Burka-clad babysitter 'decapitates girl in her care', walks through streets carrying her severed head(Photos)

A burka-clad babysitter has been arrested in Moscow after she walked through the streets carrying the severed head of a four-year-old girl.

Eyewitnesses say the woman shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as she appeared near Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station in the northwest of the Russia.

The victim was a girl identified as Nastya M - and the child's 39-year-old nanny Gyulchehra Bobokulova, from Uzbekistan, has been arrested..
Gyulchehra was seen pulling the severed head out of a bag after being stopped by police at the metro station.

She is then said to have shouted that she had killed the child and was seen praying shortly before police swooped.

One eyewitness at the underground station told MK that the woman screamed: 'My child was killed…I will blow up everyone.'

The station was closed to passengers for some time, but no explosives were found on her.

Daily Mail

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