Here Are 15 Famous Products That Were First Invented For The Military

A U.S. Army 2nd Lieutenant Uses An Army Issued Smartphone To Pull Up A Map For Afghan Villagers United States Army via Wikimedia

24/7 Wall St.: 15 Commercial Products Invented by the Military

Violence and destruction are perhaps at the core of military activity, but military needs are also the source of innovation. A number of widely used commercial products today were originally developed for the purpose of helping the military defend the country. Many of the most popular consumer products today — items such as the microwave, Silly Putty, and juice concentrate — were originally created for military use.

The federal government has always been the most powerful and resourceful entity in the United States. As a result, the military has had the means to make incredibly large investments, either through its own research agencies or through contracts with private companies. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), while involved in major innovations such as the Internet, is behind only two products on this list: GPS and the Aspen Movie Map, a precursor to Google’s Street View.

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WNU Editor: Instant coffee and the microwave?!?!?!?