Anarchistic update news all over the world - 27 May 2016
Today's 9 Topics:
1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #260 - Middle East: Some
legions of horrors (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
2. rance, We loose nothing ! - (AL) (fr)
[machine translation] (
3. US, FROM NYC ANARCHISTS TO THE Kurdish YPS May 20, 2016
4. CNT Córdoba - Solidarity with Palestine on the 68th
anniversary of the Nakba (ca) [machine translation]
5. Turkey, sosyalsavas.orgWomen 'divorce Commission' to survive
(tr) [machine translation] (
6. fau berlin - On 4th June: Take to the streets! Make the
bosses pay! (de, tr) (
7. Turkey, May 28 Saturday in front of the
Azerbaijani Consulate Call to Action! (tr) [machine translation]
8. US, First of May Anarchist Alliance: Detroit Event in June:
IWOC, Solidarity and Prisoner Resistance (
9. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #260 - Kobanî: Feminism,
reconstruction, self (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
Message: 1
The situation in the Middle East reveals every day a little more cynicism of French and
Western leaders, who under the pretext of defending the people or to combat terrorism seek
above all to safeguard their interests. And from Paris to Aleppo via Raqqa, people toast.
---- The Russian military intervention alongside Assad and Iran has changed the situation
in Syria and the Middle East. Militarily, the balance of power has been reversed, the
defensive army of the regime has gone on the offensive. She has regained some of the
ground lost in 2015, it marked important points to achieve the strategic goal of regaining
control of the borders with Jordan and Turkey. Russian aerial bombardments have
significantly degraded the operational capacity of all the tendencies of the armed
opposition, including Daech.
The truce: a respite to get reinforcements
The regime emerges strengthened politically, Assad will not be overthrown by military
means, the claim of his enemies resigns prior to any negotiation has become untenable. The
United States and France are already used to the idea that he remains in power for a
transitional period. Saudi Arabia and Turkey still refuse categorically, but what can they
do? Directly intervene is to run the risk of war with Russia to uncontrollable
consequences - a prospect that worries the White House.
This new balance of power has forced Obama to agree with Putin on a "cessation of
hostilities" part, which led to a lull in the fighting from February 27. However, peace is
far away: for one as for the other it is only a tactical truce. The rebels supported by
Washington need respite for reinforcements fighters replenish their arsenals and
reorganize their defense lines. The regular army and its allies can redeploy their forces
against Al-Daech and Nosra Front that are not covered by the agreement and with the help
of Russian aviation, they continue their progress. Large-scale fighting could start again
at any time.
The western side is defeated. Russian imperialism is back in force in the Middle East
after the long hiatus that followed the collapse of the USSR. How did we get there? The
Syrian strategy Westerners is wrong to base, it is based on the claim that the rebellion
is moderate ability to militarily defeat Assad and Daech both. But this is not the case.
The fact that they cling to this illusion shows the impasse where they are.
War is no longer confined to Syria or the Middle East, its consequence reach Europe and
endanger the cohesion of the Western camp. The stir caused by the wave of refugee
Syrian-es are pitching the EU: the nationalist and xenophobic movements develop; Member
States are torn on the policy to be adopted; Fortress Europe is increasing but is
fragmented to the point that the Schengen area is threatened, one of the emblematic
achievements of European integration. The EU remained uncompromising on its principles, as
the neighboring countries of Syria were now concerned it is touched in turn, the departure
of Assad is no longer the priority.
Putin's strength is to have a clear policy since 2011: support to power up, no thank you
struggle against jihadi Salafists. While Westerners are weakened by their double
discourse, their ulterior motives and their hypocrisy. The French case is exemplary, the
democratic-humanitarian discourse of the ruling class barely conceal what really motivates
its Syrian policy. Paris condemns Bashar the butcher but said nothing against the dirty
war against the Kurds Erdogan, on the contrary, she agrees to cede to blackmail the
refugee-es accepting that the EU pays a ransom of several billion euros . Nor were
denouncing the invasion of Yemen by Saudi Arabia and the shelling of civilians who have
nothing to envy to those of the Damascus regime. Rather, Holland does not hesitate to
decorate the crown prince of the Legion of Honour.
arms sales to Saudi Arabia
It is the same counter-terrorism, power imposes state of emergency which is primarily used
to repress social movements, but it does nothing against the countries supporting Islamic
terrorism. Nothing against the Saudi theocracy source of Wahhabi ideology adopted by
Al-Qaeda and Daech and fund generously. Nothing against Turkey which serves as their rear
base and finance Daech through oil smuggling. The position of the Elysee on Syria is
determined by the significant investments of the French bourgeoisie in Turkey and highly
profitable arms sales to Saudi Arabia and its Gulf acolytes. As US and Russian
imperialism, French imperialism is determined to fight for its interests until the last
Syrian and Syrian.
Hervé (AL Marseille
Message: 2
Friday, several meetings of strikers decided to continue the movement; This is the case in
Paris East, Paris Austerlitz, Paris-Saint-Lazare, Sotteville, Grenoble, Saint-Jean de
Maurienne, Tours, ... ---- This is insufficient to push back the bosses of the rail
sector, and too localized to help win against the proposed labor law. But those who
struggle right! The strikers maintain a movement that is not finished and will allow it to
restart. ---- Of course, the situation would have been better if the CGT had not given
instruction to stop the strike after 48 hours without taking the opinion of the AG and all
of the SUD-Rail and FO unions had raised the slogan of renewable strike. ----
Procrastinated enough, that the unions show their usefulness in organizing and supporting
the ongoing strike, they gave voice democracy general meetings where the strikers decide
suites! The time is always in the fight:
for our claims in the rail sector, facing the bosses of UTP and SNCF,
with all employees against the proposed labor law!
Message: 3
We placed this banner on the Manhattan Bridge to demonstrate our complete and total
solidarity with the Kurdish resistance in Bakur. We hope to shed light on the current war
of aggression in Kurdistan, unleashed by the Turkish state with unrelenting US complicity.
The barbarism of the Turkish state, and its NATO patrons, have reached unprecedented
heights and we call on anarchists and revolutionaries worldwide to take immediate action
in solidarity with the rebels in Kurdistan. ---- While much of the world has plunged into
darkness the revolutionary movement in Kurdistan stands in stark contrast. >From the United
States to Hungary, from Turkey to Brazil the forces of reaction are on the offensive. Our
task seems daunting when we comprehend the totality of forces against us. But this is
precisely why the revolution in Rojava and the struggle in Bakur is so important for humanity.
Despite the relentless military assaults by Turkey and ISIS, Bakur and Rojava have set a
new standard for all human aspiration. The forms of revolutionary social organization
gives existence meaning again and reflects human creativity’s desire to express itself
freely in the face of unparalleled odds.
The advancement towards self-rule in Bakur proved too odious to the Turkish state’s drive
for total domination. As Turkey arms ISIS, Al-Nusra, and other jihadi groups to attack
Rojava, it has also launched a ruthless genocidal war against Kurds in Bakur and Iraq.
Civilians are being callously gunned down in the streets, apartments are being bombed,
people seeking shelter are being burned alive in basement hideouts, all while the Turkish
state, with US arms, attempts to consolidate one of the cruelest military occupations in
the world.
In spite of this the local youth have risen and formed a people’s defense force: the YPS
and the YPS-Jin. Supporters from the region and international revolutionaries have joined
their ranks, while HPG guerrillas support their activities in the countryside.
For three months these fighters have stopped the Turkish army, breathing a new life into
the struggle for liberation and giving meaning to the nature of resistance. Their
revolutionary war marks a decisive moment in the global battle of acceptance against
fascism, self-rule against oppression, feminism against patriarchy, communal
self-organization against authoritarianism and life against death.
This is not the time to sit at home and wonder what might be. In Bakur and Rojava people
are building the future now. Not just for Kurdish people, not just for those in the Middle
East, but for the world. Our call is total rebellion: rise up against the totalitarian
machines, the nation-state system, NATO and its US emperor, and the institutions of the
Turkish state.
Join the fight on your home territory. The people of Bakur and Rojava have opened a new
horizon. Everywhere we replace hierarchy with decentralization, prison with liberation;
everywhere we dismantle the forces of domination, humanity will triumph over power.
Kurdistan will be the graveyard of fascism.
Long Live Rojava and Bakur!
Biji YPS!
Biji YPS-Jin!
Biji YPG and YPJ!
Biji HPG!
Message: 4
On May 15, 2016 it is given the 68th anniversary of the Nakba (disaster), the expulsion of
the Palestinian people from their land after being declared the State of Israel a day
earlier, on May 14. This event occurred within an orchestrated plan long for the old
imperialist powers Britain and France, who were the primary drivers of Zionism and its
expansion in Palestinian territories. ---- United Nations awarded the State of Israel more
than 50% of Palestinian territory and since 1948 the Zionist state of Israel begins an act
of genocide and ethnic cleansing that lasts until today. Zionists systematically expelled
from their land have 80% of the Palestinian population, with initial support from England
and United Nations, and the US unconditional covenant to the Hebrew state and its
machinery of war and destruction against the Arabs.
L @ s refugiad @ s Palestinians s are more than 5 million today, consummating a racist and
cleaning act ethnic by Zionism, which was initially boosted since the British mandate
until 1947 and then by the US and the Western powers .
Again the geostrategic and military interests of the great powers are above human rights
condemning a people, Palestinian, before a criminal and fascist state like Israel only
seeks its destruction and colonize all the land, to the complicity of the international
Recently the Pacific campaign of BDS boycott, disinvestment and sanctions against Israel
is under attack by the Zionist government does not hesitate to call the elimination of BDS
Movement activists. The Zionist state pursues social movements, once again, with impunity.
Since CNT Córdoba as an internationalist organization called for international solidarity
with the Palestinian people, condemning the Zionist state of Israel and the genocide
perpetrated for nearly seven decades ago, and the support of the Palestinian struggle and
boycott campaigns against Israel.
CNT Córdoba
Message: 5
Women, including the Parliamentary Commission Divorce take away the rights of women in
divorce and the marriage with the abuser of children abused held a press statement on the
report. Description Read Ankara Anarchist Women's Initiative from Sümeyra Goren, saying
Turkey is also not consistent with the recommendations of the Istanbul Convention is a
signatory, will continue to struggle as women, he said. ---- Feminism Movement, Ankara
Anarchist Initiative, Campus Witch and Pink Life, organized a march to protest the report
containing met Yüksel street Assembly Divorce Commission taking away women's divorce
rights and be married to the abuser of children abused. Frequent "Long live women's
solidarity," "the night, the streets, do not leave the square," and "If Collar illuminates
the world of women" slogan idle action, the press statement on behalf of women Ankara
Anarchist Women's Initiative member Sümeyra Goren studied. Sümeyra, "women's emancipation
without the violence prevention, women's and children's rights ensured integrity in any
area of society, including family protection. Male strengthen women and children naughty
nothing but refute the community approach to limiting swore allegiance to him, "he said.
"Women do not accept the suggestions that has usurped the rights of children '
The commission was established to investigate divorce in Parliament that ignores women,
rape of mind and child marriage are encouraging, indicating that they did not accept the
proposal that has usurped the women and children's rights Sümeyra were aware of the false
suggestion of divorce commissions and child abusers to, rapists did the emphasis aklat
they will not. The statistics look at the results of women stating that exceed percent
thousand 400 of murder Sümeyra, rape, child abuse and investigate the murders of women and
to prevent the formation of these problems work instead established to investigate divorce
in parliamentary committee's purpose and stated that they know to be fed from what the
mentality of these commissions.
'Proposal was the forerunner of the masculine mentality'
"January 14, 2016 in order to investigate the reasons for divorce in the parliament
'family integrity of the investigation of the negative factors affecting with divorce and
family institutions of determining the measures to be taken to strengthen' investigation
commission was established under the name of unacceptable wants the legalization of
misogynist mentality with the recommendations of illustrate in a concrete way the eyes"
Sümeyra he spoke, the commission collected 20 times so far and have not contacted the
institution of the women's movement misogynist, he said the reporter will present the
proposal masculine mentality.
'The Commission does not coincide with the Istanbul Convention'
According to the proposal the Commission made it rape who had been raped would mated to a
5-year marriage in the probation will be to blame if problems arise and victims and
offenders 15 years of age stated that the extinguishment of the criminal case of small
Sümeyra of Turkey with the practices in the Istanbul Convention is the signatory to this
expressed not coincide recommendations.
'Another useless refute these suggestions from the community'
"Women's liberation without the violence prevention, women's and children's rights ensured
integrity in any area of society, including family protection. Male strengthen women and
children naughty nothing but refuted community understanding confine swore allegiance to
him, "he continued his speech Sümeyra, as women," nothing happens than once "by the logic
of the child the backs of coming violators ignore the rape continue to struggle against
stroked mentality that he said.
Source: Jinhe
Message: 6
Date: Fri, 27 May 2016 10:52:28 +0300
To: en <>
Subject: (en) fau berlin - On 4th June: Take to the streets! Make the
bosses pay! (de, tr)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"
Whenever the FAU – Freie Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter Union (Free Workers Union) Berlin gets
involved in conflicts at a workplace, we tend to quickly be successful. The bosses’
wrongdoings are oftentimes beyond good and evil so that small actions can already lead to
concessions on their side. Right now, however, we are stuck in a number of wage conflicts:
eight of our Romanian colleagues have been exploited on the construction site of the “Mall
of Berlin” and still, after two years of struggle, have not received any payment! The
people responsible are hiding behind a chain of sub-contractors, trying to demoralize us
with lengthy lawsuits. ---- Another colleague has been tricked out of more than 1000 Euros
of wages by a restaurant. This is very commonplace in the gastronomy sector. Yet, in this
case the boss is not just reluctant to pay but has obtained an injunction against our
Union. The FAU Berlin now is prohibited to make public demands from the company. Doing so
might result in a penalty of 250 000 Euro or six months in jail. One of our comrades is
already being investigated! Instead of paying the wages – a negligible sum of money for
the company – he invests in lawyers and courts.
We are regularly targeted with such legal means to impede our activity. In 2010 our
enemies went so far as to trying to prevent the FAU Berlin from officially calling itself
a “Trade Union”. The bosses’ strategy is clear: They go out of their ways to silence a
fighting Union! They want to make an example out of the colleagues, who demand their
rights in order to single them out before other employees may follow them. They know that
working people cannot afford a lawsuit. In the end, not everyone is equal in front of the law.
Well, too bad the bosses did not reckon with die FAU Berlin and our friends! As a solidary
Union we fight with all means necessary until the end. We are counting, though, on support
from outside. Show your solidarity with the colleagues in struggle and join the
demonstration. An injury to one is an injury to all!
No boss and no judge will silence us! Defend Union liberty!
Demonstration on Saturday, June 4th, 2 p.m. at Hackescher Markt
Message: 7
Mammadov Qiyas Ibrahimov and Azerbaijani anarchists Day, Heydar Aliyev's monument, "Happy
day slaves" did someone written. This action is a wasteful way government by May 10 is
celebrated every night of 2016 that was held in Heydar Aliyev's birthday. Aliyev is sure
to be a cult of personality, such an action by the government (the son Ilham Aliyev's
presidency) firmly condemnedand activists were detained on May 10, 2016. Police planted
drugs on them. ---- This is not the first dirty game played by the state in Azerbaijan.
Absolute every threat directed at the ruling to cover up with a variety of calipers and
happy people, who tried to create the perception of the state free state, imprisoning
behind the revolutionary action of each drug lie shows political personalities as a drug
addict. However, we do not need to be numbed our ideas that we know very well.
Police put the money in their own pounds of heroin in prison for 12 years to pass the law.
apologize or tortured for hours in front of television cameras by placing flowers in front
of the statue. This is a message given to our comrades who deny their actions. Ink
political personality to prison or 12 years!
We are anarchists against the father, the son ongoing fascist state building in
Azerbaijan, chose direct action, we are in solidarity with our comrades into a power move
to action to words and theories. Our sense of solidarity requires to abandon our comrades
in the hands of any state. Whether Azerbaijan wants Greece wants Chile, or Spain, no
matter in which corner of the world feel our boundaries.
We stand with those who bow to authoritarian vinegar.
Azerbaijan on Saturday, May 28, during the International Week of Action and Solidarity
with anarchist prisoners in front of the Azerbaijani consulate is our call to action.
Meeting place: Azerbaijan consulate Address: Akatlar mah.zeytinoğl the Besiktas
/ Istanbul Time: 13:00
Event page
Bayram Mammadov and Qiyas Ibrahimova force on hunger strike!
Cells, destruction!
The freedom of the raid until all icons scattered with attractive!
ABC Istanbul
- Azerbaijan on Prisoners Call for Solidarity with the anarchists!
Message: 8
PDF of flier, here.
The Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC) is a campaign to defend our Sisters
and Brothers locked up and on the inside. The campaign works to build solidarity and aid
for those in prison. IWOC works with their families, communities and allies on the
outside. From everyday needs to the direct support for prisoner resistance, IWOC works to
build the movement against injustice! ---- Prisoners are on the front lines of the
struggle against wage slavery and forced slave labor conditions, where refusal to work
while in prison results in inhumane retaliation. The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
has created IWOC which functions as a liaison for prisoners to organize each other,
unionize, and to build solid bridges between prisoners on the inside and fellow workers on
the outside. IWOC understands the importance of organizing with prisoners so that
prisoners can directly challenge prison slavery, work conditions, and the system itself.
Join Us For Discussion Of IWOC
And It’s Organizing Possibilities In Detroit
Guest speaker is former prisoner and current national organizer for IWOC
Friday June 10th, 7PM
Old St John’s Church, 2120 Russell Street, Detroit
(Russell St south of Gratiot in the Eastern Market district)
Co-sponsored by:
IWOC: – –
& First of May Anarchist Alliance: – –
Message: 9
Frequently self-management of Montreuil awarded 1000 euros in feminist reconstruction
project Kobanî worn by the women's movement Yekîtiya Star. ---- After four successful
editions, the Fair is to self-management, in 2016, suspended. This was decided by the
general meeting, feeling fatigue earn ranks. But as its coffers are well stocked, the AG
decided, however, to make aid to self-management projects in Greece, Turkey, France, in
Chiapas and Rojava. ---- On February 19, a delegation of the Fair has therefore visited
the headquarters of the Kurdish left in Paris 10th. She met the collective women Kobanî
Solidarity, which relays in France the work of the women's movement Yekîtiya Star ,
founded in 2005 in Syrian Kurdistan. ---- This leads, on the spot, three reconstruction
projects in the city promoting the economic empowerment, political and cultural situation
of women.
First, you must relaunch two production cooperatives - olive textile - destroyed by the
Islamic State. Formerly, women were confined to the least skilled labor: the olive harvest
and cotton. This time the workers maîtriseraient the entire process, from harvesting to
processing: oil, soap, a hand hygiene products; clothing and other fabrics.
Secondly, it is about building an academy for women, a typical institution of the Kurdish
left[1]. This is a forum and political development based on knowledge from the experiences
of women themselves, independently of the state and the University, where male hegemony
has too often led to relay the patriarchal ideology. The academy will include conference
rooms and of course, a memory of struggles guardian library and cafeteria. It should also
include a health center focused on the needs of women (gynecology, obstetrics ...) and
psychological support to victims of war atrocities.
Visibility of women in public space
Third, before the academy would be built a square with a work of art designed by artists
from all parts of Kurdistan - probably a mosaic - a tribute to the feminist struggles in
the Middle East. The issue is the visibility of women in public space.
To finance these projects, the collective women Kobanî Solidarity seeks to collect 30,000
euros. It organizes support parties and seeks social movement organizations and
municipalities. For now, he has received no aid from the French feminist movement, neither
"official" nor "alternative". Frequently self-management gave; City Champigny seems
interested; the Solidaires union local Rouen held a public meeting on the subject on 11 March.
The money comes gradually. Do not hesitate to invite the women of the group: they are
ready to intervene in the exchange-sex days or public meetings.
Audrey (U 93)
Blog Collectif Solidarité Femmes Kobanî
[1] Read "The success of the movement of Kurdish women" , Alternative Libertaire, March 2015.