All 239 posts January 2016;
results of research
of Sergei Ostroumov
results of research
of Sergei Ostroumov
- citation of ecology publications of Dr. Sergei A. ...
- ecology, environmental sciences. 生态学,环境科学. 7 innov...
- Followers of Dr Sergei Ostroumov, ResearchGate
- Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes l...
- 3 top read authors from Faculty of Biology, Mosco...
- most read publications of researchers, Faculty of ...
- All time, most viewed, 10 posts, environmental, 1 ...
- Recent month, most viewed, 10 posts, environmenta...
- Recent week, 10 most viewed posts, environmental s...
- Recent environment science posts, in short, with l...
- 2335 views, 23 hours, 30.1.2016, posts on environm...
- 40 articles online free, ResearchGate. 40 статей о...
- Interest online. U.S., France, Italy, Russia, Cana...
- 25 page part of the large list of 220 ecology arti...
- Repost: DOI successfully generated; More than 100...
- A part (10 pages) of the list: 220 ecology article...
- 220 ecology articles available online on ResearchG...
- Публикации в журнале Успехи наук о жизни. Тематика...
- О книге. Ермаков В.В., Карпова Е.А., Корж В.Д., Ос...
- Book books + S.A. Ostroumov; Results of Google se...
- Repost, репост. 114 full text articles online free...
- книги книга С.А.Остроумов
- 200 followers (USA, Italy, Poland, Russia et al.) ...
- 1076 views, 23 hours, 28.1.2016. environmental sci...
- dataset reached 100 reads: 114 full text articles,...
- Twitter users liked, mentioned this. Topics: envir...
- 100 recent posts, environmental science, ecology, ...
- 20 books, ecology, environment, aquatic, conservat...
- 20 articles, added recently, environmental science...
- 20 recently added publications, RG, environmental,...
- Moscow University, some news, new online materials...
- 27.1.2016. 10 most viewed posts, environmental sci...
- Short note on 18 innovations in environmental scie...
- 18 interesting INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, ecology, ...
- Moscow State University, МГУ, Environmental scien...
- 7 innovations, ecology, environmental sciences, o...
- On activities on ResearchGate, environmental scien...
- 1139 views, 23 h, 26.01.2016, ecology, environment...
- Chinese keywords, citations of publications of Ser...
- DOI successfully generated: 160 top articles on t...
- Repost: The paper is published: Ostroumov S.A. An...
- 5 key innovations, out of the list of 18 key innov...
- Repost: 18 KEY INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, clean wat...
- recent posts, by January 26, 2016. ecology, envir...
- Repost: Jan 24 On this week, 623 reads of publicat...
- 5 recent notifications from web on attention, inte...
- Repost: Lots of links: this week 574 reads of ecol...
- Most read author, Moscow University, 来自莫斯科国立大学的最阅...
- the most read author, Moscow Univ.; Notification...
- the most read author from Moscow State University
- This moment, most viewed, ecology, environmental s...
- 722 reads of publications, ResearchGate, author: S...
- Most viewed posts, recent week
- Repost: top read ecology papers; video: beauty con...
- Citation of environment science publications of S...
- new citation (in India, Ukraine) of book written b...
- Оповещение от Академии: Упоминание в документах bo...
- On this week, 623 reads of publications of this re...
- Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, volume 20....
- Lots of links: 574 reads of ecology works of Serge...
- 2161 views of environment science posts, recent 23...
- 1985 views, 22.1.2016. 10 most viewed posts, envir...
- 200 post recenti, scienze ambientali, in Italian
- 200 ostatnich postów, ochrona środowiska; in Polis...
- 200 yeni mesajlar, çevre bilimi; in Turkish
- 200最近の投稿、環境科学。in Japanese,
- 200 mensajes recientes, la ciencia ambiental, in S...
- (200) 최근 게시물, 환경 과학.
- 200 recent posts, environmental science.
- Recommended link: More than 100 full text ecology ...
- 1396 views on 21.1.2016. environmental science, Sc...
- Recent 164 posts: environmental sciences, January ...
- Recent 100 posts, titles in Chinese (traditional)....
- 100 posts, environmental science, titles in Chines...
- Recent posts: environmental sciences: 164 posts: e...
- Google and Yandex search result for: publications ...
- Today new notifications from web to Dr. Sergei Ost...
- 20 recently added ecology publications on Research...
- DOI successfully generated. Ecology. 114 full text...
- 1069 views, environmental science, 20.1.2016 ecolo...
- 100+ ecology papers. In Chinese, key words: 關鍵詞: 環...
- Articles. German keywords: Stichworte: Umweltwisse...
- In Italian: Parole chiave: Scienze ambientali, eco...
- Sciences de l'environnement, l'écologie, l'écotoxi...
- Key words (in 14 languages) of publications on env...
- DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4456.0404; More than 100 ful...
- 3 useful posts with links; enviro 114 full text a...
- DOI successfully generated; DOI can now be used to...
- DOI successfully generated; DOI can now be used t...
- 1738 views, 19.01.2016, environmental science, 10...
- recommended publications: 4 selected articles, aqu...
- Posts viewed, this moment, environmental, science
- Recommended ecology, environment, water science pu...
- 3 most read authors from Moscow University, week ...
- Most viewed this moment.
- Cost of freshwater in many countries, per 1 m3. O...
- 1503 views, 10 most viewed ecology posts, 18.01.20...
- Who read publications of Dr Sergei Ostroumov, Mosc...
- Scopus, Ostroumov S.A., 73 publications, 18.01.201...
- web: most read author from Faculty of Biology, Mos...