Russian Reaction To Reports That Their Jets 'Buzzed' A U.S. Destroyer In The Baltic Sea

Daily Mail: You started it! Russia claims its fighter jets only buzzed US Navy warship because it was ‘in proximity’ of nearby Baltic base

* Two Russian Su-24 fighter planes thundered over the USS Donald Cook in the most 'aggressive' move in years
* Jets were just 30ft above the warship during the 'simulated attack' maneuver that created a 'wake in the water'
* US Destroyer was operating in the Baltic Sea, 70 miles from Kaliningrad, when the unarmed planes thundered past
* The White House condemned Russia for the latest in a series of 'concerning' clashes between the two nations
* Russian defense ministry said planes were conducting a test flight and observed all relevant 'safety measures'

Russia has dismissed criticism that its jets 'aggressively' buzzed a US warship in the Baltic Sea and said its pilots had observed all the required safety measures.

The Russian defense ministry today said its Su-24 planes were conducting test flights and claimed the USS Donald Cook was in 'operational proximity of the Russian navy's Baltic fleet base' as the reason for the flypast.

The ministry said its aircraft observed the ship and then 'turned away in observance of all safety measures'.

On Tuesday evening the Russian planes thundered over the US destroyer at a height of just 30ft in what a military official branded the most 'aggressive' incident between Russia and the United States in years.

The 'simulated attack' maneuver saw the jets pass so close to the ocean that they created a 'wake in the water', the defense official said.

The shock move came as a Polish helicopter was taking off from the US warship on Tuesday evening.

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More News On Russian Reaction To Reports That Their Jets 'Buzzed' A U.S. Destroyer In The Baltic Sea

Russia Rejects Criticism of Fly-by Near US Navy Destroyer -- AP
Russia says respected all safety rules in passes near U.S. warship: Ifax -- Reuters
Russia defends pilots who buzzed US Navy destroyer -- FOX News
Russia denies breaking rules over low pass of US destroyer -- BBC
"Playing with fire"? Russia defends close fly-bys of U.S. warship -- CBS
Russia defends close encounter with U.S. Navy missile destroyer -- CNN
Russia downplays fly-by near U.S. Navy destroyer -- Navy Times/AP
Russia says fighter jets 'observed safety measures' in US Navy ship flyby -- IBTimes
Russia rejects complaints over simulated attacks by warplanes on US Navy destroyer -- The Independent
Russia Says Followed ‘All Safety Measures’ in Flyover of US Ship -- VOA
Russia Defends Warplanes That Flew Close To U.S. Naval Vessel -- RFE
Russia bewildered by U.S. Navy's 'painful reaction' to jet buzz -- UPI
Russian Jets 'Respected Rules' In Warship Flyby -- SKY News
Pilots Observed 'All Safety Precautions' When Flying Over US Destroyer, Russia Says -- ABC News
Russia mocks U.S. reaction after jets buzz Navy destroyer -- San Diego Tribune
Russia shrugs off criticism after buzzing U.S. ship -- USA Today

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