Military parade in Red Square. Wikipedia
Reuters: Russia could cut defense procurement spending: sources
The Russian government is considering a 5 percent cut in defense procurement spending this year, sources say, showing not even Vladimir Putin's plan to restore Moscow's military might is immune to the pain of a slowing economy.
The president has made beefing up the military a national priority, and the fact it is up for discussion is a sign that no area is safe from budget cuts as Russia begins a second year of recession following a fall in oil prices and Western sanctions.
The proposal is backed by the finance ministry and has the support of several other ministries and state institutions, enough for it to be put forward for discussion at a cabinet meeting, four official sources said.
A 5 percent cut in defense procurement spending would save the government no more than 100 billion roubles ($1.29 billion), according to an estimate by one official who spoke to Reuters.
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Update #1: Russia considering ways of cutting budget spending — Kremlin (TASS).
Update #2: Russia to Cut 2016 Military Spending By 5% (Sputnik)
WNU Editor: Russian defense spending has been booming in the past few years .... Russia ‘dominated’ military spending increases in 2015, developing ‘revolutionary’ missile-blocking tank (National Post/The Telegraph), a step-back is probably advisable.