Is The Pentagon Planning An Affirmative Action Program For Its Top Posts?

President Barack Obama talks with the Joint Chiefs of Staff following a meeting in the Situation Room of the White House, Oct. 28, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Dan Lamonthe, Washington Post: Obama’s top generals are mostly white men. Could the system picking them change?

Since President Obama took office in 2009, his administration has pushed through a series of changes in the Defense Department that have made the U.S. military more inclusive. Among them, the Pentagon repealed the controversial “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that banned gay people from openly serving in the military, opened all combat jobs to women and is expected to begin letting transgender service members serve openly this year.

But one issue has been lagging: racial diversity. While the military “has probably done as good of a job as any institution in our society“” in integrating and bringing a diverse range of people into its ranks, Obama said last week, its most senior ranks are “less and less reflective” of society and those who serve in the military.

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Update: Pentagon proposal on 'Rooney Rule' for minority officers raising internal concerns (USA Today)

WNU Editor: I commented years ago that the Pentagon was planning an affirmative action program .... but they would only discuss it/implement it at the end of President Obama's term. My prediction .... it will be discussed, but not implemented.

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