www.womenshealthmag.com - So what is it about filling up on fiber that helps us slim down? According to Keri Gans, R.D., author of The Small Change Diet, it’s a pretty simple principle. “Fiber digests slowly, therefore it k...
www.runnersworld.com - What you need is a simple plan. Here it is, in just two parts: 1) Make a little more time to run; 2) Concentrate on a handful of dietary changes that, over the course of a year, can produce signifi...
www.womenshealthmag.com - When scientists at Kennesaw State University studied Cindy, one of the fitness brand’s benchmark timed workouts, they found that doing total-body moves against the clock can burn 261 calories in ju...
www.glamour.com - I've been in a sexual rut, so I'm looking for some fun ways to get excited about sex again. I've heard you suggest erotica as a way to get turned on, but I find the majority of porn to be a huge tu...
jezebel.com - Saturday Night Live decided to pay an homage to feminism in song by not actually writing a song about feminism—and the anti-anthem ended up being a glorious primer on the intricacies of intersectio...