And fire season is ON!

There's smoke from the fire in the "remote area" AT THE END MY STREET!

Here we go again. KTUU television reported a 10-acre fire burning in "a remote area near the Knik River" today. The GD river is 25 MILES LONG and I live near the Knik River. For crying out loud, where along those 25 miles is the fire?

Orange marks Leaf Lake, the general fire area. White marks
my house.
It's called the Leaf Lake fire and after a minimal search I located Leaf Lake. It's on the south side of the river, 4.9 miles from the Butte. That puts it about 2.9 miles east of my house. Easterly winds are common in this area, though it's calm today. If winds pick up it would blow this way for sure. For those familiar with the area, Jim Creek shows up on the same map. So if the wind kicks up, I (and a ton of neighbors) are in direct line with the fire.
And that's just the people. With all the lakes and wetlands in the area, it is prime habitat for nesting swans, geese, ducks and many other birds.  

Why can't news people go one step further and give an accurate location? Near a river indeed. At least tell us which side of the river. Next we'll hear of a fire near the Yukon River. 

No reason to panic, no wind and the smoke appears to be drifting to the north. Maybe time to look around the house for a safety zone and then a mental inventory of what to take if evacuation becomes necessary.

UPDATE AT 6:30 PM: Here's an update on the Leaf Lake Fire outside of Palmer:
Smoke jumpers called in. BLM photo.
The fire has not grown substantially and is still estimated at 10 acres. A helicopter has been dropping water on the fire most of the afternoon and that work has been effective in slowing growth of the fire, with the exception of occasional uphill runs on the slope it is burning on. Winds have been fairly light at 5-7 mph with gusts to 8 mph and temperatures in the low 60s. Relative humidity has been in the high 20s.
There are nine people on scene - 7 smokejumpers and 2 State Forestry personnel - and three more DOF firefighters should be arriving shortly via helicopter. A second helicopter will join the fray tonight for transport and bucket work, also.Fortunately there is a lake at the base of the slope the fire is burning on so it makes for quick turnaround time.
The forecast is calling for windier conditions tomorrow afternoon, which could provide a test for firefighters.

ANOTHER: A lot less smoke over that way at 8:30 p.m.

UPDATE: 4/18:  Bit of an update Monday: No smoke visible from the house today. Drove the four-wheeler down to the river where there's a less obstructed view of the area and couldn't spot any smoke from there either. Size was updated to 25 acres due to better mapping, not spread. Cause has been listed as "human," but no more detail than that. Guessing that it's under control, Wind blowing upriver away from the house. Several reports today say fire is still being fought, generating lots of smoke, but no flame visible at least from the air. KTUU still locates it "near the Knik River."

UPDATE 4/19: Wildfire east of Butte making headway on its containment.

Alaska DNR- Division of Forestry (DOF)
3 hrs
The 25-acre Leaf Lake Fire near the Knik River outside Palmer (4.9 miles due east of the Butte) is now 80 percent contained and fire managers are projecting 100 percent containment by the end of the operational shift today if the winds don't get too strong. The 13 personnel working on the fire have mopped up 20-30 feet in around the fire and are concentrating on the lower end of the fire.

4/19 3 p.m.: This post from earlier in the day says it will be contained if the winds don't get too strong. Unfortunately at 3 p.m. winds have picked up considerably. River basin is full of a dust cloud (hope that's not smoke) and no report yet of how this has affected the fire. Oh yeah, it is blowing from the east directly toward this area.

4/20 A.M.: LEAF LAKE FIRE ALMOST OUT: Fire personnel continued to work the interior where fire activity was observed as smoldering and creeping in the unburned fuels. Winds picked up around 1400 with gusts of up to 20 mph, however, personnel were still able to achieve their goals. The fire was called contained at 1626, and plans for today consist of demobing the seven smokejumpers, while still planning for a complete demob of the fire by Thursday.

UPDATE 4/21: Fire personnel continued their mop-up operations throughout the day. 7 smokejumpers and 2 additional firefighters were demobed off the fire, and complete demob is scheduled for today, 4/21. Total cost to date: $105,643.

Alaska wildfire information

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