Third Wave Implosion Tracker

Reality is hunting the Idiocracy to extinction...

Today's low volume short-covering rally was all about filling yesterday's downside gap. What else?

Once again, all open gaps are to the downside. Why selloff during the day, when you can selloff overnight, ahead of everyone else...

I think we all see where I'm going with this...

The VIX filled its gap as well, deja vu of August...

Relative to the article above, as I pointed out today, small cap volatility is low, but the VIX is even lower, making the ratio a key signal:


Price momentum has rolled over...

Deja vu of late December, volume is yet low...

"Biotech has best day since 2011"

Biotech was the last sector to peak in December, as well:

The diversified Buffett portfolio, extremely weak

Transports: Down all day...

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