An Open Letter To Gloria Steinem On Intersectional Feminism - The Establishment

The Female Entrepreneur Daily is out! Edition of 09 February 2016‏

The Female Entrepreneur Daily

Knowledge is Power

Published by
Natalie Goldman
09 February 2016
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An Open Letter To Gloria Steinem On Intersectional Feminism - The Establishment
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Tapir Kafir.
thumbnailwww­.theestablishment­.co - I held you up among my idols when I was a young radical. I read “A Bunny’s Tale” at 16 and was blown away by your courage and dedication. I met you once, at a luncheon for women in politics. One of...
Women Leaders Aren't Hawks or Doves—A Lesson from the Middle Ages
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Jessica Mills
thumbnailwww­.theatlantic­.com - Hillary Clinton’s win in Iowa marks the first time a woman has won the presidential caucuses there. Enter the latest round of gender-based speculations about female candidates’ inherent pacifism ve...
The 9 Most Inspiring Podcasts for Female Entrepreneurs
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Teddy Awa
thumbnailwww­.inc­.com - Fresh off a six-month stint at a startup, I was exhausted and wondering what to do next. As I pondered what new thing to throw myself into, I did what anyone who's been working full-time, commuting...
Oscars Still Have Long Way to Go On Gender Equality
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Falila Gbadamassi
thumbnailvariety­.com - Ever since Oscar nominations were announced Jan. 14, there has been a lot of talk about diversity — but most of it has centered on racial disparity. However, there is one group that’s not a minorit...
Video surfaces of Hillary Clinton's paid speech to Goldman Sachs, and it's completely harmless
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robin ervin
thumbnailwww­.dailynewsbin­.com - With Hillary Clinton now being singled out for having given the same kind of paid speeches during her time out of office that all politicians have generally given when they’ve had career gaps their...
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