Anarchistic update news all over the world 21 February 2016

Today's Topics:

 1. Palestine-Israel, The eleven years joint struggle in Bil'in
as a seed for the third youth intifada.* (

2. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #257 (Jan) - unionism,
E-work: the Amazon Mechanical Turk (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (

3. France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups - Assembly against
the state of emergency by djou (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

4. Turkey, Etekliyiz, wavering, we Aran'zd (tr) [machine
translation] (

5. [Greece] Video: Friday, January 21 last, an anti-fascist
patrol was made in the center of Athens with 200 participants
antifascists. (


Message: 1

Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Ma'asara, Nebi Saleh, Qaddum, Shikh Jarrah and the South of Hebron Hills 
---- At the beginning, the joint struggle in Bil'in of the Israeli Anarchists Against The 
Wall with the local activists differed only with a consisted Fridays direct actions 
against the construction of the separation fence. The Israeli state response was a 
prolonged effort to block the participation of the Israeli activists that failed due to 
geographic conditions, persistence of the Israeli activists, and our ingenuity. One of the 
restricting factors on the suppression efforts of the state forces was wide spread 
sympathy for these demos in the Israeli media, and public. In a desperate efforts the army 
sent covert agents to initiate stone throwing from the demo on the state force. After a 
long while they succeeded. Youngsters of the village got into the stone throwing habit. 
For years it was all over the media and contributed to the stone throwing culture of the 
Palestinian youth. This was a significant contributor factor to the already 4 months old 
"Children Intifada".


Friday 19-2-16 Hundreds marched from the centre of the village to the gate of the new 
separation wall -celebrating 11 years of persistent struggle against the separation 
wall/fence, settlers, and occupation. The Bil'iners activists were joined by many 
villagers, activists from Ramallah and neighbouring villages. Participated also bout 70 
Israelis with the anarchists against the wall initiative - including 7 members of the 
anarchist-communist Ahdut (Unity), and dozens of international activists (including US 
anarchists). After the long march - including the usually forbidden road to the new 
separation wall we neared the gate in the wall. The Israeli state forces try to disperse 
us, but the northern wind and the courage of many demonstrators defied it.
Part of us retreated out of the range of the tear gas, but many confronted the state 
forces and stayed near the gate for a long long confrontation.
Gradually, we retreated and returned to the village.
* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall 
take part in.
See also: Stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution

Ahdut (Unity) Position paper about the Palestinian struggle
English -
Arabic -


Message: 2

Do you believe that in the digital economy, all the most repetitive, monotonous and stupid 
duties are performed by robots? Nay. What are human beings who, for 3 francs 6 under, do 
this work. Amazon is at the forefront of this system that for its part, the multinational 
has called Mechanical Turk. ---- Originally, the "Turk" (see fig. Below) is an automaton 
which was presented in all the courts of Europe in the late eighteenth century and was 
known to play chess and defeat opponents flesh and bone. The trick was that players who 
thought they were dealing with a PLC faced actually a dwarf hidden inside the mechanism 
which operated the puppet's arms. ---- Amazon was inspired, ironically, to describe these 
small invisible hands sold to employers: they are actually humans who perform tasks which 
one is expected to fall to robots, but deeply inhumane tasks no algorithm is able to 
perform effectively, HITs, Human Intelligence Tasks.

The Mechanical Turk, created by Amazon in 2005, brings together a half million workers 
spread over 190 countries, and constantly offers some 350,000 fragmented tasks to 
accomplish. The German trade union federation IG-Metal l aired some testimonies that give 
an idea of the reality of this work: "I work on Mturk".

So this testimony collected from a Turker states-unien, November 3, 2015:

I can work as hard as possible and do my best, deliver results of the highest quality, yet 
not being paid if an employer decides not to pay me for some reason. I can see my work 
stolen by a con man, and there is nothing to do against that. I can see my account 
suspended at any time, without reason, and there is nothing I can do. I'm in a state of 
constant vibration, stress and therefore paranoid, because finally, I am powerless.

Marco (AL northeast Paris)

Read two other articles on e-working:

The uberisation, a new era of exploitation
The Turkers against the beast e-world


Message: 3

Following the attacks of 13 November 2015, the government introduced a state of emergency 
by an almost unanimous vote at the meeting. On the pretext of the fight against terrorism, 
they instituted a state of emergency. But contrary to what the government and media tell 
us, the state of emergency has absolutely no objective the fight against terrorism. ---- 
To maintain the dominant position and competitiveness of the France international, it 
adopts a belligerent and hegemonic attitude. Arms sales, military interventions abroad, 
massive bombing ... These internal and external policies are probably largely responsible 
for deadly attacks that we suffered last year. This unity that we want to impose no other 
effect than to generate a nationalist climate. This climate led to the stigmatization of a 
part of the population, by the creation of an internal enemy. Are hit first the Muslim 
populations-es, es or considered as such.

Claim only the end of the state of emergency is far from enough. Defending the "return to 
normal" of a system that drove into the wall is a validation logic that leads straight to 
disaster. The content of this disaster, we already know. This is exploitation, imperialist 
interventions, the police state ...

We propose to set up an organizing space at the base, to all those who wish to come 
together to fight. A meeting with a horizontal operation, to develop together, to discuss, 
to build our class solidarity against the fragmentation and repression of social 
struggles. An assembly that does not stop to protest the state of emergency in the name of 
civil liberties. A meeting that addresses more widely allowing the situation in which we 
are: continuity of operation, management of misery and scarcity.

We need to fight, today, to impose:

The end of the state of emergency Amnesty indicted the social movement The immediate 
cessation of military and political interventions French overseas that create conditions 
for the development of terrorism.}

We were 1500 Saturday, February 7: do not stop there! To force the immediate lifting of 
the state of emergency and removal of its inclusion in the Constitution we have to be more 
and more likely to mobilize.

Join us !

Appointment February 16 at 18:30 at the home of the Guillotiere to 27, Bechevelin street.



Message: 4

For a long time the Turkish media and community activists, insurgents (or terrorists in 
their language) is using all means to degrade. It is cowards, was used for a long time hit 
from behind. 'Back to hit' (guerrilla warfare) actually causes the imbalance of power. On 
the one hand helicopters, fighter planes, tanks, if the other side is trying to turn this 
weakness into strength. ---- Now in the skirt, wearing fistan snag languages. This 
imbalance of power sourced from again. High resolution image databases MOBESE and 
activists who they are able to detect the leg and arm movements. To avoid this the 
cheapest and easiest way to wear loose clothing. These clothes are also action at the end 
of burn or throw away. ---- Of course, society and the media refers to the aid of the 
current culture when the insult. They are coming at the beginning of masculinity. 'Mert 
be,' 'the boy be', 'to fight like men', 'wife as to not be afraid', 'wife like to wear'. 
If we are to talk to academic language to adopt gender roles.

But no one is forced to adopt these roles. but it could prick the activists may feel like 
his wife. (Trans are women.) But may be the cock of activists through childhood desires 
are. (They are gay.) But the wife may be the cock of activists such as getting dressed. 
(Transvestites.) Blue identity but both dick in both AML (intersex) may be also.

The prison embarrass and humiliate the ruling, the first weapons used weapons before. A 
real man, a beautiful woman, a human-status-money, billions of people can not be ashamed 
of a Western. The Indians whiten their skin to look like Westerners, Chinese-reducing 
surgery çekiklig the eyes, beard stickers employees Koreans. Weakness, to k?ls?zlas, 
trying to be style, yapamay?nca ashamed of men and women. crushed shrink who do not have 
enough money in various situations. Children who do not want to teach the native peoples 
of the colonies, they ask where you're from embarrassment 'Frenchman, Englishman, a Turk,' 
said the dark-skinned children. not ashamed anymore. Etekliyiz, a broke, we ESM, Kürdüz, 
the terrorists and the community-system we are fighting against various power tools. they 
should be ashamed.

Here, they are in the news pages and Facebook comments of the compilation:



Message: 5

Our main purpose was to cancel the pogrom [massive onslaught] organized by cowardly gang, 
the Golden Dawn, and we did. ---- Saturday, January 22 last, the day that a demonstration 
was planned to Imia, the anti-fascist patrol was repeated. A group of 200 comrades arrived 
at the hotel Hermes, located in Syntagma Square, where riot police squads invited to the 
birthday, guarding the "imported" Nazis of Golden Dawn, which were inside the hotel and 
did not dare go out. ---- Not one step back. ---- Anarchist group Rouvikonas ---- Center 
Distomo Anti-Fascist and anti-authoritarian. ---- Social center Busy Vox ---- Antifascist 
comrades ---- Video:
Translation> G Montenegro


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