Anarchistic update news all over the world - 16 April 2016
Today's 5 Topics:
1. Greece, Libertarian Thessaloniki Initiative: Demonstrations
against the new insurance bill (gr) [machine translation]
2. France, Paris, Black Regard group: A grenade in the leg (fr)
[machine translation] (
3. - Action Day: Campaign for the 30-hour week
without loss of pay. For the distribution of work and wealth.
4. Collective Alternative Libertaire Brussels: Conference
"Kurdistan, what struggles towards independence?" (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (
5. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #259 - Interview, "A
really popular movement" (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
Message: 1
We will work until we die - I will not live as slaves - 1. The establishment of the social
security system - This way both appropriated by the working class a field that was created
outside of the control and the other succeeds the " calm "in a period of sharpening class
struggle and revolutionary upheaval. - It is extremely important for our order to
understand the role of social "benefits", both as a mechanism that prepares the world for
the work that "must" be done and facilitate the accomplishment of (schools the training,
the universities amplify, the repair hospitals, public transport easier access to work,
etc.), and also as a means of appeasement of the anger and the resistance. ---- Already
from the above it is evident that our reading does not coincide with this left facing each
service one "victory of the labor movement". Social security, as the public nature of
health, education, etc., are of great importance to the quality of life of the workers and
must defend them as such. However not uniquely victory of our class but (also) the fund
2. The unraveling of the protective settings
In Greece the crisis has unleashed a scathing attack by capital and any safety net was the
poorest unpick apace: access to healthcare is limited, wages are falling, the pensions are
reduced, taxes are increasing, allowances beaten. A range of policies and decisions of all
aspects of domination serving the basic goal of the capital, the devaluation of labor
power. A goal that is fixed but a parallel test of survival of capital in crisis
conditions. And obviously all power bodies are oriented in the same direction: one example
is the decision of the Supreme Court not only not justify worker for accident but to
define and compensation to the company for damage she suffered as a result of the accident
(for which is supposed to "blame himself"), which opens new paths tsalapatimatos labor law.
At the same time, the labor movement is experiencing a persistent and heavy defeat. The
GSEE has shown once again its true face to the open alignment with the local and
international capital in the referendum period. Here the attitude was a clear reminder to
those (with naive or fraudulent purposes) had not understood until then its role. The
"symbolic" 24-hour strikes without any meaning, plan or perspective, the sell-off workers'
struggles, the bureaucratization and ultimately nationalization of the labor movement are
phenomena that have existed for decades and confirm that the interests of bureaucratic
unionism are next to those of the bosses.
The labor movement, unable to even defend and obvious, flickered with the memorandums and
the medium in 2012, to erase completely, leaving a small portion of the order to try to
organize and an even smaller rotate in direct-democratic, horizontal and militant modes of
In this landscape came and through insurance bill attacking the labor movement, an attack
that hardly seems to be able to ward off serious if we take into account this balance of
forces. It's a battle, however, to be given (like any large or small battle) in the
perspective of the recasting of the labor movement in subversive and revolutionary direction.
3. The minimum reaction against the attack on social security
Great importance to employee reaction weakness towards the new insurance bill is and the
composition of the working class itself.
Much has been out of the production process and as such has no insurance. For a piece of
them, dealing with the question of insurance seems rather odd and indifferent. As for the
piece that works especially the younger age-often employed either "black" or has been
employed "black" several years that the pension seems to anyway impossible dream.
It should be done separately in a piece that also has no access to insurance, medical or
pension: the / bis immigrants / behavior shows. Immigrants / behavior shows are the most
underrated part of our class, living without papers, "invisible" and therefore extremely
weak in the face of what their bosses in store, and of course uninsured.
For some of the above, therefore, the defense of any acquis on insurance does not show any
interest or better all the above do not realize why they need to fight
4. What does the new insurance
Since the looting of funds to finance capitalists (by the Bank of Greece) to the 50s (Law
1611/1950), by gaming the reserves in the stock market by governments Mitsotakis and
Simitis the 90s (Laws 2076 / 1992, 2676/1999), looting and speculation at the expense of
social wealth of workers, an essential tactic of the state for the protection and
development of the domestic bourgeoisie. So after the latest antiasfalistiko law Loverdos
(n.3863 / 2010) and the shearing of reserve funds in 2012, the "insurance" Katrougalos
bill comes to rid once and for all employers and the state from the nightmare of social
security , paving the way for the advent of private insurance and the burden of working
with the full cost of their insurance.
The government bill on pension inter alia provides: reduction of total pension expenditure
gradually by 2018 to 8.6 billion (21 billion in 2011), reducing pensions, integrating all
funds and supplementary pension funds, phasing EKAS ( Social Solidarity benefit for
Pensioners), reduction of disability pension (the key will be given only to those who have
80% disability), reduction of sunk by 10% and reducing the basic OGA pension (4%) and an
increase of contributions (3% now , mestocho 13%). For freelancers total contributions
reach 38.5% of their income.
Still, while workers 'contributions to supplementary increase by 0.5%, employers'
contributions are increased only 1%, although in the crisis were reduced by 3.9%. Initial
announcements of Katrougalos that will restore the level of employer contributions to
previous levels, and they went to slam.
Finally, special mention should be made in the calculation of pension (ie on the basis of
the individual contributions of the insured to the working lives). This transformation in
the insurance dues enhances "atomikokentrikotita" and "individual solution". As the attack
progresses so larger pieces of survival / the worker / triplet transferred to / not the
same / a. Institutional promoting individual solution and social cannibalism are
fragmenting the meaning of collegiality, leaving each and every single of / towards the
state and the bosses.
In short, all that is certain that they actually get is ... The national pension amounting
to € 384.
Here it should be emphasized that the insurance bill affects and freelancers, as we have
seen with the demonstrations of the "movement of the tie." The "freelancers" can be
electricians, technicians, lawyers, doctors. But they often -as ginetai- and employ others
in offices or in their garages, is that bosses. The reactions of these indignant bosses
are not just far away from us but against us. Moving in the footsteps of previous
reactionary fiesta of "stay Europe", the protests do not find us just us adiaforous- find
hostile. We do not care rising megalodikigoron levies, Megalogiatroi and "scientists" and
deeply saddened when we see a lawyer who works for 800 euros in some office and
megalodikigoro-boss marching together.
This should of course be noted that in those who deliberately channels called
"freelancers" are thousands of "notepad" -ergazomenoi ie working relationships with
disguised wage labor-which are naturally part of our class, and one of the most underrated
since not even entitled to the provisions of the labor law for employees, such as gifts,
benefits, licenses etc.
5. The need to mobilize in defense of social security
The already petsokommeno insurance system is one of the last elementary safety nets for us
when someone / a of us is injured or when longer arrive at an age that we can not sell our
labor power to survive -when that has left us no labor power to sell. The fight then
against the new insurance bill is for our class a survival fight.
This fight can only be done on many fronts: against raising the retirement age, reduce
pensions, inequality in working conditions on the basis of sex, race, ilikeias Ms. Against
all that separates us and fragmenting exploited today against that create difficult living
conditions for all of us tomorrow. Favor of equal rights for all / bis workers / ies, in
favor of the legalization of all immigrants / three.
And it is a fight that must be given as "molecular" and "head": in our neighborhoods, our
social spaces, in our work, in our clubs, door to door, but also to strike and the street
when the insurance bill will voted.
Be there.
To do it again strikes labor and dangerous
To take back what belongs to us
Thursday 14/4, 18.00 square Ag. Therapontas
Tuesday 19/4 at 18.00 Eptalofou Square
Libertarian Thessaloniki Initiative
Message: 2
During the manifest ation of Saturday, April 9 I was injured by a tight shooting tear gas
canister to the leg. I am neither the first nor the last or even the most severely
affected, nevertheless I témoign first on this subject to help pr é come maximally such
events. ---- I was Place de la Nation in the late afternoon of masqué.es comrades showed
more dramatically their opposition to the law and the police. I watched with open eyes and
black flag in hand, this form of social dialogue with the police when at yet another salvo
I received a tear gas canister in tense shooting ankle. Yet I was back, away from
"confrontation" and cagoulé.es comrades, so a CSI knowingly chose to target a protester
guilty distance of only affront not to retreat during bursts of tear gas. For those evil
imagine the shock, imagine a huge blow to the mass ankle worse than any batons that I have
received to date. The call came at the same time a charge, so I had to leave running with
a non-functional leg, this is where friends and girlfriends of the medical team
recuperated me seeing my inability to run. Being unable to walk iels carried me up to a
median of the square where iels began to treat me, to clean the wound and apply cold on
impact. Fortunately adrenaline still preserved me from the pain I had, however, struggle
to stay conscious.
At that time my friends decided to extract me from room to take me to a local union close
friend and I must say that being carried on the back of a friend in the subway, filled
with cops, while the least wind breeze on your leg you outweigh into unconsciousness is a
rather horrible experience. Yet arrived at the local, this is the worst began. Adrenaline
fell and my leg began to swell enormously, I began to fear for the state of my bones
underneath all this and more unbearable pain made me lose consciousness several times. The
UAS will not come for some reason X or Y, I had to endure this pain for an hour while
delirious and sporadically passing between consciousness and unconsciousness. It was
already a horror of suffering that surrounded a local I can not imagine how much it
would was horrible in the middle of the Place de la Nation in the rain, in a tear gas
cloud, between loads and constantly sword of Damocles to finish recovered by the cops to
finish GAV.
Finally an ambulance came to get me. This story was worth almost instantly just to see
their heads when we told them that I had been hit by a grenade. Almost. So I finished the
Emergency Tenon Hospital where I made various radios to discover that I escaped narrowly
fracture. Phew. So I get out of this story with "just" a big bruise on the ankle, finally
I still walk with crutches.
This violence is not gratuitous, it to political will, the will to fear and thus
demobilize, so that tomorrow come with protesters in fear. For me it did not work, where I
personally greatly dreaded this kind of events I now know thanks to the solidarity of my
comrades is surmountable. From the moment I was touched until I got home I was accompanied
often by people I did not even know. By that, I can thank the friends and girlfriends of
the medical team for their vigilance, the comrades of the Union for their help and my
classmates for having me extract instead. Unfortunately I can not help but think of the
people do not have the same networks and yet suffering the same violence.
This allows me to conclude by saying that we must strengthen solidarity between comrades,
we must support more initiatives like medical team and legal team. We can not just keep
the shares leaving the wounded, often more serious than me, sides especially knowing that
the police blocked the arrival of relief.
The solution to combat repression is solidarity.
C. Black Regard group
is a Parisian anarchist communist tendency group founded in 2011. Our activities are
focused on the field of activism, social struggles, anti-racist and anti-sexist, and on a
class basis. We believe that, more than ever, the revolutionary anarchist movement must be
strengthened, and that is why we also attach great importance to the militant training and
attracting new and new classmates.
Message: 3
On the Saturday 9 April, the unions that make up the regional Andalusian CNT called a day
of action in Rota (Cádiz), to present the Campaign for 30 hours per week without loss of
pay . And women workers and workers who make unions Andújar, Jaén and Linares turn to this
day of protest for the division of labor and wealth. ---- In this, a demonstration was
held by the town of Rota, which ended successfully, with the assistance of comrades from
various locations in Andalusia. He concluded with a day of living, with the poetic recital
of El Juglar Castilian and combative hip hop Bastards Brothers. ---- We live in a society
marked by deep inequality where 1% of the world population has more wealth than the
remaining 80%. In a state where we suffer the unfortunate effect of unemployment, an
economic scam product derived from the most execrable speculation. Where legislating to
protect the economic elite, which squanders the life of the working class. Where
corruption and abuse of power is currency.
Given this unfortunate situation, the CNT recalls the now-forgotten Strike Canadian,
thanks to which day the working class, organized by the CNT, regardless of their origin,
nationality, or political belief, fight and win the day 8 hours in the Catalan industry,
40 hours per week. Landmark that served as an example for the struggle for its extension
to other geographical areas and production centers.
The day of 40 hours per week in the early twentieth century proved perfectly feasible. And
today, in the S. XXI, with increased performance in so-called earned income, the idea of
betting on the 30-hour week is not a utopia, as pointed out by several studies and
realities alien to anarcho-syndicalism, such as its translation into the Swedish state.
Because overtime ban would allow the immediate creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Because reducing the retirement age would allow access to the work of hundreds of
thousands of young people. Because the day of 30 hours without salary reduction, would
create hundreds of thousands of jobs. Therefore, against unemployment, insecurity and
declining quality of life of workers and workers from CNT call that regardless of who
votes, get informed, get organized and fight for your rights.
By the 30-hour week without loss of pay. For the distribution of work and wealth!
Message: 4
Conference organized at the initiative of the Collective of Alternative Libertaire
Brussels , the House of the People - Halk Evi Saint Josse and the student union Union.
---- "Kurdistan, what struggles towards independence?" ---- historical lighting to better
understand the news & thoughts on feminism and democratic confederalism in Kurdistan. ----
This panel discussion is free prices. ---- Doors open at 19h and start of the conference
at 19.15. ---- There will also be a food stand and the press tables of different groups
organizing the evening. ---- Volkan Balman (PhD student in Political Science
at ULB) ---- Cem Akbalik (Kurdish sociologist and libertarian socialist) ---- Mellek
Rhodia (journalist, originally from Rojava)
The Libertarian Alternative Collective Brussels, House of the People - Halk Evi Saint
Josse and the student union Union invite you to their conference on the current situation
in Kurdistan. It aims to look at the political projects of the Kurdish population and the
consequences this has in the region and internationally (massacres of Kurdish and
pro-Kurdish in Turkey, war, repression of popular uprisings, etc. )
In light of the news that constantly brings us back to the Kurdish question without ever
really approach it in the background, we offer an evening in an attempt to better
understand the origins of the Kurdish problem, historical developments then better
understand the present situation.
Between struggles for autonomy, justice and peace, the Kurds are fighting for their rights
but also to establish a democratic society for their political beliefs and their
geographical location.
Volkan Balman is a PhD student at the university in Political Science, specializing in
nationalism and conflicts in the Middle East. It will cover the basics and evolution of
the Kurdish question through history.
Cem Akbalik, Kurdish sociologist and libertarian socialist, we speak of the democratic
system confederalism, empowerment and self-management in Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan) while
taking into account its strengths and limitations and that the aid a perspective of
critical sociology.
Mellek Rhodia is a journalist and native of Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan). She will present
feminism as conceived by the Kurds of Rojava and its daily application in both the
Democratic confederalism system.
Will follow a question-and-answer session with stakeholders and the public.
Message: 5
Mathilde (AL Rennes) and Jon (AL Angers) studied in 2006. They fought against the law
called for equal opportunities and CPE respectively Rennes and Angers. Jon was active in
South-Student and Alternative Libertaire, while Mathilde is unionized and politically
organized after the movement. They tell their strike. ---- Alternative Libertaire : How
was organized the fight against the law called for equal opportunities in your city? ----
Matilda : The first AG where I went, it was decided a demo, with a share at the end, and
then went back to college, we talked and we said that it was necessary to climb 'a notch.
Someone suggested to block the university and courses force students to come AG. So here
it is all gone by the groups empty lecture halls. We started stacking tables and chairs at
the entrances. We do not know for the most part but we laughed a lot. The next day there
was again an AG and there, thousands, it was decided to strike and blockade. It was on 7
Jon : In Angers the fight was organized initially mainly on the faculty of humanities. It
then spread to the faculty of sciences, but also to high schools, etc. From the outset
this are unitary committees made up of student unions (mainly South-Student, my union at
the time, and to a lesser extent the UNEF), youth political organizations and many
individuals. Fairly quickly the facs were on strike with occupation, and this for almost a
Mathilde : From there, it was necessary to organize the daily struggle and occupation with
commissions. Internal to organize the occupation and the fight (pickets, strike fund,
preparing AG). External (mostly propaganda, writing leaflets, media relations, the strike
newspaper, 69.3, in reference to Villepin force passage with Article 49.3 of the
Constitution, but also communication with other facs fighting). And an action committee
which, on behalf of the AG, preparing the demonstrations and actions (occupations Medef or
town hall). I mostly invested in internal commission.
Jon : The strike was passed in general meeting once a week. A strike committee, open to
everyone, was set up to manage the strike day. We have initiated activities to sustain our
college: film screenings, discussions with teachers, trade unionists, etc., let no one say
that the university had died during the strike. To expand and popularize the strike
towards wage earners we associate es to trade unions to take action, fliers broadcasts,
etc. We participated as a student union and as strike committee in the organization of
inter-union demonstrations, as well as the wage earners' unions to which we have imposed a
number of actions (blocks of the train station, major traffic routes, etc.). The
demonstrations were huge, it was unheard-city almost. Of course, as in other cities, we
experienced a particularly strong repression. But that has not dented the determination of
the movement.
Matilda : The fight at the University Rennes 2, it was mostly a place, hall B. AG took
place on its exterior steps because there were several thousand people. It was also and
above all the place of life where we slept and party we did, where we discussed, we
trailed after finishing our round peg but we did not want to go home. There was workshops
posters, we inquired about what was happening elsewhere. The unions were very present but
not omnipotent, the movement was really accessible to all.
What were the highlights for you of the movement? Your best memories? Are there things you
do again differently?
Mathilde : In terms of strengths, of course, is the collective dimension. Although it was
not the ideal and perfect democratic, in the sense that the union members are often better
trained es including the speech, it remains that the movement was very open and all the
world could find its place. Occupation is another force, as it strengthens solidarity
between the strikers even if it's not always easy to agree on the rules to follow us.
Jon : It was a truly popular movement, we received a lot of support from people you could
come across in our actions. We also managed to bridge the gap between "radical" actions
like the occupation of the rail station and most traditional events. My best memory is
probably the day we deployed a huge banner on the castle of Angers, the passage of the
Inter event with a strong slogan: "General strike against insecurity." It's not every day
that stormed a castle! I do not know if I would do things differently, that's part of the
moves to make mistakes.
Matilda : There are many better memories. There are votes in AG, the silence in the
statement of the vote and then hand wave that rises and finally the joy when the strike is
voted. It's exhilarating to be part of this collective energy.
What this movement has changed for you?
Jon : A lot has changed for me. I confronted for the first time my ideas and practices, a
strong social movement. I met many people who are still my friend-es today, my friends. I
learned to speak in public, in front of students AG 2 000 to 3 000 people, the media, the
administration of the university, making inter-union and unit meetings, writing leaflets,
yelling slogans through megaphones, etc.
Matilda : What has changed is my report to the collective. I had already strikes in high
school, I will demo since I was a kid with my parents. But when it voted to end the strike
I could not go back to normal. That's why I unionized. I wanted to keep this collective
dynamic, build with others, discuss, share, build new struggles.
By Julie (AL Saint-Denis)