Alex Emmons, The Intercept: Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit Neglects 98 Percent of the World’s Bomb-Ready Uranium
AT PRESIDENT OBAMA’S fourth and final nuclear security summit taking place this week, world leaders are confronting the danger posed by nuclear terrorism — specifically, by reducing the ways that terrorists could get their hands on the uranium they would need to build a nuclear bomb.
But critics have pointed out that the summits have only focused on highly enriched uranium in civilian possession, which, according to the Department of Energy, only accounts for 2 to 3 percent of the world’s supply. That small percentage is used mostly by academics for research and medical isotope production.
The remaining 97 to 98 percent is held in military stockpiles, which the security summits have largely ignored. Countries keep the safeguards on these stockpiles secret, and military material falls outside the scope of international security agreements.
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- April 2, 2016
The Iran Nuclear Deal Keeps Changing -- Eli Lake, Bloomberg
Turkey’s Erdogan gambles and loses -- Daniel Pipes, Washington Times
The Right Dream for Saudi Arabia -- Bloomberg editorial
The 30-year-old prince who is changing the world -- Patti Domm, CNBC
In Pakistan, a textbook case of radicalization in public schools -- Nafees Takkar, CSM
Tough choices in Myanmar as a new era begins -- Rupakjyoti Borah, Al Jazeera
China's latest move to strengthen its grip on the Internet -- Jethro Mullen, CNN
Enough is enough. It’s time for an arms embargo in South Sudan. -- Washington Post editorial
Trouble on Europe's Eastern Front -- Christine Nikol, Real Clear World
Germany’s refugee crisis has left it as bitterly divided as Donald Trump’s America -- Konstantin Richter, The Guardian
How Donald Trump has already shaken U.S. relations with friends and foes -- Elizabeth A. Cobbs, Reuters
Are Trump’s foreign policy ideas all that nutty? Maybe, maybe not -- Lesley Clark and William Douglas, McClatchy Washington Bureau
Even Obama’s Former Top Syria Guy Thinks The ISIS Strategy Is Aimless -- Russ Read, Caily Caller
America Needs Frank Talk on ISIS -- New York Times editorial
How – and why – U.S. drones went from observers to killing machines -- Jason Fields, Reuters