majkell Ueston

All of the Hungarian missionaries left this morning at 3 AM, so last night they gave us so much candy and popcorn and basically everything I could ever want!! And they gave us some clothes and random toys! I mean! I ain't even mad!

So me and my comp are now zone leaders! So that's pretty cool!
There are these Irish sisters in our zone and their accents are PRIME!!!!!
This week was Testimony meeting and I love it here! Everyone who bore their testimony was amazing! Albanian is said to be the 3rd hardest language but only because of the grammer and so that sounds like an adventure!
I LOVE MY ZONE THOUGH!! They are all so amazing!!!

So one of our "investigators" names Juxhin (U-Jean) turned out to be our teacher. I will call him U-Jean for the rest of my life!!!!!

Also 4 square is LIFE!!

Elder Weston

That's our district! #THESQUAD Motra Lyng, Motra Fulop, Elder Weston, Elder Thomas, Elder Larsen and Elder Lords.  Also in Albanian they would spell my name like this "majkell Ueston"
You know this girl right?  Sister Reniker(yellow sweater) is from Michael's home ward
Snow at the MTC
The Hungarian missionaries left and gave us all this candy!!

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