Win: Burkina Faso to change child marriage laws‏

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Win: Burkina Faso to change child marriage laws and what's next
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With this human rights victory as proof that our activism can and does matter, take the next step and make sure women and girls in Burkina Faso have access to contraception and sexual health information.
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Dear friends,

Victory: Burkina Faso's Ministry of Justice, Human Rights, and Civic Promotion affirmed the government's commitment to eradicating early and forced marriage.

The ministry plans to raise the legal age of marriage for girls to 18 years and to ensure that forced marriage is clearly defined in Burkina Faso's criminal code.

This is a huge victory for women's rights and for children's rights, and we couldn't have done this without the activism of Amnesty activists like you.

While we celebrate this great news, there's still more that we can—and must—do. Women and girls in Burkina Faso are often denied access to contraception and essential sexual health information and services due to cost, lack of information, travel distances, and social stigma.

Tell the President of Burkina Faso: Make access to contraception and sexual health information available to women and girls.

Like early and forced marriage, these issues are part of the broader picture of women's rights in the country—women and girls deserve and are entitled to all of their rights so that they can make choices about their bodies, their lives, and their futures.

Please take action today, International Women's Day, to help break this barrier for women and girls in Burkina Faso.

We continue to see the power of standing with women and girls around the world and raising our collective voices for human rights.

Thank you for having been a part of this victory—now be a part of the next win: Take action here.

In Solidarity,

Tarah Demant
Senior Director, Identity and Discrimination Unit
Amnesty International USA
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