Call for Papers - The Challenge of the Refugee Crisis Conference‏

Call for Papers

The Challenge of the Refugee Crisis – Panacea or Pandemonium for Europe?
International Undergraduate Conference
Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, August 15-17, 2016

The Conference
European countries are struggling to respond to an unprecedented surge in desperate migrants, the largest movement of people Europe has seen since 1945. The growing crisis has led to politically charged arguments about Europe’s open borders and sharing the burden. Disputes are heated not only about definitions of ‘migrants’ vs. ‘refugees’ but also what obligations – legal, moral, etc. - European states have in dealing with this crisis. Many have argued Europe’s Schengen Area is under threat, European traditions and values are at risk, and open border arrangement only help terrorist infiltrate European societies. At the same time, Europe’s aging population results in a shrinking workforce and a shortage of labor market needs.  

The Department of Political Science will be hosting a three-day conference to address these challenges and opportunities from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Participants will have a unique opportunity to engage in debates between student participants as well as experts from different fields of expertise and from various European countries.

Who can participate?
We invite English-language paper proposals on a wide range of topics related to the European refugee crisis and from disciplines such as political science, anthropology, sociology, international studies, security studies, geopolitics, area studies, economics, nationalism studies, and related fields. We especially welcome proposals on securitization of borders, migration and civil rights, the rise of the far right, labor migration, conflict resolution, and citizenship rights in Europe.

Paper proposals:
  • must be in English
  • should include the applicant's contact information (name, email, postal address and academic affiliation), a300- to 500-word abstract (shorter abstracts will not be considered) and a 150-word biographical statement, in narrative form (one paragraph)
  • must include all the above in one file (doc or pdf format)
  • must be submitted to by Sunday, May 1, 2016
Applicants can send only one paper proposal.
Questions? Contact us at