Today's 3 Topics:
1. Interview with Dublin squatters about opening a new
place (
2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #258 (Feb) - 1906: The
disaster of Courrières ablaze the mining area (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (
3. AFED Glasgow Events from 09/03/2016 (
Message: 1
Huge numbers of people are now effectively homeless as they are unable to find somewhere
stable to rent. Fortunately only a minority have been forced onto the streets so far,
Dublin's hotels are full of families on 3 day rotation emergency accommodation. In some
hotels such families are not allowed to use the front entrance. Thousands of others are
forced to move into already overcrowded accommodation, perhaps with parents or friends.
Yet more are coach surfing, moving around as they exhaust the charity of friends. And a
growing number are sleeping on the streets or in tents, van and cars in park and
industrial estates. ---- We heard on the news this morning that the number of dwellings
available for rent has once more plummeted. There hasn't been a war in which lots of
houses have been demolished so what is causing this shortage? Part of the problem is that
a very large number of houses are being deliberately left empty for long periods and
nothing can be done about this.
Well not quite nothing, in this interview we talked to one of the anarchists who have been
opening up such homes in Dublin. The image shows the inside of the house, the first image
of the mail lying all over the hall gives an idea of how long it had been left abandoned.
Solidarity Times: What was the point of the direct action carried out by anarchists last
night ?
Anarchists (including some affiliated with the WSM ) gained entry to a large residential
house in the Dublin area with the aim of securing it and opening it up for a group of
individuals in desperate need of medium term accommodation.
Solidarity Times: It was a complete success?
So far the home has been securely expropriated from the hands of landlords and with the
homeless individuals the house is now been cleaned for living use. It had been left empty
now for a number of years to rot, but thanks to organised action it has now been put to
effective use.
Activists have been repairing electrical and water supplies to the building (as well as
skills sharing with the residents in how to do this), cleaning the house as well as
securing entrances to the building to protect it from violent private security or gardai
Solidarity Times: What state was the house in?
The the house was generally untidy, with electricity and water cut to stop homeless people
from using it, it had also been firmly secured from entry. Activists have since fixed at
the supply problems and re-secured the building.
Solidarity Times: What inspired this action?
Obviously the influence of the continental squatting anarchist movement would be the
ideological root of this action but more recently the anarchists involved in this lastest
actions have been self organizing and have involved themselves in many other housing
related actions over the previous year, including spearheading the Barricade Inn, squatted
anarchist social centre, they were instrumental in organising and maintaining the Bolt
Hostel, as well as numerous other direct action occupations.
Solidarity Times: Do you think more of these types of actions will happen in future?
Definitely. We plan on continuing our efforts to alleviate the housing crisis but need all
the support and help we can get. We also recognise that the housing issue is not a
temporary crisis but a permanent crisis of capitalism, until patriarchal state capitalism
goes this issue will stay and grow in severity. Capitalism is it's cause and must be
rooted out of society so we can all have the right to well being.
Message: 2
On Saturday, March 10, 1906 an explosion devastates Pit No.3 in Méricourt (Pas de Calais),
belonging to the company of Courrières mines. By extension, pits # 2 in Billy Montigny,
and # 4 in Sallaumines are also affected. The disaster killed 1099 people, which made it
the deadliest mining history to that of Benxihu (China) in 1942. Soon, the mine management
and that the accident by the company and the public authorities are challenged and show
contempt for capitalist life of minors. Popular anger will spread to the whole mining area
and beyond. ---- It is 6:30, March 10, 1906, when a violent explosion shook the pits 2, 3
and 4. The probable gas explosion, a natural gas that is released from coal seams and
catches fire, is mostly followed by a gigantic "blow breeze "fine carbon dust particles in
the air ignited. The fire spread to the sound velocity of 110 kilometers of galleries in
minutes. Some collapsed, the cages connecting the different floors can no longer circulate
in the well No. 3. Debris and horses are projected as cannonballs up the well to a height
of ten meters and fall by the wayside the pit. The miners die shredded under the pressure
of the explosion, burned alive, crushed under rubble or in unaffected galleries,
asphyxiated by "puteux" carbon dioxide. 1697 miners came down to work this morning.
The 3 wells devastated by the disaster, underlined in red, are not located in Courrières,
but depend on the company that operates the concession of Courrières.
Save the miners or mine?
From the first minutes after the explosion, hundreds of minors are presented to assist in
relief operations. After a few hours, as required by law, the operations were taken over
by the state services. The new rescue authorities, Gustave Leon, chief engineer of the
Mines Department, and Frédéric Delafond, general engineer, wary on what to do. The
progression of the rescuers is very complicated and dangerous. While several minor decide
to descend on their own in search of survivors. Most will never return. The minor delegate
of the pit 3, Pierre Simon said "Ricq" manages to find access to the galleries of the pit
3. With three friends, he was able to save 17 men. At night, in the rain, nearly 10 000
people are clumped to the gates of three pits still hoping for news of their relatives.
The minor delegate "Ricq" among his comrades. The postcard exaggerates the feat of the
hero, with 27 rescues are attributed to him instead of 17.
Volunteers minors for rescue eagerly concerns can look down their comrades.
The night of the disaster, thousands of people waiting outside the gates of the well # 4
in Sallaumines, guarded by gendarmes, hoping for news of their relatives.
Sunday, March 11, while the disaster already made the headlines, the engineers estimate
that it becomes impossible to find survivors and decided to reverse the ventilation
system. This decision could cause displacement of toxic gases in areas where survivors
remained. But the goal is to clear the home of the explosion to the clear and can resume
operations at the earliest. Yet that evening, a group of German rescuers from the mining
Ruhr, perfectly trained and equipped with the most modern respirators, arrives on site.
Their arrival is greeted with suspicion by the French teams. It must be said that we are
in the middle of the Algeciras Conference, in which France and Spain share the Morocco to
prevent it from falling into the German purse. It was not until Monday 12 so that they
have permission to descend to the bottom in order to meet the victims' bodies.
From mourning to anger
From the first days, a solidarity movement starts: donations pour in from around the
world, including the coalfields, among the workers. The great of this world compete in
generous donations, the 100 000F. Rothschild meet 20 000F. the pope. In three months, more
than 7 million francs are harvested and managed by a central committee of the distribution
of relief led by former President Emile Loubet.
On March 13, the funeral takes place in the snow. In the common grave in Méricourt, lined
the coffins of 18 miners impossible to recognize.
Tuesday, March 13 held the first funeral, including 18 bodies whose condition does not
allow identification. For them, a mass grave was dug in Méricourt. The 18 coffins carried
by militants of Catholic youths chosen by the company, accompanied by 15,000 people,
despite a snowstorm. For all the funerals that will follow at a frantic pace for several
days, the company imposes a religious ceremony, "even for families of freethinkers," says
the press. But the crowd of miners and their families prevent company officials to speak.
Unionists minor Lamendin Arthur, Deputy Mayor of Lievin, and Emile Basly, deputy mayor of
Lens, are applauded. Cries of "Long live the revolution! Long live the Social! Long live
the strike! " Respond to their speech. The miner rescued Vincent, whose 19 year old son
died, calling for revenge. The police have to evacuate the angry crowd the area around the
cemetery. The next day in the pits of the Company Courrieres and those of neighboring
companies and Dourges Ostricourt, the miners go down more. They hold meetings and make the
rounds of nearby wells to stop doing them. The strike arose from the workers' anger, took
off guard union leaders as the company.
No fatality
From the first hours, many have realized that this disaster was not only due to fatality.
One thinks immediately to an accidental fire, started March 5 in Cécile vein, because of a
big scrap wood stock (80 cubic meters) that the company had not ascended to avoid costly
work. The management of the fire by "squeezing" (building walls to smother the fire) was
ineffective, what had already reported the delegate Pierre Simon. Half an hour before the
accident, an engineer controlled the fire and did not notice his extension. The assumption
of shot (using a defective explosive) is advanced by the company to explain the
inflammation of the gas explosion, but is unlikely barely 30 minutes after the start of work.
The minor MP Emile Basly, back here, is present on the floor of the mine to witness the
recovery of the bodies.
The context is one of strong economic growth, resulting in strong demand for coal and thus
a growing need for labor in the mines. This labor need has forced companies sold certain
claims (liability of employers for each accident in 1898, from 10 am day in 1900, and from
8 am to minors background voted in 1905 to gradually apply from 1906 and 1908 ...). But
companies also rely on an organized immigration, especially of minors lunch, and a blind
eye to the illegal employment of children under 13 years. 27% of juveniles were then
between 13 and 18 years. The companies also give priority to productive work on security
work, such as the discharge of waste timber.
Profits are so impressive. From 1898 to 1904, the company won Courrières 74 million CHF 41
million was distributed to shareholders, 14 and 18 in reserve used for improvements. The
priority is obvious. Lowered wages by 10% in 1902 on the pretext of a crisis had not been
reassembled once the revenue growth. They approach 5F per day (a good half of the variable
premiums according to production) for a day remaining at 10am despite the gradual
reduction provided by law.
L'Assiette au beurre, illustrated satirical newspaper, was released March 24 a special
issue devoted entirely to disaster. To achieve this, the magazine sent to the scene of
three drama cartoonists Ricardo Flores, Aristide Delannoy and Jules Grandjouan. The latter
depicts miners resigned to death "Let's go since it takes coal to the company and bread
for the youngsters."
In addition, the mining company had performed significant work to achieve the
interconnection between its various wells. This device, meant to allow the discharge of
minors, mainly led to the spread of fire in different graves, 110 km of galleries. The
criticisms do not miss against the company.
"We no longer descends"
On March 14, a huge crowd gathers in Lens, outside the town hall of Emile Basly.
On March 14, a new record is established: there were 1097 deaths. The strike is declared
in the Company Dourges. 10 000 strikers there are already about 80,000 miners of 2
departments. The government "alliance of the left" (radical socialist and democratic
alliance) is in crisis for several days, following the resignation of the Chairman,
Maurice Rouvier, implicated in the violence that accompanied the inventory of property the
clergy, began following the law of separation of church and the state in December 1905 [ 1
]. The same day, a government is formed in a hurry by the radical Jean Sarrien, Georges
Clemenceau and Aristide Briand, the two greatest personalities of the Republican left out
of the Socialist Party (just unify the various socialist trends in 1905 ).
Emile Basly, born in 1854, orphaned at 10, he drops to the mine from 12 years. Founder of
the first miners' union in 1882, leader of the Anzin strike in 1884, he was nicknamed "the
indomitable minor" and a model for Zola to create the character of Etienne Lantier. He was
elected in 1885 to his death in 1928 and mayor of Lens 1900-1928.
The claims dating back meetings held in the various wells will respect the freedom of
conscience to improve security, to the reduction of working time or retirement. On March
15, the minor MP Basly, back to the National Assembly, meets the Mineworkers' Union of
Calais (the "old Union") in Congress in his town of Lens. Selected claims remain quite
moderate: 4,8F salary (ie the actual average) and 40% of premiums on production or 7,18F,
freedom of conscience, maintenance of widows in the settlements ... That evening, sections
together in each basin is not always welcome though these claims, very incomplete. The
section of Lievin rejects.
The members of the Federation of Miners Calais (the "young union", affiliated to the CGT)
gathered at the People's House in Lens. Its president, Benoît Broutchoux anarchist, critic
claims the old union, then present those of the Federation, the main one "8 hours work, 8
francs salary" . A strike committee was created, but it will remain essentially the tool
of the young union, a minority.
Benoît Broutchoux born near Montceau-les-Mines in 1879 and became a minor 14 years. Navvy
in Paris in 1898, he became syndicalist and anarchist. Often condemned for his speech, he
succeeded in 1902 in getting hired under a false name in the mining basin, Lens. His son,
born in 1905 in Sallaumines, is named Germinal.
For its part, the Independent Federation of minors, a minority yellow union rejects the
strike and will continue to call the prefect to strengthen military repression, via the
newspaper La Croix d'Arras, which is great open it.
Clemenceau among strikers
On March 17, the number of strikers reached 32 000. Basly brings a new congress of the old
union to reach a consensus on the claims to present the following day at the meeting with
representatives of companies. But in the morning, Basly and other leaders of the old union
first received Georges Clemenceau, Minister of Interior, who has just arrived in Lens,
accompanied by the prefect and a mining engineer from Paris. The Minister expressed their
intention to send troops to protect the graves of agitators may engage in undesirable
acts. Delegates Evrard and Beugnet protest. The minister appealed for calm, saying the
government will do its utmost to prevent clashes between strikers and police. An agreement
was reached to keep the mine shaft by the army.
Clemenceau went on foot to the house of Lens of people to talk to the strikers' young
union ", accompanied by some policemen.
Then the minister went on foot to the house of the people, shortly before 13 hours, to
talk to the young union. Benoît Broutchoux is absent. The interior minister negotiates
with his deputy, Plouvier accepting the proposal Clemenceau. The minister then expressed
before 2,000 strikers who welcome the cry of "Long live the strike! " . Clemenceau said:
"It is not for me to discuss your claim. I come to tell you only that the Government of
the Republic intends to enforce the law by all. The strike is an absolute right for you,
which you can not be disputed. [...] If among you, are criminals who want to destroy the
wells, I have to stop them and to keep the mines by the troops because the police would
ffi cient knowledge. The soldiers will be stationed overnight and they will not have
contact with you. [...] What I ask is that when work will resume partially, you respect
the freedom to work, as I do respect your right to strike. "
The right Clemenceau once accused of being accomplices of the disorder, while the
Socialists can only congratulate him for that stunt.
The failure of the old union
At the Congress of March 17 in Lens, while Clemenceau speaks with young union Basly
violently attack Broutchoux and his friends: "Now look at what these people are and where
they come from. One teacher is unemployed, the other glass, is another anarchist
journalist, the fourth is also anarchist and robber over the market. None of the
coalfield, all come from Paris or elsewhere, without being called by anyone, with money
that comes from someone working to sow division. " His proposal to demand a salary plus
bonuses 4,8F is rejected. 104 delegates of the 166 voting for the claim of a minimum fixed
salary. 4 sections even tried unsuccessfully to take the claim of "8 hours, 8 francs" .
The first plan of this picture Strike Committee formed by the "young union," Benedict
Broutchoux and "la Sorgue citizen."
March 18, only the old union is allowed to meet the employers' delegation in Paris, led by
Jean Casimir Perier, former president of the republic, which offers a 10% increase in
wages. The strike spread still: from 46 to 50,000 strikers Monday, March 19. To take an
important solidarity is taking place, particularly through food support socialist mayors.
The strikers also actively support the traders who are facing bankruptcy because the drop
in their turnover. Patrols flush out the "yellow" generalize, trains transporting minors
from other cities were arrested.
The strategy is also based on Basly agitation qu'entretient the Socialist Party in Paris.
He and Jaurès are campaigning in the gallery of the assembly for the nationalization of
mines. Already in its editorial of March 11 Humanity, the day after the disaster, Jaures
wrote: "What's terrible is to say, before the deaths, that the company was not just for
them; she has not respected and glorified in them the dignity of life, she left them to
the status of employees, that is to say in a lower condition. [...] From the bottom of the
blazing tanks is a summation of social justice that goes up to the political
representatives of the nation. "
The division is consumed
On March 20, the strikers of "youth union" trying to force the first two lines of mounted
police who protect the town of Lens where met the "old union" representatives
March 20 at Lens, the old union meets with the mayor and discusses both claims Respond to
companies that unity of action with the young union, which strongly opposes Basly. Yet in
many wells, the action is totally shared between members of the two unions. The young
union met the people's house a few hundred meters. He intends to pressure the old union
and 1500-2000 people go in procession to the town hall. Basly, as mayor, request the
protection of the police! Despite the two rows of police, some protesters managed to pass.
During the scuffle, Broutchoux and two others were arrested, despite fierce resistance,
which will justify two months imprisonment. When delegates leave the old union, they are
greeted with cries of "cowards sold" and some are abused. The same evening Pierre Monatte,
then editor in chief of the Union Action (weekly young union) and the "Sorgue citizen",
feminist and revolutionary activist, held a meeting in the house of the people in front of
1500 people. The division is consumed between the two unions and the unit at the base
becomes more difficult in some wells.
The situation became more tense Clemenceau sending military reinforcements, bringing to
20,000 the number of soldiers present. Soldiers patrol the streets. This decision marks
the beginning of hostilities between Clemenceau and the socialist left. Meanwhile,
Clemenceau enter the register in which the delegates register their comments, including
warnings delegate Pierre Simon over the burning of the Cécile vein.
The arrest of Benoît Broutchoux outside the town hall in Lens on 20 March.
Incidents with yellow and soldiers are increasingly frequent arrests multiply. On 25
March, at an event of 10 to 15 000 people in Lens Basly announced a referendum on March 28
on the answer to the proposals of employers. The atmosphere is gloomy and some strikers
have begun to return to work. He hopes to get the legitimacy to call for the resumption of
work. The referendum is reduced to only minor background, aged over 18 years. But on March
29, the result is 32,000 votes for the strike and 18 000 for the resumption of work. The
situation seems blocked.
The survivors revive the strike
March 30, 1906 7 am, thirteen survivors arrive in a stable of well # 2 where miners work
in maintenance. They survived by eating twenty days lighters (snack crusts) found on the
dead, the dead horses and drinking their urine. To designate these miracles, the press
popularized the word "survivor" (from chti "Escapes" for escaped). This event revives
anger. For 3 days, the German rescuers left. One has the impression that the search for
survivors were sacrificed in favor of the rehabilitation of the mine. Many non-striking
miners who thought they could work to find survivors are actually employed in
rehabilitation. At the meeting, Basly violently attacks those responsible for rescue
operations: "Three days after the disaster, in a council of the engineers of the State and
the Courrières mine, it was decreed that no ' there were more live [...]. So we set to
work as soon as possible to restore the operating activity ... such was the desire of
mainly farmers. They saw only one thing: stopped the extraction and therefore lower profits ".
The 13 "survivors" around their doctor, become heroes. Some will lecture tours, including
Henri Neny (No. 1), often accused by others of distorting facts to pull the blanket to him.
The same evening, a non-striker who fired on the crowd caillasse his house and kills a
striker 20 years. It will take 4 platoons of police to protect this house. Night and day,
the mining towns experiencing violence: looting of employers' houses, street battles
between strikers and soldiers. Explosives are used to cut the bridges, railroads,
telegraph lines ... engineers, foremen are taken to task, stoned their houses, churches
close companies (which required Communion to hire a youth) are blown. The production is
almost completely stopped everywhere. The young union dissolved in the committees of
strikes each pit. The old union is exceeded. The Socialist mayor of Montigny-en-Gohelle
was sentenced to one month in prison for not having asked the dispersal of strikers.
On April 4, a fourteenth survivor, Auguste Berthon, was found by rescuers. His story makes
me shudder: March 10, asphyxiated by gases, fainted, he was left for dead by a group of
survivors in which he was. After regaining consciousness, he survived thanks to lighters
corpses. He had to wait until the reopening of the well 4, almost a month later. Popular
anger turns into rage before the criminal attitude of the companies and engineers.
The coming revolution
On April 10, a new congress of the old union Lens discuss maintaining or not the claim of
7,18F. But outside, the crowd takes as much to the company as Basly. Negotiations April
14, imposed by the government to companies still fail. Clashes redoubled. The soldiers
load the crowds saber. A woman was wounded in the stomach on April 15 in Lievin. The same
day, a small company, it Marles, agrees to a salary 7F21: the 8F appear possible in large
companies. The radicalism of the young union Please growing. On April 17, a gendarmerie is
assailed for the release of the minor Nourtier, arrested as he was about to hit a
policeman who protected the wife of a yellow. In the presence of the prefect and the mayor
of Liévin, the crowd gets the release of several prisoners, and even the departure of the
gendarmes chased across fields. The strike spread through the CGT: minor Loire and Ales
since 15, metalworkers Calais on April 17 neighboring pottery and glassware 18, postal
workers and typographers Parisian regions ... Companies doing use of foreign minors,
solidarity strikes start popping in the mines of Germany and Belgium.
A Lens, the "mansion" of Reumaux, company president of Lens, is devastated and a barricade
was built. During the cavalry charge, a lieutenant killed, fell from his horse after being
hit in the forehead by a stone.
A Lievin, strikers are hiding in the mining villages 3 and make it impossible to cavalry
charges by cutting down on the floor telegraph poles. The army charged several times from
different sides but must shrink projectiles rain. To 21h, strikers abandon the square
before a bayonet to the barrel load of an entire infantry regiment. April 22, La Croix
d'Arras title "The coming revolution ..." and regrets that the army does not have the
right to shoot.
The republican order
April 22, important military reinforcements overturn the balance of power (70 military
trains in 5 days). The arrests multiply and specially designed CGT strikers and young
people, the streets are gridded, making impossible any gathering. The Parisian press speak
of an anarchist plot long prepared with Bonapartist! Several leaders of the CGT, which
Monatte are charged with "conducting anarchists." With the approach of 1 May 1906, when a
massive demonstration scheduled for 8 am by the CGT, Clemenceau warned Victor Griffuelhes,
secretary general of the CGT, it will be held responsible for any overflow. He also coming
45 000 soldiers in Paris. It is therefore necessary to stop the strike in the North before
May 1 to release the troops. The government pressured the companies to resume
negotiations. Some smaller, some give in and negotiate wage increases.
On 1 May 1906, Paris is squared by the weapon troop, here to the barracks of Chateau d'Eau.
Some well resume work from 30 April, with minor benefits (higher wages, freedom of
conscience and sometimes access to account books to the union) but no guarantees on jobs
of the strikers. In Paris, the army defeats the big event from May 1 to 8, causing many
clashes and stopped 800 people.
The press is announcing the end of the movement and devotes his column in the
parliamentary elections on 6 May. Basly Lamendin and re-elected in the first round but
number of strikers feel betrayed by the old union CGT and sections multiply. Latest
strikers back to work late May. Broutchoux Monatte and are then released. The lessons of
the accident on 10 March boil down to the creation of a rescue station in Lievin and
replacement of light bulbs with bare lamps called "security". In May 1907, the Arras court
issued a dismissal order confirmed on 24 July by the Court of Appeal of Douai: Compagnie
des mines of Courrières output is completely bleached.
Le Petit Journal on Sunday, May 6, 1906 imagine the courageous action of the soldiers
arresting "rioters in the settlements."
It was not until June that the families of victims receive the first payments from the 7
million francs harvested: you should not have this money to help keep the strike! Ultimate
provocation, payments are modest, the majority being paid in a registered savings account
whose families can withdraw only 100E per month. The poor would not have been able to
manage such an amount ... and this will inject money into the banking system, to the
benefit of companies seeking capital.
Jaurès in the gallery of the assembly, detail of a painting by René-Decelle Rousseau
(1881-1964), painted in 1907.
In Paris, Clemenceau won his strike breaker reputation. The Socialists regularly attack
the meeting. While the interior minister justified the crackdown by the violence of the
strikers, Jaurès replied June 19, 1906: "Violence is something coarse, palpable,
perceptible among the workers: a threatening gesture, it is seen, it is retained. A
bullying approach is captured, recorded, dragged before the judges. The characteristic of
the labor action, in this conflict, when it exaggerates when she exasperates is to
proceed, indeed, by the visible and perceptible acts of brutality. Ah! The employers did
not need him to carry a violent action, wild gestures and tumultuous words! Some men
gather, in camera, in security, in the privacy of a board of directors, and some, without
violence, without wild gestures, dull voice as causing diplomats around the mat green,
they decide that the reasonable salary will be denied to the workers; they decide that the
workers who continue the fight will be excluded, will be hunted, will be designated by
imperceptible marks, but known to other patrons, the universal condemnation employer. It
makes no noise; this is the killer machine work which, in his gear in its mills in his
belt, took the throbbing man and screaming; the machine did not even creak and it is in
silence that grinds. "
Renaud (AL Alsace)
[ 1 ] See "1905: The law of separation of Church and State was passed" in Alternative
Libertaire 256 of December 2015.
Message: 3
Hi all, It’s International Working Woman’s Day, and while the UN might have dropped the
content about class struggle that the day originally contained that history hasn’t been
lost entirely in Glasgow, as we can see from the events going on. The revolutionary spirit
of today lives on with Fail Better this Thursday putting on a night dedicated to one
phrase: Fuck the Patriarchy! There is also the regular Other Feminist Reader group
discussion on the 16th to check out as well as the Glasgow Woman’s Library walking tours.
On top of that we have been getting the update back on track with more events and quite a
few entries in the radical outdoors section at the end of this update. ******* SHRAPNEL
air Cuairt / Scottish Tour -- Thursday, March 10 at 8 PM -- Tron Theatre, 63 Trongate, G1 5HB
Ath-sgrìobhachadh le Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul
Bon nobhail le Tormod Caimbeul
Stiùireadh le Muireann Kelly
“perceptive, poetic and comedic … set in Edinburgh, in areas not unlike those featured in
Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting”
– Scottish Review of Books
Air a’ stèidheachadh ann an dorchadas dubh Dhùn Eideann, tha sinn a’ leantainn aithrisear
neo-aithnichte ’s e air teicheadh bho chasaid murt. Le fealla-dhà, tha sinn a’ leantainn
an aithrisear ’s e a’ siubhail air feadh Dhùn Eideann a’ coinneachadh ri iomadach
charactar annasach agus a’ seachnadh a’ phoileis bhrùideil, Walter Shrapnel. Tha an
dealbh-chluich stèidhte air an nobhail leis an sàr sgrìobhaiche, Tormod Caimbeul le
dealbhachadh, fo-thiotalan agus ceòl, tha Shrapnel freagarrach airson fìleantaich agus
Co-produced by Tron Theatre and An Lanntair and supported by Creative Scotland, Bòrd na
Gàidhlig, NTS, Comhairle nan Leabhraichean, Playwrights’ Studio Scotland, Leabhraichean
Beaga and Glasgow Life
Adapted by Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul
From the novel by Tormod Caimbeul
Directed by Muireann Kelly
“perceptive, poetic and comedic … set in Edinburgh, in areas not unlike those featured in
Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting”
– Scottish Review of Books
Set in the underbelly of Edinburgh, ‘Shrapnel’ follows the journey of a man on the run for
a crime he did not commit. With brilliantly anarchic humour, we follow our enigmatic
narrator’s ever step through the streets of Edinburgh, as he meets an array of
extraordinary misfits,whilst avoiding the psychopathic former detective, Walter Shrapnel.
Adapted from Tormod a Bhocsair’s seminal Gaelic novel with animation, subtitles and live
music, Shrapnel is for Gaelic and non-Gaelic speakers alike and not to be missed.
Fail Better: Fuck The Patriarchy
Thursday, March 10 at 8 PM
McChuills, 40 High Street, G1 1NL
This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is PARITY. We, irrespecitve of genitals,
are all daily fucked by the patriarchy in unequal measures. We need to keep questioning,
shouting, swearing, cracking down the system and supporting each other. This is a night of
words, tunes and laughs to celebrate women’s day and everyone’s right to smash the fucking
patriarchy. Mon doon!
a whole new set from the irrefutable MAGI GIBSON
GENESEE bring her earth bending tunes
we’ll have a wee piece from TILLY GIFFORD
(more work here:
[mair to be added]
and we’re insanely lucky to have THE TWISTETTES headline for us
as always, it’s FREE ENTRY (you lucky peeeople) but chuck some coins in the bucket to
cover travel n tat for the talent.
Capital Reading Group – Discussion of Chapters 1 & 2
Saturday, March 12 at 1 PM – 3 PM
The Electron Club, CCA, 350 Sauchiehall St, G2 3JD
After the last one was put off, we’re finally going to discuss the rest of Chapter 1 & 2!
No David Harvey, just our own questions and ideas from our reading. The discussion will be
recorded for those who can’t make it. Feel free to bring nibbles!
Turning up to later sessions for the first time is welcomed. Changed to the dates and
readings will be posted in advance. You can also email glasgow if you need more information.
This event is hosted by Glasgow AF. We ask that all those attending this event read the
brief introduction to our safer spaces policy here:
Glasgow Housing Co-Op presentations and discussion
Sunday, March 13 at 1 PM
Venue TBC
For now people would like to focus on learning about housing in Glasgow and housing co-ops
in general so we will be having a day where people can present areas of interest or knowledge.
Presentations should be max 15 minutes and we don’t neccessarily have a projector so more
talking than images, this is low key and informal skill sharing type event so don’t worry
about needing to be super confident or polished WE AIN’T!
We will then have an open discussion about things which have been presente!
If people would also like to bring a dish we can have some food and chat afterwards!
Challenging Military Visits to Schools in Scotland
Tuesday, March 15 at 6 PM
STUC, 333 Woodlands Road, G3 6NG
This public meeting at Glasgow’s Scotland Trade Union Congress (STUC) from 7-9pm on
Tuesday 15 March is to raise awareness about a petition to scrutinise Armed Forces visits
to schools in Scotland, and to allow a discussion of the concerns behind it.
Owen Everett from ForcesWatch will speak on his research regarding military visits to schools
Army and Navy veterans Geoffrey Martin and Conor McAllister from Veterans for Peace
Scotland will speak out about their experiences – both having been recruited at the age of 17.
Nicola Fisher, a local primary school teacher and Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS)
All welcome. The event will start at 7pm however please come from 6:30pm to enjoy some
tea, coffee and biscuits. Please book a free place to guarantee a seat. The venue has
disabled access.
Other Feminist Readers #6
Wednesday, March 16 at 6 PM – 8 PM
Transmission, 28 King Street, G1 5QP
For the sixth meeting of Other Feminist Readers we will read Carol Hanisch’s classic
feminist treatise ‘The Personal is Political’ alongside Sara Ahmed’s recent discussion of
Audre Lorde’s work on selfcare as a political act. These texts offer some historical
context for the discussion in the previous session of the politics of care, distinguishing
between the individualising narratives surrounding self-help and feminist conceptions of
self-care in relation to collective organising.
For readings please go to:
Scottish Peace Network: Anti-Militarist Vigil
Wednesday, March 16 at 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Donald Dewar statue at the top of Buchanan Street
The Scottish Peace Network, a coalition of peace and anti-militarist organisations, is
organising a vigil and gathering with the theme of Stopping the Bombing in Syria and Iraq
and opposing militarism.
Anyone who can come even for a short time to stand in solidarity at this event is very
welcome. Bring placards and banners if possible.
It is hoped to make this a regular monthly event.
Plan C in Glasgow? Discussion meeting
Wednesday, March 16 at 6:30 PM
Room GH 509, Graham Hills Building, 40 George Street, G1 1QE
We are going to be having an open meeting on Wednesday the 16th of March to discuss the
possibilities of organising as Plan C in Glasgow. If you are interested in Plan C, or
organising with us, or just want to know more about the organisation then come along!
Plan C is a revolutionary organisation that is trying to organise in a way that is neither
a network nor a party. We don’t think we are ‘the’ organisation that has the right way of
organising but look to work together with other groups in a non-sectarian way. Plan C is
currently active in a number of projects including the Transnational Social Strike process, antifascist mobilisations, and organising
solidarity with the doctors strikes and the revolution in the Rojava. For the last two
years we have organised a festival of for 200 people in Edale in the Peak District, and
published the magazine BAMN (
If you want to read more about Plan C, here are a few articles that have been widely
discussed in the organisation:
On Social Strikes and Directional Demands:
What the Fuck is Social Reproduction
Meaning of Plan A
Plan B
Plan C
GSFF16 Opening Event: Lost Treasure
Wednesday, March 16 at 9 PM
GFT, 12 Rose Street, G3 6RB
Glasgow Short Film Festival 2016 opens with a major new audio-visual commission. In 1956,
Glasgow-based socialist filmmaking collective the Dawn Cine Group embarked on their most
ambitious project to date. Intending to tell the story of the Scottish Highlands and its
people, Lost Treasure was never completed. Musicians Drew Wright (Wounded Knee) and Hamish
Brown (Swimmer One), alongside filmmaker Minttu Mäntynen, have devised a live performance
responding to the 60 year old unfinished film, weaving together the existing footage with
traditional songs, field recordings and archival recordings of oral history.
All tickets £10
Lost Treasure is supported by PRS for Music Foundation. With thanks to National Library of
Scotland Moving Image Archive.
The Gruffalo
Saturday, March 19 from 1 PM
The Children’s Wood, Kelbourne/Sanda/Clouston Street, G20
A mouse took a stroll in the deep dark wood…..
Come and join us in the Children’s Wood and North Kelvin Meadow for the Gruffalo. Tam Dean
Burn will read The Gruffalo. There will be an opportunity to meet the Gruffalo and join in
with a gruffalo easter hunt.
Given the level of interest in this event we have created an eventbrite page. The tickets
are still FREE ( though you can make a donation – all of our activities are led by
volunteers and any money raised will help towards a paid position and other free events)
You can chose from one of three slots 1:30pm, 2:30pm or 3:30pm.
Hope to see you then!
Gladstone’s Bag presents: Silent Comedy Movies
Saturday, March 19 at 2 PM
The Britannia Panopticon Music Hall, 113-117 Trongate, G1 5HD
Gladstones Bag proudly present another selection of Silent Films, with live score and
sound effects! This month we have some classic comedy films as part of Glasgow’s comedy
Doors 1:30pm, showtime 2pm. Suggested donation £5
To reserve seats please email us on info or call us on 0141 553 0840. We do not at this
time sell tickets on line, you just reserve seats in advance and pay on the door.
Please be aware that it is our policy to hold reservations until 10 mins before the start
of the show, at which point they will be passed on to the next people in the walk-up queue.
Women of the Necropolis Heritage Walk
Sunday, March 20 at 12 PM
Glasgow Women’s Library, 23 Landressy Street, G40 1BP
Experience our fantastic women’s history walking tour which digs the dirt on Victorian
society, unearths women’s achievements and exhumes the histories of women buried in
Glasgow’s Necropolis, as featured in Clare Balding’s book Walking Home. For more
information and booking, please see:
Sunday, March 20 at 1 PM – 3 PM
Battlefield Avenue, G42
Reclaiming our streets for play! After a bit of a break, we’re having another street-play
session, like last time closing the middle part of Battlefield Ave (between Craigmillar Rd
and Ledard Rd) to through traffic (residents will have access) so our children can play
safely in the street for a couple of hours. Please bring your children along for a play
and to help make our third ‘Playin’ Oot’ session another success! We’re also looking for
volunteers to help organise or just help on the day, e.g. to steward, help evaluate the
day, or just to help teach our children some of the street games you played as a child.
Parents and non-parents welcome! For more info on how this has been done elsewhere, click
The Hunger Games & Revolution
Tuesday, March 22 at 6:45 PM – 9:00 PM
Fred Paton Centre, 19 Carrington Street, G4 9AJ
When I finally read the Hunger Games trilogy last year, I discovered that suddenly I was
having conversations about revolution with people I had never even discussed politics with
before. Positive, fun conversations. This talk and discussion will take a light-hearted
look at how the dystopian society in The Hunger Games resembles our own, and how it
doesn’t, and what is exciting about the revolution in the Hunger Games and what isn’t,
from (of course) an anarchist communist perspective. This will be full of spoilers, but
won’t contain full plot summaries, so if you haven’t got a clue what happens yet in the
Hunger Games, you might like to acquaint yourself with the books or films to participate
in discussion. Listeners are of course still welcome.
This event is hosted by Glasgow AF. We ask that all those attending this event read the
brief introduction to our safer spaces policy here:
Tear The Walls Down Tour #2 – Empty Cages Collective – Workshop
Wednesday, 23rd March: 6-8pm
Unit 11, 53 Kilbirnie Street, Glasgow, G5 8JD
EMPTY CAGES Collective are coming to Glasgow!
Check out their work here :
This workshop is open to all, with any level of experience, interest or knowledge. There
will be opportunity for discussion and to focus on the struggle for abolition in a
specifically Scottish context.
The Tear Down The Walls Tour is a chance to learn about struggles against prisons across
England, Wales & Scotland. The two hour workshop explores the role of prison in our lives,
how the P.I.C harms individuals and communities and alternatives to it. We introduce
examples of state violence, like the IPP sentences, and we focus on prison expansion, as
well as the role of prison labour. We explore recent resistance & ongoing struggles and
aim to support new groups to emerge that can fight this racist, sexist, brutal system.
The Empty Cages Collective have been working towards building a movement in England, Wales
& Scotland that fights the prison industrial complex. Through touring, popular education,
events & actions, the collective have tried to connect individuals and groups who share a
rage against the prison system and a desire to build a different world. The collective
have produced publications, spoke at event after event, launched Community Action on
Prison Expansion, took part in the international action camp against the mega prison in
Wales, supported the Smash IPP campaign and organised the recent week of action against
the P.I.C. Having visited five cities in March 2014, the first TDTW tour built the first
friendships and now it is time to take to the road again.
It Wisnae Us? The Truth About Scotland and Slavery
Friday, March 25 at 7:45 PM – 9:30 PM
Kinning Park Complex, 43 Cornwall Street, G411BA (opposite Kinning Park Underground)
March 25th – The date that British Parliament passed the bill abolishing Slave Trade in
the British Empire in 1807
Before the talk food will be available from 630pm -745pm. Provided by The Vegan people’s
kitchen Glasgow. £3.50 for a 3 course meal.
Scotland and Slavery talk by the super interesting Dr Iain Whyte author of Scotland and
the Abolition of Black Slavery, 1756-1838. 8pm.
Dr Iain Whyte met Dr Martin Luther King in 1964. Dr King encouraged Dr Whyte to tell the
Civil Rights story at home.
It Wisnae Us. The truth about Glasgow and Slavery talk by super engaging Speaker Dr
Stephen Mullen. 845pm.
Very brief talk on Anti Slavery International. 920pm
930pm finish.
£4 suggested donation. All money raised is going to Anti Slavery International.
The cost of organising this event is:
1. Venue hire £20
2. Speaker’s travel expenses £25
Any amount raised above this total will be donated to Anti-Slavery International.
Saturday, March 26 at 7 PM – 8:30 PM
CCA Glasgow, 350 Sauchiehall Street, G2 3JD
Join us for Sean Baker’s ‘Tangerine’, screening as part of Cinema For All’s ‘Reaching
Communities’ project.
You’ll also have the chance to win a GIANT promotional poster!!
FREE! LGBT Unity Group Fundraiser – donations taken
"Transgender sex worker Sin-Dee Rella, who has just finished a 28-day prison sentence,
meets her friend Alexandra, another trans sex worker, at a donut shop in Hollywood on
Christmas Eve. Alexandra accidentally reveals that Sin-Dee’s boyfriend and pimp Chester
has been cheating on her with a cisgender woman. Sin-Dee storms out to search the
neighborhood for Chester and the woman."
Starring transgender actresses, Kitana Kiki Rodriguez and Mya Taylor….who should win
awards for their great performances.
Famously shot using an iphone 5 for $100,000, using this lens:
Tangerine also has a *fabulous soundtrack.
*The film will be subtitled
*The CCA is a wheelchair accessible venue with accessible toilets on the ground floor.
*For more information please see:
*Free/Donation, first come first serve!
*This is also a fundraiser for LGBT Unity Scotland.
*Rated 18
The Glasgow Girls of Garnethill Women’s Heritage Walk
Saturday, April 2 at 2 PM – 4 PM
Glasgow Women’s Library, 23 Landressy Street, G40 1BP
Within Garnethill’s confined boundaries we spotlight the women who pioneered European art
movements, designed banners for suffragette processions, created the first women’s library
in Scotland and made Garnethill the most exciting cultural and multicultural hotspot in
Glasgow. For more information and booking, please see:
SKILL SHARE!!! Hosted by WestGAP
Saturday, April 2 at 11:30 AM – 4 PM
The Art School, 20 Scott Street, G3 6PE
WestGAP invites you to take part in our Skill Share at The Art School on Saturday 2nd
April. Our Skill Share plans to bring groups, activists and researchers together to learn
both the strategic and practical ways to fight poverty in our communities. We feel our
service would benefit from learning from the skills and the experiences of others fighting
poverty and the surrounding issues and we hope that you will to!
WestGAP is a volunteer-led anti-poverty community group based in Cessnock, Glasgow. We
provide free, independent welfare advice to anyone who comes through the door. In 2015 the
impact of Welfare Reform has also highlighted the links between poverty, housing, poor
employment rights, immigration status, physical and mental health, we’ve experienced the
effect this has had on our community. We’ve had to learn on our feet, and adapt quickly to
the impact this has had on our service.
We want you to join us to share your experiences and your skills. We welcome any groups or
campaigns to propose and host a workshop to share with others or you can come along to
listen and learn from other groups.
We also want this to be as practical as possible and hopefully at the end of the day we
will all have developed practical skills to develop in our communities.
The venue is fully accessible, however there is a big hill outside, if you have mobility
problems please let WestGAP know and we can assist.
This event has been funded by The Community Capacity and Resilience fund, therefore we
have a small budget to reimburse some travel expenses if this would prohibit you
attending. Please let us know before the event.
Please register your attendence via Eventbrite here:
Glasgow Vegan People’s Kitchen – March Edition
Friday, March 25 at 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM
Kinning Park Complex, 43 Cornwall Street, G411BA (opposite Kinning Park Underground)
Come and celebrate the 1st Anniversary of the Glasgow Vegan People’s Kitchen with us! Get
your party hats out, bring along 3.50£ and be served a delicious three course party meal!
This time we are serving:
Starter: Courgettes with Pecan-Parmesan and Salad
Main: Superextrafruitilicious Banana-Pineapple Curry with Rice
Please bring along your own beverages, glasses and tap water will be provided.
See you then, you Partypossums!
P.S. Straight after the People’s Kitchen there will be a great talk on, titled "It wisnae
us. Slavery and Scotland" by Dr Iain Whyte, author of Scotland and the Abolition of Black
Slavery, 1756-1838. (see above)
The Vegan People’s Kitchen is a non-profit event that is:
*offering a cheap, inclusive, ethical and healthy meal
*About anti-capitalism, shared responsibility and mutual aid
* A chance for the community to get together and socialise
We serve exclusively vegan food because it is
*environmentally more sustainable
Govanhill Free Dinner
Every Monday at 5:30pm – 8:00pm
Govanhill Trinity Church, 28 Daisy Street, G42 8JZ
Join your neighbours for a free dinner. All welcome.
The UNITY World Café
Every Tuesday at 11:00am – 1:00pm
140-142 Nelson Street, G5 8EJ
UNITY is still distributing free food to destitute asylum seekers.
Wednesday morning led ride
Wednesday, March 9 at at 11 AM – 1 PM
Free Wheel North at The White House, 1641 Maryhill Road, G20 0DZ
From 7th & 9th March, Free Wheel North is running weekly led rides from the White House
in Maryhill on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11am.
Join us for two hours easy cycling on the towpaths and walkways around the north and west
of the city. We avoid hills and main roads, and we’ll go no faster than blethering pace
We especially welcome newcomers and people looking to build their confidence on a bike.
Even if you don’t have a bike of your own and just want to find out if cycling could be
your thing, you can borrow one of ours for free.
There’s tea & coffee back at the White House at the end of the ride to recharge you for
your onward journey.
Knockout – Technique Session!
Saturday, March 19 at 11 AM – 12:30 PM
John Paul Academy, 2 Arrochar Street, G23 5LY
A boxing session for the LGBTI Community and friends. Learn to box, get in shape, meet new
people. £5. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by parent/guardian.
Knockout is the new Boxing Club based in Glasgow, for the LGBT community and friends,
providing boxing training sessions.
Critical Mass
Friday, 25th of March at 7 PM
George Square
Meet at the column before a ride about town.
Roller Derby: British Champs Tier 1 Triple Header
Saturday, March 26 at 11:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Glasgow Caledonian ARC, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, G4 0BA
United Glasgow Football Club
The club operates under dual core principles of anti-discrimination and financial inclusion.
UGFC run beginners sessions for women every Monday night at the Firhill Complex. These
sessions are trans inclusive. If you’ve not played since school or have never played at
all, why not come along for a kickabout? Only £1 if working and nothing if you’re not earning!
For more info or to find out about our women’s 11-a-side team, get in touch with Jazz
Rogers at jazz
Contact the Club for men’s training times.
United Glasgow: Can You Support Us? A Call To Action!
From like-minded football clubs to individuals who agree with our stance on financial
inclusion and anti-discrimination, United Glasgow has many supporters from across the
world. We’re calling on you, your friends, families and local businesses to support our
cause and help us to continue to provide access to football for Glasgow’s young people. As
you will be aware, we operate under a system of paying only if you are able to, which is
why we’re appealing for supporters to set up a monthly subscription (£10 suggested
donation) to cover the costs of hiring training facilities.
"We spend nearly £800 per month on training venues alone; your monthly support can ensure
we can keep providing access and opportunities for all." – Alan, Chairperson
In 2014/15, the significant of our total costs were spent on renting venues to provide
access to sports (and we have grown since then!) and we could really use your help to
continue to provide this.
If you would like to set up a subscription or one off payment, you can rest assured that
your contributions are directly helping provide young people from all walks of Glasgow
life the chance to train and play together.
Also: Do you have any spare football boots that you could donate to those who have none
but desperately want to play football? We’re always accepting donations of astro-trainers
and moulded boots (no metal studs!) for our men’s teams. Please get in touch if you can
help out.
Email future events including name/time/date/location/description to:
If you know someone who would like to be added to this list then please direct them to:
You can leave this list at any time by sending a blank email to:
The Autonomy Update is brought to you by Glasgow Anarchist Federation. Visit our blog at: