They're on top now!
AMS guide Todd Tumolo with climber Erin at the top of the Moose's Tooth via the Ham 'n Eggs route - it is in good shape this spring. And yes, mobile phone are working from the summit, so these photos are real time.
Alaska Mountaineering School's second Moose's Tooth ascent of 2016. Thanks to our awesome guide staff! Thanks photos by: AMS guide, Todd Tumolo
AMS guide Pat Ormond and Marc successfully completed their climb of Moose's Tooth on April 24th.; and yesterday took a flight over to the SE fork of the Kahiltna Glacier to look at and attempt some additional climbs. We look forward to hearing climber Marc Couper and Guide, Pat Ormond's stories and photos. We expect to see them back at the AMS HQ tomorrow afternoon.
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