US police stop lesbian from using girls’ toilet

La nouvelle édition du journal The Freethinker Post vient de sortir de presse! Edition du 28 avril 2016‏

Publié par
Dorian Staten
28 avril 2016
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China Unveils Weaponised Robot Security Guard
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Dorian Staten
thumbnailwww­.newsweek­.com - An autonomous robot security guard equipped with weapons and intelligent video analysis equipment has been unveiled in China. The AnBot is China’s first “intelligent security robot,” according to s...
US police stop lesbian from using girls’ toilet
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Dorian Staten
thumbnailwww­.dazeddigital­.com - Although the location of the video is not specified, there are indications that it could have been filmed in North Carolina; where they are now actively enforcing similar ‘toilet checks’. Thanks to...
Why Microsoft Just Bought 10 Million Strands of DNA
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Dorian Staten
thumbnailfortune­.com - Microsoft msft . just bought 10 million strands of DNA from a San Francisco company called Twist Bioscience. Why? Data storage. When you think about DNA and data, chances are you’re thinking about ...
Humanist weddings continue to surge in number, bucking national trend
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British Humanists
thumbnailhumanism­.org­.uk - The British Humanist Association (BHA) has called for legal recognition to be given to humanist weddings across the UK, as new national marriage figures in England and Wales show that marriages ove...
Who Should Trump Pick As His VP? There Are So Many Terrible Options!
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Right Wing Watch
thumbnailwww­.rightwingwatch­.org - With Ted Cruz announcing yesterday that Carly Fiorina will be his running mate in his increasingly difficult path to the GOP presidential nomination, we thought it might be time for Donald Trump to...
Banned pesticides 'not equally harmful' to bees - BBC News
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New EU Sentinel radar satellite takes first image - BBC News
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Plants might remember with prions
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How animal poop could be key in solving echidna mystery
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Lifestyle has a strong impact on intestinal bacteria, which has strong impact on health
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Words’ meanings mapped in the brain
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Rafael Cruz: Hillary Will Destroy the Country!
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Using the 2016 Election to Illustrate the Problem With Identity Politics
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Why do we give robots female names? Because we don't want to consider their feelings
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Bigots Deface Awesome Pro-Queer Billboard In North Carolina
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Maybe you should have thought that Supreme Court thing out a little more, Chuck Grassley
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Triangles in the Sky Tell the Story of the Universe’s Birth
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Can the Republican Party solve its science denial problem? | Dana Nuccitelli
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