Monday Winners

Hello everyone Dawn here  with Mondays' Winners as tracked by Paper Playful volunteers.  Please help us spread the word by adding the Paper Playful Badge to your blog.

  • Always Playing with Paper W  Winner: -  Ashwini Top Picks: Karen B, Rahmat, Lynne Honourable Mentions:  Ina, Teresa, Linda
  • Amusing Challenge W  Winners: Announced end of the month Top 3: Janis, Sandi Lee, KT Fit Kitty
  • Artistic Inspirations 2W Winner: Bettina DT Picks: Rutscht, Tizania B, Elena F, Beas Scrapbooking  (Week 1)
  • Aurora Wings Challenge M (winners posted mid month)  #21 Winner: Treebug  Artist's Choice: Cristena Top 3:  Aurora, Erika Paws, Annemis
  • Craft-Dee BowZ M  January Winner: Leslie T Top3: Karasiowa, Sharon, Plony Honorable Mention: Gloria Shirr 
  • Crafty Cardmakers - 2W  Winner: Sweet and Colored Top Picks: Jo L, Linda Levoir, Marie Flayer, Magic Flying Boots, Zora   (week 2) 
  • Eureka Stamps W  Winner using Eureka Stamp:- Suze, Any Stamp Winner:- Tanvi Top 5: Tinka, Lilibets Monkey Hut, Bunny's Cards, Lovely Linda, Fit Kitty
  • Frilly and Funkie 2W  Winners: Polly Top3: Karen, Maria, Tavitha Random Winner: Lee Anne  Guest Designer: Polly (week 1)
  • Our Crafty Corner M January Winner: MaxiBelle Studio Top 3: Nick, ANet, SuePxxx 
  • Paradise of Magnolia - 2W Winner #30: Nikki stalker Top 3: Nixe-Moni, Francesca, Beth Brovold (Week 2) 
  • Use Your Stuff W  Highlights: Golden Goddess Blessings, Barb's Blab & Creations, Scrappy Times
  • Where the HeART is M January Winners: Lillian A, Deonna B, Top 3: Mirella DK, Tanya Miller, Pippa
  • Whoopsi Daisy M: January Winner: Claire C Top 3: Sparkling Pink, Heather M, Borqna

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