Just fun stuff

Flop like an eaglet  

Web Camera

This is cool stuff.  I was talking about birds and a person who follows sent me the link.

This person also blogs and has some (in my mind) great insights.  So you can check it out by clicking the link that follows.

See here for Blog

Shortly after writing about the birds  I happened to be out early in the morning walking the dog and  on our way home , as we passed the lake, I looked left and saw a large bird swoop down out of no where and with talons outstretched pull a large fish out of the water.  It was a juvenile Bald Eagle. It was nature in the raw and quite extraordinary.

The last time I had seen an eagle here was when they drained the lake and all of the carp were trapped in the muddy puddles left behind.  The eagles and ospreys and hawks and vultures and all manner of gulls swooped in for a feeding frenzy.  That was just before the PETA folks showed up to protest the cruelty to the fish and the lake managers had to arrange for fish rescue  and transport.  Only then did they learn that it is illegal to transport carp to any other body of water, as apparently they are an invasive of some sort.  That was the fun and games part of this missive, oh and that the president of the local angler's club had to change his phone number to unlisted because of all the death threats .

So being something of a Bird Nerd , I was very excited.  I rushed home and pulled out my field guide to confirm my suspicions.  And my identification of the bird was validated.

Later , by a couple of days I was in conversation with my brother in law and  on telling him my story, he told me of seeing several owls.  He is also an observer of natural world things.  So now I am on the look out  for Owls.  He said I will see your eagle and raise you two Owl, a grebe and a bittern.  That is the way it is done in bird world.  But with this I am trying to spot some Owls.

A couple of days later Debbie the cleaning lady, who goes job to job on her bicycle spotted us out early in the morning.  She loves all dogs, even the ones she adopts--which is another story.
She comes over and makes my dog just ever a bit more spoiled for all of the attention she lavishes on  him.  So, being I am so excited about my Eagle encounter of a couple of days before I tell her the story. 

Oh, she replies, I am surprised you haven't seen him before, he is nested up  in the woods behind my house and has been for two years.   Oh, I say, well next time I see you I will tell you about the Owls. 

They live down by the brook, she says as she rides off.

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