Anarchistic update news all over the world - 25 May 2016

Anarchistic update news all over the world - 25 May 2016

Today's 2 Topics:

1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #260 - Sexual violence:
Behind the war, rape (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
2. Greece, May 24 Occupation of the Ministry of Labour - Pl.
Korai By A.P.O. + by Anarchist Meeting on Social and Class
Emancipation (gr) [machine translation] (


Message: 1

In Kivu region in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), tens of thousands of women 
were raped and mutilated. The violence continues and now affect girls and babies. A sadly 
common example of the use of rape as a weapon of war, highlighted by the figure of a 
doctor that "restores women." ---- The film The Man Who repairs the women currently on 
screens (large cities and not for long) recounts the work of Denis Mukwege, a Congolese 
gynecologist who operates and tries to repair organs mutilated women. ---- Since 1994 and 
the arrival of the Rwandan genocide, militias and armed forces clash on this field. Lulls, 
peace agreements and demobilization succeed and it is still not peace. Rapes have never 
stopped even if Dr. Mukwege has seen a recent decline in arrivals in his clinic. Armed 
militias and fought (also) for access to the wealth of the subsoil of this region 
contains, among other cassiterite and coltan, essential components of electronic devices 
and especially our mobile phones.

The responsibility of rich countries' enterprises is not clearly established (but we only 
lend to the rich ...) in the looting and violence that they induce. It seems a little 
cleaning is done in the traceability of the origin of the metals and the prohibition to 
supply the black market in war zones. But it's like the pig turned into France who leaves 
"made in France", the metal can be "made in China" after a trip.

Figures are uncertain but more than 200 000 women were abused since 1998. Peace has never 
been established, armed militia réattaquées in January. Rapes do not start, they never 
stopped. Rape is a weapon of war intended to traumatize and do from the people. But new 
horror in recent years: very young girls, and babies are raped. Even in zones of peace. If 
some certain and explain these facts by the ancient belief that if a man lie with a 
virgin, he will be rich, the explanation is more rational. Child soldiers, soldiers, 
demobilized militiamen are found in civilian life with insufficient counseling and lived 
and exercised violence leads them to commit atrocities. When there are (too rare) arrests, 
he (too many) acquittals. Congolese soldiers of the UN forces in CAR have been sent home 
after several rapes.

Demolish and to terrorize

Excerpts from an article in Le Monde, July 16, 2013 are eloquent: "It violates the 
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Women, girls and babies recently. collectively are 
violated in public, to demolish and to terrorize. For days, sometimes for months before 
shooting itself in the vaginas or lacerate the blows of razor blades, fill the salt, 
burning rubber or caustic soda, to dump the fuel and set it on fire. There are less than 
three weeks, a little girl of 18 months he (the surgeon since filmed) was made, the 
exploded genitalia. New babies arrived in the state since January (ie between January and 
July 2013), 36 children under 10 years. "

If rich countries are concerned about the carbon footprint of travel, which is concerned 
the balance sheet in suffering women of our consumer goods?

Christine (AL Orne)


Message: 2

This morning the Anarchists Convention on Social and Class Emancipation made seizure of 
the building of the Ministry of Labour in Pl. Korai. ---- Concentration in Pl. Korai at 
11:00 outside the occupied building of the Ministry of Labour. ---- AGAINST STATE AND 
AND libertarian communism ---- Concentration 11:00 Korai Square ---- Anarchist Political 
Organisation - Federation collectivity ---- Athens Regional Coordination ---- ---- ---- Posted by: Athos Simonetis ----

Today at 9am comrades understood Annex Ministry of Labour at Korai Square. We call for 
concentration on 11 out of the occupied building.

SOCIAL AND CLASS counterattack

Under the present conditions are now more apparent than ever that the perpetuation of 
bankrupt political and economic system of power means for their bottom misery and death, 
while the economic and political elite higher profits and privileges.

The current management continues headlong attack against the society for the purpose of 
plundering and the subjugation of a state capital. Reductions to pensions and further 
increase the age limits provided for in the bill for the insurance recently adopted, the 
release of seizures, the exhausting working hours, the blackmail of unemployment, the 
selling off of public wealth in the context of the ongoing capitalist restructuring pro 
poverty and inequality, oppression, marginalization and exclusion for more and larger 
social pieces. At the same time, the regime shielded institutional and upgrades the 
repressive arsenal to address the existent resistance and the imminent social explosions.

The labor ministry is the state apparatus who organizes and imposes the conditions of 
exploitation and oppression of workers and applies all those antisocial measures to ensure 
social subjugation and ensure the profits and privileges of capital. For this reason it 
can only be the target of the oppressed and exploited.

The insurance bill like other measures enacted immediately previous period (VAT increase, 
decrease tax free, indirect tax package, Privatization Fund "red loans") and those which 
will still voted as part of the most recent agreement of the Greek State with the EU and 
the IMF, are another time of the attack against the whole of society by legitimizing the 
plunder of the stored wealth of workers, intensifying the exploitation of labor and 
shifting the consequences of unemployment from the bosses on the backs of exploited . To 
set up embankments against any antisocial measure and to resist further degradation of our 
lives. The solution for the workers, the unemployed, youths, locals and immigrants is not 
a corporatist and fragmentary struggles -who not expanded and led to defeat as many times 
manipulated and trimmed by their bosses and sold out in state and bosses trade union 
leaders - not even in a time of change management policy. The only solution for them from 
the bottom of this world is the question of duty of the state and the bosses how society 
organization, the evacuation of the ideological domination on the "end of history" or a 
"capitalism with a human face" and the logical assignment.

The outlet is located in the self-organized and unmediated social and class struggles for 
the abolition of exploitation and oppression, for the total subversion of the state and 
capitalism. Against the economic and political elites to oppose the class and social 
councils to fight for a world of freedom, solidarity and equality.

EITHER ABSOLUTE submission and misery

Concentration 11:00 Pl. Korai

outside the busy Annex Ministry of Labour

Anarchist Meeting on Social and Class Emancipation


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