NEW > W2Italy-guide, print versions‏

Dear friends
We proudly present the print versions of our brandnew infoguide for migrants travelling to, through and from Italy !

The files are also linked in the printing-section as well as the italian overview and living (both english and french). Thanks to everybody who helped us producing it!
Both versions in arabic and farsi to come soon, still looking for translators and layouters for a tigrinya version. Please contact us if you can help us out or know someone who…
Call for donations !
We are printing the guides and will distribute them to the contacts provided in the guide and at the important places migrants are arriving or going through as well as through their communities in Italy. We urgently need some donations therefore.
  • In Europe: Associazione SOS Diritti – IBAN: IT08S0307502200CC8500358574, NOTE: W2ITALY
  • In Switzerland: Watch The Med Alarmphone Schweiz, PC: 61-172503-0, IBAN CH21 0900 0000 6117 2503 0,NOTE: W2EU
Thank you, also for sharing and spreading!
Have a good journey!

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