Anarchistic update news all over the world - 8 March 2016

Today's 5 Topics:

1. Cadbury strikers resisting race to the bottom as
parent company makes 2 billion profits (
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Nantes - policy, Today
against Vinci, tomorrow against El Khomri: Sabotage! General
strike! (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (
3. Britain, Glasgow anarchists Events from 04/03/2016 by
fleabite (
gr, it) (
5. FAU-IAA Direct Action #233 - Another decisive victory for
FAU Berlin in the ongoing struggle in the exploitative gastronomy
sector (de) [machine translation] (


Message: 1

Our solidarity to Cadburys workers who today begin an indefinite strike at the Coolock 
plant against the outsourcing of jobs. The company is trying to destroy 17 properly paid 
and pensionable jobs to replace them with minimum wage ones. ---- The outsourcing is seen 
as part of a pattern where the management from Mondelez International have been 
downgrading the plant, its believed they have no long-term commitment to the facility 
something confirmed by the company threat that “this action ultimately endangers the jobs 
of the circa 700 people who are employed within the business”. Right now in Chicago 
workers are resisting similar attacks by Mondelez International at an Oreo cookies plant 
where they want to lay off half the 1200 workers and move production to Mexico where 
workers are paid a lot less.

Like the LUAS strike the background to this strike is also an attempt to resist the 
massive shift over the last two decades that has seen the share of profits going to owners 
rise massively and that to workers falling. This is reflected in the management statement, 
if dressed up by the PR department as “under intense pressures from international 
competition” and “with the aim of streamlining it to become more sustainable and 
competitive for the future.” Both these are coded terms translating into a demand for a 
bigger share of the profits going to shareholders - this trend is why 62 people now own 
half the wealth in the word.

Mondelez International had revenue of 33.2 billion dollars in 2014 and made profits of 
2.18 billion in that year. It was formally known as Kraft and as Kraft in 2012 it gave 
almost 2 million dollars to the US based "Coalition Against The Costly Food Labeling 
Proposition" which was set up to oppose a proposed law requiring GMO containing foods to 
be labelled as such in California. In 2015 the US Commodity and Futures Commission said 
Mondelez Global had made 5.4 million dollars through alleged price fixing on the global 
wheat market. Alexia Howard,according to the Wall Street Journal "a closely-followed food 
and beverage analyst at Bernstein" forecast last year that Mondelez should be able to 
increase its profit rate from 12 to 18%

The media prevent the mechanisms of this shift in the share of profits whether it be 
outsourcing to low wage areas or a refusal of wage rises as some sort of inevitable 
natural law that workers have to accept in a race to the bottom. The intention is to make 
workers in different countries compete to accept wage cuts and worsening conditions. In 
this case the Labour Court followed the same pro boss logic but by 302 to 20 the workers 
in SIPTU and UNITE have voted to reject the Labour Court finding.

SIPTU Sector Organiser, John Dunne, said: “Union members voted overwhelmingly to take this 
action following an announcement by management that it intends to unilaterally implement a 
Labour Court recommendation and outsource the jobs of 17 directly employed store workers. 
The work stoppage at the plant will continue until management ends the attempt to 
outsource these jobs.

“The Labour Court recommendation had previously been rejected by a large majority of the 
350 union members employed in the production plant. SIPTU and UNITE members proposed 
further talks on reducing costs and increasing flexibility in relation to the operation of 
the store facility at the plant. This proposal was rejected outright by management leaving 
the workers with no option but to take the industrial action that will begin tomorrow 

Unite Regional Coordinating Officer Richie Browne reiterated the unions’ call for the 
company to withdraw its plans to outsource key roles and instead to discuss the proposals 
put forward by the unions.

“Unite and SIPTU have made a number of proposals to management regarding alternative ways 
in which efficiencies could be delivered. Even at this late stage, we remain available for 
meaningful engagement with the company to discuss these proposals.

SIPTU Manufacturing Division Organiser, Gerry McCormack, said: “The attempt to outsource 
these jobs is seen as a further erosion of the viability of the facility. It follows the 
movement of the production of the ‘Time Out’ bar from this plant to Poland.

“Workers at the plant have over recent years agreed to the major restructuring of 
operations and changes in work practices. However, the attempt by the management of 
Mondelez International to further downgrade the plant’s operations has caused outrage and 
increased fears among the workforce about its long-term commitment to the facility.”

After a decade of defeats and low expectations its long passed time when workers need to 
act in solidarity not only to defeat these sort of profit grabs by the bosses but also 
fighting to expand our share, as the LUAS workers are doing. The boss owned media have 
done a very good job of setting us against each other instead. That needs to end.

WORDS: Andrew Flood (Follow Andrew on Twitter )

Partial list of sources for the above piece

Mondelez Shareholders Could Win Big if Company Cuts Costs

Kraft accused of wheat price fixing

Oreo bakers union, Mondelez halt negotiations

Resolution of Cadbury’s dispute in company’s hands as Unite members prepare to down tools 

SIPTU and UNITE members to begin strike in Mondelez Ireland tomorrow


Message: 2

[Photo report] Back to the image on the mobilization of February 27 in defense of the ZAD 
of Notre-Dame-des-Landes and against Vinci, its airport and world view of the side of the 
anti-capitalist procession, attended the d 'Alternative Libertaire. ---- 60 
000 people! This is the most massive mobilization in the history of the struggle against 
the project of Notre Dame des Landes. The atmosphere was surreal this Saturday, February 
27th on the RN 165. Under a sunny sky, it's a real human tide that was spilled over 5 km 
of expressway. A popular event, colorful and festive. And a sacred scent of victory in the 
air! The announcement of the referendum Netherlands therefore has not succeeded in 
dividing the fight, but to strengthen it again! Behind this demonstration confident and 
relaxed strength lies a fierce determination. Once again, the tone was set: Valls, Vinci, 
your cops and your bulldozers, you are expected to firm up.

The militants of Alternative Libertaire where present in numbers in the ranks of the 
anti-capitalist march. Over a hundred of people have taken all along anti-capitalist 
slogans against Vinci, PS, cops and bosses! But among the "Vinci emerges, resistance and 
sabotage" and other well-known songs, there was a new kid, "Today against Vinci, tomorrow 
against El Khomri! Sabotage! General strike! ".

Certainly, there was indeed such a powder smell in the air lately... It lights the fuse

AL Nantes


Message: 3

Hi all, ---- A little bit late with this week’s update so if we are missing anything let 
us know and we’ll try get it in the next one. Also worth pointing out that this Saturday 
afternoon We Will Rise will be meeting to plan the next steps in their campaign to end 
detention now. ********** Hidden Architectures - sharing of work in progress - Friday, 
March 4 at 3 PM – 4 PM - SWG3, 100 Eastvale Place, G3 8QG ---- Hidden Architectures is a 
new interdisciplinary performance collaboration between choreographer Saffy Setohy and 
sound artist Jan Hendrickse. ---- Resonance ---- Mouths ---- Lines ---- Connections ---- 
Listening ---- Hidden Architectures explores the body as a living instrument. ---- 
Interconnectedness through sound, movement and material drive the work; which is performed 
by pairs of people connected mouth to mouth by almost invisible, taught threads.

Hidden Architectures is being developed in collaboration with dance artists Luke Birch, 
Gabi Sanchez, Elizabeth Rawes, Misa Brzezicki, Ian Spink, Brigid McCarthy, Chrissie Ardil, 
with producing support from Sam Eccles.

This FREE event will share some of the ideas we are working with, and invite discussion 
around it, at the end of our third week of research.

All welcome, just turn up- there will be tea and biscuits!
The ‘TV studio'(main club space), which we will present in, is fully accessible.


Disarmament or death! Faslane Peace Camp Solidarity Night
Friday, March 4 at 7:30 PM – 3:00 AM
Ivory Blacks, 56 Oswald Street, G1 4PL

A Night of bands, Dj’s and Infotainment, with the intention of raising funds, awareness, 
support and solidarity for Faslane peace camp.


Capital Reading Group
Saturday, March 5 at 11 AM
The Electron Club, CCA, 350 Sauchiehall St, G2 3JD

An open group reading Marx’s Capital: Volume I. For each meeting we will discuss the set 
chapters and we will watch the relevant lecture by David Harvey. The reading plan is here:

Turning up to later sessions for the first time is welcomed. Changed to the dates and 
readings will be posted in advance. You can also email glasgow if you need more information.


This event is hosted by Glasgow AF. We ask that all those attending this event read the 
brief introduction to our safer spaces policy here:


Saturday, March 5 at 4:30 PM – 8 PM
Garnethill Multicultural centre, 21 rose street glasgow g3 6rq

* Please note the change of time & venue. Many apologies that this venue does not have 
step free access. This is a temporary venue choice and all future meetings will be held at 
accessible venues. Please get in touch on 07448871696 with access needs *

Public meeting to discuss our participation in a National Day of Action Against Detention 
this spring. We’re going back to Dungavel – come along and lets plan and build this 
movement together.

From Harmondsworth to Lesvos, from Dungavel to Dunkirk…. no one is illegal and no one 
should be detained. Let’s make this the biggest collective refusal of detention that we 
have ever seen in Scotland, in the UK, and across the world.

We’ll be discussing our experiences and planning the next steps.


NB: Garnethill does have some accessibility issues. If you have accessibility 
requirements, please let us know.


Groundswell Rising – Glasgow showing of anti-fracking film
Saturday, March 5 at 6 PM – 8 PM
Renfield St Stephen’s, 260 Bath Street, G2 4JP

Frack off Glasgow are hosting the screening of this documentary on resistance to fracking. 
Executive producer Mark Lichty is coming to Scotland to speak at screenings of the film. 
He said: "The film shows how an industry rich with political connections managed to slip 
into a position of almost untouchable power and how at-risk communities have come together 
to fight back.”


Movement is Not the Problem – Open Discussion, All Welcome!
Saturday, March 5 at 3:30 PM – 6 PM
Anderston Kelvingrove Parish Church Hall, 759 Argyle Street, G3 8DS

If you are interesting in meeting, discussing, self-educating and organising in response 
to the money driven wars our govenrments inflict on the world, the diplacement this causes 
to millions of people and the racist and absurd immigration laws they are met with when in 
search of safety, come to the Anderston Kelvingrove Parish church at 3:30PM on Saturday 
the 5th of March.

All people and ideas are welcome!

"There is no alternative – the future is self-organised"


Personal Safety for Women (workshop)
Sunday, 6 March from 11 AM – 1 PM
CCA, 350 Sauchiehall St, G2 3JD

TYCI and Wise Women along with the Declaration Festival present a free personal safety 
workshop for women. Any woman can feel at risk of – or experience – abuse and crime in her 
home, on the street, on public transport or at work. Our free two hour workshop with Wise 
Women – – will teach simple but effective techniques and shock tactics 
that will help you identify, avoid and escape potentially dangerous situations. Capacity 
is limited so book your slot quickly to avoid disappointment:


Women of the East End Heritage Walk
Sunday, March 6 at 12 PM
Glasgow Women’s Library, 23 Landressy Street, G40 1BP

The women of the East End have always had to be industrious and resourceful simply to 
survive. This walking tour focuses on some of their achievements and struggles, and the 
radical nature of the area which gave birth to them. Find out about the women of the 
Templeton factory, the Suffragettes held in Duke Street Prison, the woman who set up the 
Barras and much, much more! For more information and booking, please see:



SHRAPNEL air Cuairt / Scottish Tour
Thursday, March 10 at 8 PM
Tron Theater, 63 Trongate, G1 5HB

Ath-sgrìobhachadh le Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul
Bon nobhail le Tormod Caimbeul
Stiùireadh le Muireann Kelly

“perceptive, poetic and comedic … set in Edinburgh, in areas not unlike those featured in 
Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting”
– Scottish Review of Books

Air a’ stèidheachadh ann an dorchadas dubh Dhùn Eideann, tha sinn a’ leantainn aithrisear 
neo-aithnichte ’s e air teicheadh bho chasaid murt. Le fealla-dhà, tha sinn a’ leantainn 
an aithrisear ’s e a’ siubhail air feadh Dhùn Eideann a’ coinneachadh ri iomadach 
charactar annasach agus a’ seachnadh a’ phoileis bhrùideil, Walter Shrapnel. Tha an 
dealbh-chluich stèidhte air an nobhail leis an sàr sgrìobhaiche, Tormod Caimbeul le 
dealbhachadh, fo-thiotalan agus ceòl, tha Shrapnel freagarrach airson fìleantaich agus 

Co-produced by Tron Theatre and An Lanntair and supported by Creative Scotland, Bòrd na 
Gàidhlig, NTS, Comhairle nan Leabhraichean, Playwrights’ Studio Scotland, Leabhraichean 
Beaga and Glasgow Life

Adapted by Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul
From the novel by Tormod Caimbeul
Directed by Muireann Kelly

“perceptive, poetic and comedic … set in Edinburgh, in areas not unlike those featured in 
Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting”
– Scottish Review of Books

Set in the underbelly of Edinburgh, ‘Shrapnel’ follows the journey of a man on the run for 
a crime he did not commit. With brilliantly anarchic humour, we follow our enigmatic 
narrator’s ever step through the streets of Edinburgh, as he meets an array of 
extraordinary misfits,whilst avoiding the psychopathic former detective, Walter Shrapnel. 
Adapted from Tormod a Bhocsair’s seminal Gaelic novel with animation, subtitles and live 
music, Shrapnel is for Gaelic and non-Gaelic speakers alike and not to be missed.


Fail Better: Fuck The Patriarchy
Thursday, March 10 at 8 PM
McChuills, 40 High Street, G1 1NL

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is PARITY. We, irrespecitve of genitals, 
are all daily fucked by the patriarchy in unequal measures. We need to keep questioning, 
shouting, swearing, cracking down the system and supporting each other. This is a night of 
words, tunes and laughs to celebrate women’s day and everyone’s right to smash the fucking 
patriarchy. Mon doon!

a whole new set from the irrefutable MAGI GIBSON

GENESEE bring her earth bending tunes

we’ll have a wee piece from TILLY GIFFORD
(more work here:

[mair to be added]

and we’re insanely lucky to have THE TWISTETTES headline for us

as always, it’s FREE ENTRY (you lucky peeeople) but chuck some coins in the bucket to 
cover travel n tat for the talent.


Glasgow Housing Co-Op presentations and discussion
Sunday, March 13 at 1 PM
Venue TBC

For now people would like to focus on learning about housing in Glasgow and housing co-ops 
in general so we will be having a day where people can present areas of interest or knowledge.

Presentations should be max 15 minutes and we don’t neccessarily have a projector so more 
talking than images, this is low key and informal skill sharing type event so don’t worry 
about needing to be super confident or polished WE AIN’T!

We will then have an open discussion about things which have been presente!

If people would also like to bring a dish we can have some food and chat afterwards!


Challenging Military Visits to Schools in Scotland
Tuesday, March 15 at 6 PM
STUC, 333 Woodlands Road, G3 6NG

This public meeting at Glasgow’s Scotland Trade Union Congress (STUC) from 7-9pm on 
Tuesday 15 March is to raise awareness about a petition to scrutinise Armed Forces visits 
to schools in Scotland, and to allow a discussion of the concerns behind it.


Owen Everett from ForcesWatch will speak on his research regarding military visits to schools

Army and Navy veterans Geoffrey Martin and Conor McAllister from Veterans for Peace 
Scotland will speak out about their experiences – both having been recruited at the age of 17.

Nicola Fisher, a local primary school teacher and Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) 

All welcome. The event will start at 7pm however please come from 6:30pm to enjoy some 
tea, coffee and biscuits. Please book a free place to guarantee a seat. The venue has 
disabled access.


The Gruffalo
Saturday, March 19 from 1 PM
The Children’s Wood, Kelbourne/Sanda/Clouston Street, G20

A mouse took a stroll in the deep dark wood…..

Come and join us in the Children’s Wood and North Kelvin Meadow for the Gruffalo. Tam Dean 
Burn will read The Gruffalo. There will be an opportunity to meet the Gruffalo and join in 
with a gruffalo easter hunt.

Given the level of interest in this event we have created an eventbrite page. The tickets 
are still FREE ( though you can make a donation – all of our activities are led by 
volunteers and any money raised will help towards a paid position and other free events)
You can chose from one of three slots 1:30pm, 2:30pm or 3:30pm.

Hope to see you then!


GSFF16 Opening Event: Lost Treasure
Wednesday, March 16 at 9 PM
GFT, 12 Rose Street, G3 6RB

Glasgow Short Film Festival 2016 opens with a major new audio-visual commission. In 1956, 
Glasgow-based socialist filmmaking collective the Dawn Cine Group embarked on their most 
ambitious project to date. Intending to tell the story of the Scottish Highlands and its 
people, Lost Treasure was never completed. Musicians Drew Wright (Wounded Knee) and Hamish 
Brown (Swimmer One), alongside filmmaker Minttu Mäntynen, have devised a live performance 
responding to the 60 year old unfinished film, weaving together the existing footage with 
traditional songs, field recordings and archival recordings of oral history.

All tickets £10
Lost Treasure is supported by PRS for Music Foundation. With thanks to National Library of 
Scotland Moving Image Archive.


Gladstone’s Bag presents: Silent Comedy Movies
Saturday, March 19 at 2 PM
The Britannia Panopticon Music Hall, 113-117 Trongate, G1 5HD

Gladstones Bag proudly present another selection of Silent Films, with live score and 
sound effects! This month we have some classic comedy films as part of Glasgow’s comedy 

Doors 1:30pm, showtime 2pm. Suggested donation £5

To reserve seats please email us on info or call us on 0141 553 0840. We do not at this 
time sell tickets on line, you just reserve seats in advance and pay on the door.

Please be aware that it is our policy to hold reservations until 10 mins before the start 
of the show, at which point they will be passed on to the next people in the walk-up queue.


Women of the Necropolis Heritage Walk
Sunday, March 20 at 12 PM
Glasgow Women’s Library, 23 Landressy Street, G40 1BP

Experience our fantastic women’s history walking tour which digs the dirt on Victorian 
society, unearths women’s achievements and exhumes the histories of women buried in 
Glasgow’s Necropolis, as featured in Clare Balding’s book Walking Home. For more 
information and booking, please see:



Sunday, March 20 at 1 PM – 3 PM
Battlefield Avenue, G42

Reclaiming our streets for play! After a bit of a break, we’re having another street-play 
session, like last time closing the middle part of Battlefield Ave (between Craigmillar Rd 
and Ledard Rd) to through traffic (residents will have access) so our children can play 
safely in the street for a couple of hours. Please bring your children along for a play 
and to help make our third ‘Playin’ Oot’ session another success! We’re also looking for 
volunteers to help organise or just help on the day, e.g. to steward, help evaluate the 
day, or just to help teach our children some of the street games you played as a child. 
Parents and non-parents welcome! For more info on how this has been done elsewhere, click 


The Hunger Games & Revolution
Tuesday, March 22 at 6:45 PM – 9:00 PM
Fred Paton Centre, 19 Carrington Street, G4 9AJ

When I finally read the Hunger Games trilogy last year, I discovered that suddenly I was 
having conversations about revolution with people I had never even discussed politics with 
before. Positive, fun conversations. This talk and discussion will take a light-hearted 
look at how the dystopian society in The Hunger Games resembles our own, and how it 
doesn’t, and what is exciting about the revolution in the Hunger Games and what isn’t, 
from (of course) an anarchist communist perspective. This will be full of spoilers, but 
won’t contain full plot summaries, so if you haven’t got a clue what happens yet in the 
Hunger Games, you might like to acquaint yourself with the books or films to participate 
in discussion. Listeners are of course still welcome.


This event is hosted by Glasgow AF. We ask that all those attending this event read the 
brief introduction to our safer spaces policy here:


Tear The Walls Down Tour #2 – Empty Cages Collective – Workshop
Wednesday, 23rd March: 6-8pm
Unit 11, 53 Kilbirnie Street, Glasgow, G5 8JD

The Tear Down The Walls Tour is a chance to learn about struggles against prisons across 
England, Wales & Scotland. The two hour workshop explores the role of prison in our lives, 
how the P.I.C harms individuals and communities and alternatives to it. We introduce 
examples of state violence, like the IPP sentences, and we focus on prison expansion, as 
well as the role of prison labour. We explore recent resistance & ongoing struggles and 
aim to support new groups to emerge that can fight this racist, sexist, brutal system.

The Empty Cages Collective have been working towards building a movement in England, Wales 
& Scotland that fights the prison industrial complex. Through touring, popular education, 
events & actions, the collective have tried to connect individuals and groups who share a 
rage against the prison system and a desire to build a different world. The collective 
have produced publications, spoke at event after event, launched Community Action on 
Prison Expansion, took part in the international action camp against the mega prison in 
Wales, supported the Smash IPP campaign and organised the recent week of action against 
the P.I.C. Having visited five cities in March 2014, the first TDTW tour built the first 
friendships and now it is time to take to the road again.


Saturday, March 26 at 7 PM – 8:30 PM
CCA Glasgow, 350 Sauchiehall Street, G2 3JD

Join us for Sean Baker’s ‘Tangerine’, screening as part of Cinema For All’s ‘Reaching 
Communities’ project.
You’ll also have the chance to win a GIANT promotional poster!!
FREE! LGBT Unity Group Fundraiser – donations taken

"Transgender sex worker Sin-Dee Rella, who has just finished a 28-day prison sentence, 
meets her friend Alexandra, another trans sex worker, at a donut shop in Hollywood on 
Christmas Eve. Alexandra accidentally reveals that Sin-Dee’s boyfriend and pimp Chester 
has been cheating on her with a cisgender woman. Sin-Dee storms out to search the 
neighborhood for Chester and the woman."

Starring transgender actresses, Kitana Kiki Rodriguez and Mya Taylor….who should win 
awards for their great performances.
Famously shot using an iphone 5 for $100,000, using this lens:

Tangerine also has a *fabulous soundtrack.


*The film will be subtitled
*The CCA is a wheelchair accessible venue with accessible toilets on the ground floor.
*For more information please see:

*Free/Donation, first come first serve!
*This is also a fundraiser for LGBT Unity Scotland.
*Rated 18


The Glasgow Girls of Garnethill Women’s Heritage Walk
Saturday, April 2 at 2 PM – 4 PM
Glasgow Women’s Library, 23 Landressy Street, G40 1BP


Within Garnethill’s confined boundaries we spotlight the women who pioneered European art 
movements, designed banners for suffragette processions, created the first women’s library 
in Scotland and made Garnethill the most exciting cultural and multicultural hotspot in 
Glasgow. For more information and booking, please see:




All things Yellow!
Saturday, March 5 at 12 PM – 6 PM
There’s no such thing as a Free Lunch Cafe, 257 London Road, G40 1PE

We will be serving up a feast of yellow delights and getting in the mood for the 
Barrowland extravaganza later in the evening. Come meet old pals and new, get your yellow 
on as well as a grin….See you soon x

The cafe is ‘pay as you feel’ and we want to make you feel good!


Govanhill Free Dinner
Every Monday at 5:30pm – 8:00pm
Govanhill Trinity Church, 28 Daisy Street, G42 8JZ

Join your neighbours for a free dinner. All welcome.


The UNITY World Café
Every Tuesday at 11:00am – 1:00pm
140-142 Nelson Street, G5 8EJ

UNITY is still distributing free food to destitute asylum seekers.




Knockout – Conditioning Special
Saturday, March 5 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM
John Paul Academy, 2 Arrochar Street, G23 5LY

An opportunity for the LGBT Community and friends to get as fit as a boxer! Beginners welcome!

Knockout is the new Boxing Club based in Glasgow, for the LGBT community and friends, 
providing boxing training sessions.


Critical Mass
Friday, 25th of March at 7 PM
George Square

Meet at the column before a ride about town.



Roller Derby: British Champs Tier 1 Triple Header
Saturday, March 26 at 11:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Glasgow Caledonian ARC, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, G4 0BA





United Glasgow

The club operates under dual core principles of anti-discrimination and financial inclusion.

Women (trans* inclusive)

5-a-side Drop-In – Monday Nights (Firhill Complex, Hopehill Road) – 7.30pm-8.30pm

11-a-side Training – Wednesday Nights (Firhill Complex, Hopehill Road) – 9pm-10.30pm

Contact the Club for men’s training times.


Email future events including name/time/date/location/description to:
If you know someone who would like to be added to this list then please direct them to:

You can leave this list at any time by sending a blank email to:
The Autonomy Update is brought to you by Glasgow Anarchist Federation. Visit our blog at:


Message: 4

Considering: ---- First: That the serious crisis that shakes the entire world, and that 
will only worsen, puts the survival of the planet and the entire population, including 
human beings, at risk. ---- Second: That politics from above is not only incapable of 
coming up with and constructing solutions, but is also among those directly responsible 
for the catastrophe already underway. ---- Third: That the sciences and the arts rescue 
the best of humanity. ---- Fourth: That the sciences and the arts now represent the only 
serious opportunity for the construction of a more just and rational world. ---- Fifth: 
That the originary peoples and those who live, resist, and struggle in the basements of 
the entire world possess, among other things, a fundamental wisdom: that of survival in 
adverse conditions.

Sixth: That Zapatismo continues betting, in life and death, on Humanity.

The Sixth Commission of the EZLN and the Zapatista bases of support:


July 17-30, 2016.

All those who practice ART can participate. For Zapatismo, an artist is anyone who 
considers their activity as art, independent of canons, art critics, museums, wikipedias, 
and any other “specialist” schemas that classify (that is, exclude) human activities.

The festival will have two major events:

The first will be at CIDECI, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México, and in any other 
venues and alternative calendars that are implemented according to the attendance 
confirmed. All persons, groups, and collectives who register and/or have been invited can 
participate in this event. The deadline for registration is up to and including June 15, 
2016. The email where you can register for this activity is

The other will be at the Caracol of Oventik, Chiapas, Mexico. In this event only Zapatista 
bases of support will offer their artistic expressions. To this end, from the month of 
February through the month of June, 2016, in the Zapatista communities, regions, and 
zones, tens of thousands of men, women, children, and elderly Zapatistas will hold 
meetings and festivals to decide the forms of their artistic expression and select who 
will participate. The Zapatista part of the festival will begin July 17, 2016.

Invited and registered artists can offer their art itself or a reflection on it.

Entry is free (with previous registration).

struggle and resistance, TO BE HELD OCTOBER 12, 2016, at CIDECI in San Cristóbal de Las 
Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. In the days before and after the event, the National Indigenous 
Congress will hold the activities it considers pertinent in the place or places it 
determines. Registration for observer-participants in the festival in honor of the CNI can 
be made at the following email:

THIRD: To the gathering “The Zapatistas and the conSCIENCES FOR HUMANITY” TO BE HELD from 
December 25, 2016 through January 4, 2017, at CICECI in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, 
Chiapas, Mexico.

In this gathering, participation in the discussion will include ONLY invited formal and 
natural scientists, in addition to, and as students, Zapatista young people, bases of 
support, who will present their doubts, questions, and inquiries to the attending 
scientists. Although entry is free (with previous registration), only the invited 
scientists and the Zapatista young people who have been selected to attend by their 
communities, regions, and zones will be able to take the floor to speak. There will be no 
exam for the students; but for the scientists…well, good luck with the questions. To 
register to attend as escuchas (listeners), use the following email: .

We will share more details in the coming days.

From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Mexico, February 2016.


Message: 5

Germany’s capital city is no stranger to migrant worker exploitation, and perhaps within 
no other industry this is more evident than the gastronomy sector. Every year thousands of 
migrant workers arrive in the city, hoping to find secure and dignified employment and to 
earn a decent wage. Many of them will find themselves waiting the tables or working within 
the kitchens of the restaurants that profit so well from the city’s status as a major 
tourist destination. But in these restaurants working conditions are often precarious, 
with workers facing long shifts, low pay and contracts worth less than the paper they’re 
written on. ---- FAU Berlin once more found itself in the midst of such a struggle, as the 
popular and centrally located Cancún restaurant attempted to withhold outstanding wages 
and holiday pay of a union member. What followed was a textbook example of direct action, 
resulting in a conclusion that was to the affected worker’s satisfaction; another victory 
for the FAU in what has been a successful few months.

This FAU member had been working in Cancún restaurant for almost nine months, between 
October 2014 and July of the following year, before eventually choosing to leave his place 
of employment. There was a constant stream of issues, including problems with being paid 
on time (or in full), working hours that were inconsistent and irregular and employees 
that were often treated with absolute contempt by the owner and his management staff. One 
waitress had a mug of hot chocolate slapped from her hand due to its incorrect preparation 
and was sacked on the spot. FAU claimed on behalf of its member a small four-figure amount 
– peanuts to a thriving restaurant in the centre of Germany’s capital, but a significant 
sum for the worker. It consisted mainly of absolutely indisputable unpaid payments for 
holiday leave.The comrade had been working under the conditions of a zero-hour contract – 
perhaps familiar to readers from the UK, the US or Finland – meaning he was not guaranteed 
a minimum number of hours to work per month. Written into the contract was an indemnity of 
1000 Euros if a worker were to quit without at least two weeks’ notice. The member tried 
to quit on multiple occasions and was ignored. In response, and apparently as a punitive 
measure, he got his hours cut. The FAU itself tried on several occasions, both in spoken 
and written form, to present the claims of its member. Jeanette Shek and Badol A. Shek, 
managers of the restaurant, denied ever having received a letter.In response to this, ten 
members of the union visited Mr Shek in October at the restaurant with another letter, 
placing it directly in his hands in front of a room full of customers and his staff. His 
reaction was one of incredulity, and he even attempted to order one of his underling 
managers to lock the doors and seal the FAU members into the restaurant. This tactic did 
not bear fruit. It was clear to the FAU members present that there was no further option 
but to escalate the struggle.

A couple of weeks later, around 40 people – members of the FAU and others – gathered 
outside Cancún restaurant to picket the customers and employees and raise a general 
awareness of the working conditions within the establishment. When the FAU members arrived 
they were not alone. Badol Shek had gathered together a group of counter-demonstrators and 
scabs, whomever he had at his disposal (numbering around fifteen or twenty), in an attem

pt to intimidate the assembled demonstrators. Despite this attempt, the picket was a 
complete success, with passers-by and customers alike drawn to the spectacle. FAU members 
handed out flyers and leaflets to leave the audience with no doubt as to the meaning of 
what they were seeing.

With onlookers stopping to talk and discuss the issues with the assembled FAU members and 
associates, the managers of Cancún restaurant could see that their situation was only 
worsening with each passing minute. After another half an hour, they sent out 
representatives with over a thousand euros to pay the worker. They had been utterly 
humiliated, and to be defeated so publically and on their own doorstep was truly a marvel 
to behold. Although the victory was a decisive, the struggle within the gastronomy 
industry is an ongoing one. Working conditions in Berlin are precarious at the best, but 
restaurant owners in particular know that for every dissenting worker there are twenty 
others ready to step in and replace them, desperate to earn a living. Direct action in 
this instance has once more produced the goods, and it is up to us to continue to act 
collectively to continue thwarting capitalistic exploitation of workers wherever it exists.

Foreigners’ Section Berlin