It’s Monday! What Are You Reading is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.
Other Than Reading...
The Easter Bunny didn't visit my house but the furnace repair men visited twice. I woke up Saturday morning to a furnace making a very loud noise. A furnace repair man came but his specialty was forced air not hot water heat. He advised heating my house with my oven while he tried to contact someone who knew boilers. The boiler specialist arrived at 3:30 Monday afternoon. Now I have a new pump, a new pressure release valve, and a really quiet furnace. I would have rather had the Easter Bunny but at least the bills go to my townhouse association.
Luckily the weather wasn't too cold this past weekend and the cool weather kept arriving all week. We've had rain or snow most of the week. The snow has been melting as it hit the ground. The temperature is supposed to hit 60 on Sunday but until then we are looking at highs in the 40s. I'm eager for spring to really arrive but this weather does keep my students in school mode. It's too cold for spring fever.
I enjoyed everything about the author signing I attended last Saturday night except the drive back home in the rain and dark. I was glad to finally settle in at home for Sunday and Monday and just read.
Read Last Week
I read The Black Dragon by Allyson James which I enjoyed. I like almost anything about dragons. My review will be posted on April 23.
Nothing. I'm concentrating on reading YA books right now.
Next Week
Coming up soon (I hope) are
- Midnight Marked by Chloe Neill
- Marked in Flesh by Anne Bishop
- Fire Touched by Patricia Briggs
- Silence by Mercedes Lackey
- I Dream of Dragons by Ashlyn Chase
- Hold Your Breath by Katie Ruggle
The Rejected Writers' Book Club by Suzanne Kelman was a Kindle book I bought after reading a great review.
Rusty Nail by J. A. Konrath was also a Kindle book that adds to a series I'm collecting on my Kindle. One day I hope to actually read them.
State of TBR Mountain:
- New in March: 33
- New in 2016: 101
- Still Unread March: 28
- Still Unread 2016: 65
- Total Unread: 1930