Judges on fire

Fun and Games

Judge not lest you be judged.  The funniest part of the story in the link above was the commentary that follows in our on line world. Much of it off color and decidedly politically incorrect.  The kind of humor that has gone underground in these squeaky sensitive days of our lives.

On line comments have a zest to them when improbable matters go viral.  Aside from the Trump moron/Hillary  moron types there are some pretty amusing stories that make the viral network.

Two female  judges duking it out is pretty funny when you sit and consider it.

Probably screaming  You are out of order  at each other louder that the other .

I have known more than a few judges over the years, most are pretty decent sort.  Many are tired and burned out lawyers who look for a soft landing before shuffling off, those are the best kind for they never forget from where they came and they understand the demands of practice and dealing with people.

There are others who are nothing more than political hacks who have never done anything other than sup from the public trough and their judgeship is nothing but more of the same.  I suspect these two combatants fall into the latter category.  They somehow think themselves special.

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