If Aleppo Falls Will This End The Syrian War?

Nancy A Youssef, Daily Beast: Is This Game Over For Assad’s Enemies?

If Aleppo falls, the Syrian war could quickly turn in President Bashar al-Assad’s favor—and spell the end for the rebel bid for freedom.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could make his biggest gains in the country’s long civil war—and potentially tip its outcome in his favor in a matter of weeks—by wresting control of the city of Aleppo from opposition forces, two U.S. military officials told The Daily Beast on condition of anonymity.

If government forces are able to successfully encircle the city and hold it, and control the province around it, “the war is essentially over,” said one of the senior defense officials.

Under assault from hundreds of Russian airstrikes over the past week, Aleppo increasingly is falling out of rebel hands. As many as 40,000 Syrians fled the city toward Turkey’s border over the past two days, walking up to 60 miles to get to safety. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Friday that 15,000 people had already arrived at Turkey’s border from Aleppo.

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WNU Editor: The battle for Aleppo may take some time ... but the dye has been cast, and unless the dynamics on the ground change in the next few weeks/months, the "moderate rebels" are doomed for defeat and/or to become a marginalized force. There are also going to be geopolitical implications from such a defeat. U.S. prestige and reliability will take a hit in the Middle East, and the world will now see Russia as the more dependable ally of the two.

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