Globalization Is 100% Correlated. To The Downside

On the upside, global risk markets ebb and flow at their own rate. Some peaked in 2011, 2012, 2013...etc. However, they are all falling and rising as one now, as they did in 2008.

We just had a global short-covering rally across every risk market and sector in the world, attended by non-stop bullshit, as the Idiocracy threw the rest of their money away. And now it's Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Oil, Transports, Tech, Casinos, Russell 2000, Nasdaq...all at the same time. And when the momentum rolls over fully, they will all fall as one 100% correlated brick, 24x7...

The Japanese Nikkei with European stocks
Same on the way up and down...

Emerging Markets with U.S. Russell 2000...

Chinese stocks with S&P 500:

Alibabylon with S&P:

World ex-U.S. with Wilshire Total Market Index:

Junk bonds, oil, S&P 500:

In other words, we're not that different after all, something the Idiocracy learned in 2008 and will learn again. It's called Globalization for a reason, there's only one market now: "RISK"...

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