Had to clear the snow so I could work on my Polaris. I broke the tie rod trying to turn the Polaris around by pulling on the ski.
Drove to the local Polaris dealer, 15 miles away and the tie rod costs $40. Decided to hold off and a friend of mine said he has an old machine he can take one off. Waiting for him to shovel it out and bring it over. In the meantime, the Woodpecker showed up again.
Had a cow moose show up in my yard to eat off the Willows. The picture isn't really good, early morning and through the window.
cause the VA is 80 miles away, they assigned me to get my medical stuff taken care of at the Alaska Native Medical Center.
The people here are really nice and treat the Veterans with much respect and do everything for us. They have a Wellness Center with all kinds of machines to work out on and have me set up for 3 days a week. They also have a dietitian to work out a diet program for me. I really like going there.
I hurt my back again the other day so, I made appointments to go back to the Acupuncturist, The VA gave me 8 appointments..
Had a couple of great breakfast and dinners, this is, potatoes o'brian , egg and sausage.
Dinner, Steak, broccoli and sauteed mushrooms and onions
Grilled Salmon on a bed of Oriental noodles and vegetables
Chicken stirfry
Chicken noodle soup
Well, that's pretty much all I have for now, hoping to do better in the near future. So, Take care.