Anarchistic update news all over the world - 30 April 2016

Anarchistic update news all over the world - 30 April 2016

Today's 5 Topics:

1. federation-anarchiste: Congress of the International
Federation of Anarchists (IFA). Solidarity call.
KORYDALLOU PRISON By A.P.O. [machine translation]
3. a-g amsterdam: «Solidarity Against Spanish Sate Repression
[machine translation] (
4. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #260 - social movement,
Call "are blocking the repression!" (fr, it, pt)[machine
translation] (
5. Greece, APO, Notice the repressive operations in Korydallos
Prison (gr) [machine translation] (


Message: 1

The Tenth Congress of the International of Anarchist Federations (IFA) will be held from 4 
to 7 August 2016 (Thursday to Sunday), Germany. ---- The last congress of the IFA was held 
during the International Anarchist Gathering in St-Imier (Switzerland) in 2012. These 
meetings had brought together thousands of anarchists around the world for discussions, 
concerts, films, exhibitions, workshops, round tables, etc. ---- Following these meetings, 
the International of Anarchist Federations (IFA) participated, supported and / or 
initiated Mediterranean Anarchists Meeting (Tunisia, Greece), anarchists regional meetings 
(Greece, Slovenia), Meeting of anarchists radios (Slovenia , Germany), etc. We supported 
the Anarchist Federation of Central American and Caribbean (CCAF), and anarchists of Cuba 
in particular, and has maintained close relations with the anarchists of Mexico, Brazil 
and Latin America generally. These relationships have helped the initiation of a federal 
process anarchists in Brazil. Furthermore, IFA supports the revolutionary struggles in 
Kurdistan (Rojava).

At that congress, in addition to the new memberships and reflections on the development of 
the International of Anarchist Federations (IFA), it will analyze the overall economic and 
social situation, the issues around the situation of refugee-es, internal and external 
policies of war, nationalism. Emphasis will be given to the feminist issue and 
particularly the implementation of safe-space.

We have already received many answers showing the willingness to participate in the IFA 
congress from Philippines, Brazil, Chile, Turkey, Cuba, Argentina, Mexico, New-Zealand, 
Venezuela, Uruguay, etc.

To support the IFA in organizing the conference and especially to allow these federations 
to move participating in their transportation costs, we are launching a new subscription 
and call for help.

How to pay?

by transfer :
To : SEL
IBAN: FR76 1027 8085 9000 0205 7210 175

IFA secretariat


Message: 2

At dawn on April 18 special punitive units EKAM conducted large-scale operation to 
Korydallos prison, during which they beaten and tortured political prisoners and made 
dozens of violent transfers. An enterprise that one year after the hunger strike of the 
political prisoners and protests against the special booking conditions encountered and 
these state repression, confirms the commitment of each policy managers in constant 
pursuits of state-capitalist power. The imposition of control over every social field, 
isolating those who fight, attack on social and class resistances. ---- The transfers and 
the company of EKAM, which was repeated in the coming days, aimed exemplary punishment of 
"unruly" prisoners, political and criminal, who participated in demonstrations to improve 
prison conditions and against authoritarianism address prison. They were aimed at 
intimidating exemplary of all prisoners and prevent them from participating in future 
demonstrations against the detention.

The imposition of Emergency regime with the increasing impoverishment and exploitation, by 
upgrading the repressive arsenal and ideological propaganda to isolate and slander those 
resisting to eventually convert the whole of society in prison, is a must for Busted state 
capitalism . A system that does not offer anything in plebeians, in the large majority of 
social, rather than fear and submission.

As anarchists we stand against the repressive machinations against prisoners by the state, 
which is in the midst of a generalized attack on society and its movement toward the 
modern totalitarianism, cast once again the mask of "democracy and rights" to uncover its 
real face, that of violent repression and enforcement. We stand against authoritarian 
barbarity in every field in which it is expressed, with a view to total subversion and 
build a society of equality solidarity and freedom.


NOTHING WILL go unanswered!


STRUGGLE FOR anarchy and communism

Anarchist Collectivism "Circle of Fire" -

Member of Anarchist Political Organisation


Message: 3

Anarchist spread Muurkrant. One arrest for "sedition and incitement to violence." ---- 
Closed Sunday evening in The Hague anyone arrested on suspicion of pasting the Anarchist 
Muurkrant. Him get sedition against authority, incitement to violence and laid pasting 
posters dependents. He is in police custody and prosecutors want to conduct him Thursday 
at the bankruptcy judge to hold him any longer. ---- Over the past week, hundreds of 
anarchists Wall Newspapers distributed in eg the Hague districts Transvaal and 
Schilderswijk. The first issue of the Muurkrant about the uprising in the Hague 
Schilderswijk last year. Here, thousands of people came days long revolt against the 
police and the state after the murder Mitch Henriquez who was strangled dead by agents. 
Henriquez was another victim of violence by racist police of The Hague. The corps which 
together with the OM for months has made long hunting the insurgents last summer.

Now there is already someone stuck and it seems that the OM do all it can to keep him as 
long as possible on suspicion of distributing a poster with text, our solidarity express 
the only thing we can do. Solidarity through action. Here you can download the Anarchist 
Muurkrant. Print the Muurkrant and spread it everywhere.

Download the Anarchist Muurkrant:

Stop the repression! Solidarity with the prisoners! Down with the police state! Long live 

Here you find the text of the editorial.

Down with the police and the state. Long live the revolt!

About the uprising in the Schilderswijk

In the summer of 2015 raged an uprising in the Hague Schilderswijk. A revolt against the 
daily oppression and racism of the police. Against the suffocating reality of exploitation 
and unemployment. An uprising of people who broke with the normality of state repression: 
the roles were reversed and the police the streets was chased. The murder Mitch Henriquez, 
another racist police murder was the spark that sparked the rebellion. Let us not forget, 
let us not forgive!

By politicians, the media, mosques and various clubs around the uprising was dismissed as 
an ordinary riot. If a criminal act whose perpetrators should be punished harshly. But do 
not believe them, the organizations that survive grant from the state, those who want to 
pursue their own agenda on the backs of the oppressed, those who sell out to the oppressed 
by those in power to be able to sit down. That people are oppressed in neighborhoods like 
Schilderswijk is clear. Not adopted because of your name or exploited for a pittance while 
the bosses, big corporations, politicians and banks enrich themselves.

It is in the state integrated racist political scapegoat to blame people of color 
indicates poverty, housing problems and cuts, just to get people to play against each 
other. But refugees, Moroccans and Surinamese are not the cause of these problems. The 
problem are the politicians and the state that only represent the interests of the bosses 
and big business, and it is the murderous police all that, cost what it costs, protecting.

The uprising in the summer of 2015 was no ordinary riot. It was a legitimate rebellion 
against all that oppresses us. It was a rebellion against the police who terrorize our 
streets. By controlling madness of CCTV, ID checks and the so-called 'zero tolerance
policy' which we see only in poor neighborhoods. It was a rebellion of a community that no 
longer pass distribute political games. For years there has been talk and asked for change 
but no one would listen. Then the only option to get tough revolt. For our dignity, for 
our existence.

Those who rebelled and refused to bow to oppression and repression are the people who have 
not lost their dignity. It is precisely those people who offer hope for a different, 
better future! This summer will be a hot summer!

Down with the police state! Long live the revolt! Long live anarchy!


Message: 4

With the anchor of the social movement against the "work" law, police repression takes a 
turn increasingly violent. Are blocking it! communiqué issued following the national 
meeting "It blocks all" on Saturday, 23 April. ---- With the anchor of the social movement 
against the "work" law, police repression takes a turn increasingly violent. There are 
countless cases of police violence that circle of social networks on the occasion of each 
event: Students' Tolbiac and lycé Bergson to Grenoble , Nantes and 
Rennes in ... through the comrades of Douai and those of the CNT Lille whose premises were 
ransacked by the April 20 police. And these are just a few examples! ---- The outfielders 
sinister memory have returned to Paris to Toulouse.

We even saw police disguising himself by unionists during demonstrations: is it a 
"strategy of tension"? What is the use of these policemen allegedly "by civilians" and 
actually paired for "Maximum violence"?

Yet we have seen in several cities, armed soldiers strengthen the forces of repression 
facing the workers and é and lycé mobilisé.es

We are witnessing a deliberate government strategy: hit hard, open skulls, stop and keep 
in view, condemn them to the prison with custody, gazer whole processions 
... all this to try to weaken a mobilization that continues to expand!

In this, the moods of Mr Cazeneuve facing a union poster condemning police violence is a 
dark farce.

But we do not forget that this repression in the street is added that in the companies and 
services: how many cases of dismissal procedures for striking? how much pressure beatings, 
harassment strategies deployed by small heads and bosses who think they have power over 
"their" salarié.es?

And when it is the state that sets an example by condemning Goodyear trade unionists in 9 
months of firm prison or prosecuting the Air France employees already laid off, how to be 

There is an answer to this repression: continue to mobilize massively, more and more 
numerous and many in the street, identify cases of repression, denouncing them publicly, 
work to secure our marches against police violence, develop and strengthen our unions in 
businesses and services, making our local unions places of solidarity daily e ... t above 
all, to generalize, to renew the strike in the days and weeks ahead to block the economy 
and force the government and its repressive forces back!

The animation Collective Call "is blocking everything! " , Monday, April 25 (communiqué 
issued following the national meeting of Saturday, April 23)


Message: 5

At dawn on April 18 special punitive units EKAM conducted large-scale operation to 
Korydallos prison, during which they were beaten and tortured political prisoners and made 
dozens of violent transfers. - A company that one year after the hunger strike of the 
political prisoners and protests against the special booking conditions encountered and 
these state repression, confirms the commitment of each policy managers in constant 
pursuits of state-capitalist power. ---- The imposition of control over every social 
field, isolating those who fight, attack on social and class resistances. ---- The 
transfers and the company of EKAM, which was repeated in the coming days, aimed exemplary 
punishment of "unruly" prisoners, political and criminal, who participated in 
demonstrations to improve prison conditions and against authoritarianism address prison. 
They were aimed at intimidating exemplary of all prisoners and prevent them from 
participating in future demonstrations against the detention.

The imposition of Emergency regime with the increasing impoverishment and exploitation, by 
upgrading the repressive arsenal and ideological propaganda to isolate and slander those 
resisting to eventually convert the whole of society in prison, is a must for Busted state 
capitalism . A system that does not offer anything in plebeians, in the large majority of 
social, rather than fear and submission.

As anarchists we stand against the repressive machinations against prisoners by the state, 
which is in the midst of a generalized attack on society and its movement toward the 
modern totalitarianism, cast once again the mask of "democracy and rights" to uncover its 
real face, that of violent repression and enforcement. We stand against authoritarian 
barbarity in every field in which it is expressed, with a view to total subversion and 
build a society of equality solidarity and freedom.


NOTHING WILL go unanswered!


STRUGGLE FOR anarchy and communism

Anarchist Collectivism "Circle of Fire" -
Member of Anarchist Political Organisation


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