Obey and Keep Calm

Part 1: New World Notes #417, 27:56 (March 1)
Broadcast quality MP3 (38 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Part 2: New World Notes #418, 29:25 (March 8)
Broadcast quality MP3 (40 MB)
Decent quality MP3 (13 MB)

Temujin Doran (pronounced TEM-yu-jin, I think)

Temujin Doran's film, Obey: How the Rise of Mass Propaganda Killed Populism, adapted to radio.  It's about the military, political, and economic crimes of the Corporate State. It features readings from from Chris Hedges' 2010 book, Death of the Liberal Class.

Part 1 features the first half of Obey and then also--to cheer things up a bit--a sweet short film by Doran on the poster and slogan, "Keep calm and carry on."

Part 2 features the second half of Obey--but first some words about our Syria war-fever and a reading of Chidanand Rajghatta's essay, Why America Cannot Live Without Wars.

These two installments of New World Notes were originally broadcast (as #287-288) in September 2013.

Temujin Doran's Web site is http://studiocanoe.com .

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