threat to the oppressed for the unfolding of the same barbarity, without the pretext of 
democratic masks the which humiliated and constantly assail. Today, attempts to impose new 
measures (eg insurance, tax), signed a few months ago, while social tolerance seems to be 
running constantly, as not only can not stand the illusions sown for landscaping state and 
capitalism, but becomes more and more apparent the prospect of an even worst for plebeians 

At a time when the state and capitalist barbarism attempts to dispel the lives of the 
workers, the unemployed, the poor and plebeians of society, at a time when no government, 
party, parliament and mediating mechanism can not promise only subjugation and 
impoverishment, and we need to develop the communities, the operating areas, in 
neighborhoods, in schools and colleges, self-organized structures struggle and solidarity.

This is the time when some and-demand games must be connected to permanent and stable 
employment, access to social goods, housing, healthcare, education, to defend labor and 
social rights, for the protection of nature, the total and topical social and political 
demand to overthrow power world and libertarian transformation of society.

This is the time to be politically connect with their partners and competitors 
internationally, to tackle common assault which we accept. By example of our historical 
deposits from the First International and International divisions of the Spanish 
Revolution, the real hope lay modern resistors, the Zapatista uprising, the demonstrations 
against globalization, the December 08 until Rozava, compose against the bleak world of 
power, the mosaic of revolutionary perspective for society of freedom and equality. From 
Mexico to Turkey and to Greece to the slums of France, shouting in our class brothers that 
nothing is not over and that nobody oppressed is not alone as there is resistance and 
struggle. To take the lives in our hands, to take responsibility to define the present and 
the future, building a new emancipated society based on dignity, justice, freedom, 
solidarity in the wreckage of the power world, the state and capital.

Intensify ORGANISATION OF STRUGGLE FOR ANARCHY AND libertarian communism


Anarchist Political Organisation

-omospondia syllogikotiton-


Message: 2

Since his book Damn factory in 2002, Jean-Pierre Levaray joined the valiant cohort of 
Proletarian Writers, in which the former were preceded by noble feathers as Marguerite 
Audoux, Georges Navel, Henry Poulaille or, more recently, Mehdi Charef (Tea in the harem 
d'Archi Ahmed, 1985), Maxime Vivas (Paris-Brune, 1997) and Hubert Truxler, aka Marcel 
Durand (Grain of sand under the hood, 1990). ---- Precisely Truxler Hubert, former workers 
of Peugeot Sochaux, who prefaced the latest book Levaray, I am writing from the factory, 
compilation of his columns published monthly from 2005 to 2015, the QED newspaper. It was, 
says Truxler, the first paper he was reading by opening the newspaper, because "to write 
on the plant, it must live inside, sniffing with his guts."

Worker in a fertilizer plant in Grand Quevilly (Seine-Maritime), CGT unionist, activist in 
the Anarchist Federation, Levaray is verbose - about twenty books or collaborations to his 
credit - a flexible writing without pathos or frills. The thousand and one stories he 
relates are generally strong enough, in themselves, to make an impression. It tells the 
few good moments with friends; sometimes combative colleagues, often jaded; the nasty fire 
chief, sub-genre off 'in 1912; the secretary who escapes a social plan and that lonely, 
colleagues parties bitterly regret; the old communist militant but "not practicing 
Stalinist," who died asphyxiated to have all his life, breathing in harmful dust.

The plant's figures are there, their lives punctuated by the vagaries of an industrial 
site classified Seveso 2 aging, will falter, whose closure is feared but ultimately does 
not close. However, outsourcing multiplies. "So says the author, according to the box that 
pays you, you have a different color. There are almost no blue blue [...]. We are now 
working in a multi-colored plant, but it has nothing racist, it's just as blue is orange, 
gray, black, red, green, and so on of the best. Differentiated to divide us. "

For several years, the author has accepted a chore: to represent the CGT of Directors of 
the company board. The meetings he endures at headquarters in Defence bring, too, their 
share of anecdotes, humorous or pathetic. The general director of the factory, a manic 
look in the Gestapo, one day pours his bile against the CGT and the "practical leftist" 
workers of the box. As Levaray remains impassive, showing only a smirk, the maniac clings 
illico another scapegoat: "You serve me for nothing, he spits the unhappy clown of the 
CFDT, petrified by this unexpected attack . No, I do not need you. You do not even have 
prevented the strike takes place. [...] What do you serve? "The author could have sneer. 
It does not do the opposite. He suffers from this public humiliation of yellow union by 
his master. This is not the slightest expression of his humanism.

Guillaume Davranche (AL Montreuil)


Message: 3

Like a baby deer born into an unforgiving world with three broken legs, life has never 
been fair for the working class. We have witnessed centuries pass by, half-awake, 
half-trapped, half-fed. ---- Locked in a cage fight with feet shackled to the ground 
(pound for pound, “no kicking allowed” they said) while the state and capitalism take 
turns at us, the dazed giant called the working class. With complicated combinations, the 
system lands organised blows: a punch to the heart called colonialism and apartheid; a 
quick right uppercut called minimal wages; a roundhouse kick called neo-liberalism; an 
elbow strike called privatization; the full body blow of unemployment; and the referee 
joins in with a face stomp called the “law.” The young champ is sent to the floor. ---- In 
South Africa, the black working class majority is gripped by the rough hands of its ruling 
class, made up of a cold combination of black state elites and white capitalist elites, 
who choke the very life out of her.

How tight does this noose around our neck have to be before we choke? We do eight to five; 
the system works overtime to ensure the hungry never get fed, to make sure working class 
children never receive an education beyond what the system needs, and blocks access to 
tertiary education with financial barricades. If education is the key to being free, it’s 
no wonder they keep the poor locked out, or our throats slit with debt.

The system suffocates, and there is really not enough space at the top; we need to make 
society bottom-up instead. It is far more important we empower ourselves with liberatory 
education, from below, embrace the lessons learnt from day-to-day struggle, building our 
own popular education, opening our own mind. Let us move onwards, with a revolutionary 
counter-culture embracing new ideas of what a better free anarchist society looks like.
And clear about the enemy we face. I present to you capitalism. Capitalism, who never 
travels alone: his brother, the state, next to him; his son racism to his right, and his 
daughter, the class system to his left. And at their feet, we, the working class: the 
workers, the unemployed, slaves of the factories, slaves of the offices, slaves of the 
mines, slaves of the shops, slaves of the system, picking up the pieces of our broken 
dreams, chained by a past of exploitation, racism and colonialism, blinded by the glare of 
a fake future promised on the billboards. Held down by the weight of our chains.
This why it is important we celebrate May Day.

The working class – all of us, white collar, blue collar, pink collar, employed and 
unemployed, skilled and unskilled, city and country, men and women, of all countries and 
peoples – have never stopped fighting back.

We have been picking up broken crayons, in the hopes of colouring in a better tomorrow for 
ourselves. We carry hand-me-down dreams from different tales of socialism, the dreams of 
freedom, of dignity, burning in our hearts, while we wear fake smiles for our masters, 
in-between lies. In our eyes, rests the hope of one day being able to grow into the sounds 
of our own laughter, where we can wear our happiness and freedom like fitting gloves. 
Unbowed. Unweighted by chains. Not forgetting the past, but moving into the new land of 
Capitalism, racism, sexism, and class: hammer forces, colliding trains, smashing into us, 
who have no life insurance, and leaving us shattered windshields for eyes. Battered and 
blinded, it’s no wonder we'd rather march for minimum wages than a wage-less society; no 
wonder we constantly stumble after false solutions in “workers parties” and election 
promises, instead of democracy-from-below, in building our movements into a counter-power 
that can create a new world. No wonder we are held into separate sections of the 
stumbling, by continuous lines of old division and dogma.
An entire orchestra drowns in our throats: the voices of the unemployed echoing in a 
society with veins like guitar strings, our voices cracking, like the self-esteem of the 
single African mother dependent on a barely functional welfare system, our screams 
whispers, our dreams blazing but blinded.

In days like these it is important to remember our heroes, our champions of past years, to 
remember the stories of Ma Josie Mpama, who wanted nothing more, than to see the working 
class mature, to explode like landmines under the feet of the oppressive system that has 
spent centuries trampling over us.

The other day, while deep in thought, I felt the room grow more still, filled with 
clarity. The voice of Lucy Parsons pierced my very being. She, a labourer, a black woman, 
radical socialist and a mindful anarchist, had joined me in a conversation, not alone but 
with the likes of comrades from many sides, among them Samuel Fielden, S.P Bunting, T.W. 
Thibedi and Johnny Gomas.
Their voices reminded me of the dream, the obtainable goal. They reminded me that it was 
days like May Day, a symbolic dream, a global general strike, raised over the broken 
promises and bones, made by rich and powerful men carrying the flags of slavery, racism, 
gender oppression, exploitation, and neo-liberalism. The flag of capitalism and all its 
children, and its brother, the state.
They jogged my memory, reminded me that it was up to us to create a better tomorrow, and 
that we can! Even if the system has us looking like we are losing the fight against a 
melanoma, where even chemotherapy has claimed all our dreams.
To remember that we, the working class billions, can be more than what we are now, that we 
can awake, from our half-life, that we can be more than the shares and stocks that the 
system has nailed to our backs. That we can have the audacity to breathe, that we can do 
more than march apologetically, hoping for concessions from our ruling class masters.
I hope we wake up from our slumber. I hope the working class remembers that without her, 
there is no them, no ruling class. I hope we form ranks so tight, that nothing can get 
through them. I hope we remember that it all belongs to us.
That ours are victories won neither by co-option or negotiation. I hope we remember why 
May Day is what it is, that it is more than a public holiday but a powerful reminder: of 
the ongoing struggle for a united, anti-capitalist, anti-statist, bottom-up, international 
movement, asserting the common interests of the people against the minority elites who use 
laws and their militarized police to keep us oppressed.
This is the time to embrace working-class unity and challenge the status quo of capitalist 

May Day is a call to the global working class to unite across any and all division lines 
that exist; to unite across race; to unite against nationalism and to fight for a 
bottom-up democracy, for workers’ control, one world, freedom and justice, redress of past 
wrongs and economic and social equality, self-management. Only then are we truly free.
Related Link:


Message: 4

Thursday May 26, the anarchist group Amsterdam organizes a screening of the documentary 
‘Alles Flex?’ followed by an interview with Abel Heijkamp and music by the Italian 
troubadour Allessandro Mezzigori. ---- Alles Flex? About the limits of flexibility. ---- 
What kind of society are we creating if living and working is increasingly flexible? This 
is the question central to Abel Heijkamp and Julij Borštnik’s documentary ‘Alles Flex?’. 
Through the eyes of high and low educated, young and old, singles and families, we take a 
look at how the flexibilisation of work and housing affects family planning, communities, 
inequality, gentrification, renters and labor protection. In other words: What are the 
limits of flexibility? ---- The documentary will be in Dutch with English subtitles. ---- 
See the trailer:

Thursday, May 26

Open 19:00, start 19:30

Theater Munganga, Schinkelhavenstraat 27

Free entry.

The day before, Wednesday 25 at 20:30 Faircinema will host screening at the Pieter 
Nieuwlandstaat 93, free entry.


Message: 5

The Visitor services staff of National Museum of Scotland members of the union PCS 
recently won a victory over their bosses after their long running dispute. This is 
Edinburgh Anarchist Federation’s statement of Congratulations. ---- Edinburgh Anarchists 
would like to congratulate PCS Museum Workers at the National Museum of Scotland on their 
recent victory in their dispute with their bosses. ---- After a long dispute going back 
years over the issue of unequal pay and weekend working, major gains have been won. ---- 
Fair Pay at National Museums Scotland writes “Thanks to everybody who worked so hard over 
the years, and to those who showed their solidarity and support! ---- ‘Following a 
breakthrough offer from management, PCS suspended the first three weeks of a planned six 
weeks of sustained, weekend industrial action. Members had been due to escalate their 
action from Easter until the Holyrood elections at the start of May.

Intensive negotiations with management have been ongoing for the last 2 weeks, which led 
to an offer being made. Our members voted to accept an offer to put an end to the two-tier 
workforce and tackle low pay at the museum.
Members will receive wage rises of between £221 and £1,634, with the lowest paid gaining 
the most. Most members will also get compensation payments of between £600 and £15,000, 
with an average of over £12,000 for those currently in receipt of the allowance. National 
Museums management has committed to further addressing the issue of low pay going forward. 
Overtime rates and shift allowances will increase and temporary workers will get first 
option of new permanent jobs, expected soon.

Lynn Henderson, PCS national officer, said: “We are pleased to announce that our members 
have voted overwhelmingly to accept the offer from management. For PCS, the dispute was 
always about two things, low pay and ending the two-tier workforce. This deal meets both 
our objectives. This settlement is hugely significant for our members in National Museums 
Scotland who have shown that through united and determined action we can win significant 
results, even in the face of austerity.” ”

This victory shows the value of organizing and that despite the nay-sayers today strikes 
can achieve great successes.

Edinburgh Anarchists truly hope the Museum workers are satisfied with this result and 
these gains are in line with the aimed result.

Well Done!


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