50 recent posts, environmental science:
Комментарий к сообщению 208 followers of Dr Sergei Ostroumov; some of his publications, top co-authors, topics, Ecology, Environment, Water Quality, Marine Ecology, Aquatic Ecosystems, Ecosystem Ecology, Freshwater Ecology, Environmental Toxicology,: " 208 #followers of Dr S#Ostroumov; his publications, co-authors, topics, #Ecology,#Environment, #Water http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/208-followers-of-dr-sergei-ostroumov.html" | в 11:34 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Followed publications, environmental science, in English, in Russian. Examples, the full texts and/or abstracts are available online free, click the titles below.: "#Followed publications, #environmental science, in #English, in #Russian. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/followed-publications-environmental.html" | в 11:10 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению in Chinese (traditional), with pictures: 環境科學,生態學,頂級刊物。 頂部閱讀刊物,截至2016年2月14日,週, 讀過的最常見的出版物,: "#environmental science,in #Chinese (traditional), with #pictures: 環境科學,生態學,頂級刊物。 頂部閱讀刊物,截至2016年2月14日,週, 讀過的最常見的出版物 http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/in-chinese-traditional-2016214.html" | в 10:44 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению In Portuguese: ciência ambiental, ecologia, principais publicações. Top ler as publicações, para semana que terminou em 14 de fevereiro de 2016, Publicações que foram lidos na maioria das vezes,: "#Portuguese: ciência #ambiental #ecologia, principais publicações. Publicações que foram lidos na maioria das vezes http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/in-portuguese-ciencia-ambiental.html" | в 5:00 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Note from web. New reads:Keywords for book on ecological toxicology of detergents, Biological Effects of Surfactants. 18 groups of keywords. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/294207132;: "book on ecological #toxicology of #detergents, Biological Effects of #Surfactants. keywords https://www.researchgate.net/publication/294207132; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/note-from-web-keywords-for-book-on.html" | в 1:05 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Environmental science, Top read publications, for week ending Feb 14, 2016, : "#Environmental science, #Top read #publications, for week ending Feb 14, 2016, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/environmental-science-top-read.html" | 16.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению 100 most recent posts, environmental science, with links to full texts of the posts. February 1-15, 2016:: "100 most recent posts, #environmental science, with #links to full texts of the posts. February 1-15, 2016: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/100-most-recent-posts-environmental.html" | 16.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению DOI successfully generated. Book published: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4525.8003;: "DOI successfully generated. Book: Ostroumov S. Biological Effects of #Surfactants. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4525.8003; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/doi-successfully-generated-book.html" | 15.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению 3 top researchers, Moscow State University, Whose publications were read most often, week ending Febrary 14, 2016. Most recent data from web: "3 #top #researchers, #Moscow State #University, Whose publications were read most often, data from ResearchGate http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/3-top-researchers-moscow-state.html" | 15.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Новая статья. А.П.Садчиков, С.В.Котелевцев, С.А.Остроумов. ИЗУЧЕНИЕ НЕКОТОРЫХ ВОПРОСОВ ЭКОЛОГИИ ПЛАНКТОНА И ЕГО РОЛИ В ПЕРЕНОСЕ ЭНЕРГИИ В ВОДНЫХ ЭКОСИСТЕМАХ: БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ И ЭКОТОКСИКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ: "Садчиков, Котелевцев, Остроумов. ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ...ЭКОЛОГИИ #ПЛАНКТОНА И ЕГО РОЛИ В ПЕРЕНОСЕ ЭНЕРГИИ В #ВОДНЫХ ЭКОСИСТЕМАХ http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/blog-post_14.html" | 14.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Repost, updated: In the book titled: 'Biological Effects of Surfactants', the keywords, common terms and phrases:: "Repost, updated: In the #book titled: 'Biological Effects of #Surfactants', the keywords, common terms and phrases: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/repost-updated-in-book-titled.html" | 13.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Saudi Arabia: citation of Moscow. Saudi professors ( King Saud University) cited a Moscow University researcher, results of a scientist, environmental toxicology and chemistry, his book on ecotoxicology of detergents, Biological Effects of Surfactants.: "Saudi Arabia: #citation; #Saudi professors #cited #Moscow, #environmental #toxicology #chemistry, #ecotoxicology, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/saudi-arabia-citation-of-moscow-saudi.html" | 13.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению 80 posts prior to Valentine Day, environmental science, ecology: "80 posts prior to #Valentine #Day, #environmental science, #ecology http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/80-posts-prior-to-valentine-day.html" | 13.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Congratulation from web to the author of the paper: НЕКОТОРЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ ОЦЕНКИ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ АКТИВНОСТИ КСЕНОБИОТИКОВ / Some aspects of estimating the biological activity of xenobiotics;: "#Congratulation from web on: НЕКОТОРЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ ОЦЕНКИ #БИОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ #АКТИВНОСТИ #КСЕНОБИОТИКОВ #toxicology http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/congratulation-from-web-to-author-of.html" | 13.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Congratulation from the web to the author of the publication: Dataset: 150 articles on environmental science, water quality, aquatic ecotoxicology, ecology. Links to full ...: "Congratulation from #web to author of: 150 articles on #environmental science, water quality #ecotoxicology, ecology.http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/congratulation-from-web-to-author-of_13.html" | 13.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Lots of Recent posts, full texts of the posts, environmental science, toxicology, #ecology, #water, #biology: "#Lots of #Recent posts, #links full texts of the posts, #environmental science #toxicology #ecology #water #biology http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/lots-of-recent-posts-full-texts-of.html" | 13.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Recent 300+ posts: 80 posts, February 1-13, January 2016: environmental science, ecology, water, biology, in English, in Russian: "Recent 300+ posts: 80 posts, February 1-13, January 2016: #environmental science, #ecology, #water, #biology, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/recent-posts-80-posts-february-1-13.html" | 13.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Keywords for the book on ecological toxicology of detergents, Biological Effects of Surfactants. 18 groups of the keywords.: "#Keywords for the book on #ecological #toxicology of #detergents, Biological Effects of #Surfactants. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/keywords-for-book-on-ecological.html" | 13.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению 18 Top read publications: Surfactants,water self-purification, posts of January,environmental science, water quality, aquatic ecotoxicology, ecology, Links,Metals, top, full text,CuO nanoparticles,самоочищении вод,биохимическую экологию: "#Top read publications: Surfactants #water #self-purification #environmental #toxicology, #ecology, #nanoparticles, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/18-top-read-publications.html" | 12.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Who recently read these publications on environmental science, ecology, water, toxicology:: "Who recently read these publications on #environmental science, #ecology, #water, toxicology: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/who-recently-read-these-publications-on.html" | 12.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Books, S.A.Ostroumov, links, ResearchGate. Ecology, environment, conservation, ecotoxicology, water quality: "#Books, S.A.#Ostroumov, #links, ResearchGate. #Ecology, #environment, #conservation, #ecotoxicology, #water quality http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/books-saostroumov-links-researchgate.html" | 11.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Video of organisms that were studied or mentioned in publications of the most read author from Moscow State University: "#Video of #organisms that were studied or mentioned in #publications of the most read author from Moscow University http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/video.html" | 07.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Video of organisms that were studied or mentioned in publications of the most read author from Moscow State University: "Video of organisms that were studied or mentioned in publications of the most read author from Moscow State University see the bibliography with links to full texts here: with pictures 150 articles #environmental science #water quality, aquatic #ecotoxicology, #ecology #full #texts. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/150-articles-on-environmental-science.html http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/video.html Mytilus galloprovincialis, Lymnaea stagnalis, Mytilus edulis, rotifers, Unio tumidus, " | 07.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению 150 articles on environmental science, water quality, aquatic ecotoxicology, ecology. Links to full texts and abstracts, with many pictures, photo;: "with pictures 150 articles #environmental science #water quality, aquatic #ecotoxicology, #ecology #full #texts. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/150-articles-on-environmental-science.html" | 07.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению 3 top read authors from Moscow State University; Sergei A. Ostroumov, Vladimir Petrovich Skulachev, Lev Dudko, : " #top read #authors from #Moscow State #University; Sergei A. Ostroumov, Vladimir Petrovich Skulachev, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/3-top-read-authors-from-moscow-state_7.html" | 07.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению With lots of pictures, photos. С иллюстрациями. 150 articles: environmental science, water quality, aquatic, ecotoxicology, ecology: Links, S.A.Ostroumov: "lots of pictures, photos. 150 articles: #environmental, #water quality, #aquatic, #ecotoxicology, #ecology: Links, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/with-lots-of-pictures-photos-150.html" | 07.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Most viewed, most read publications of researchers at Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University; 3 most read authors from Faculty of Biology;: "Most viewed (#most read) publications of researchers #Moscow #University; 3 most read authors, Faculty of #Biology; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/most-viewed-most-read-publications-of.html" | 07.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Environmental science. Recommended publications, links to tull texts on ResearchGate. environmental science, ecology, water, in English, на русском языке - selected;: "Environmental science. links to tull texts #environmental science, #ecology, #water, in English, на русском языке http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/environmental-science.html" | 06.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению 3 most read authors from Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. 7 most read publications: "3 most read authors from Faculty of #Biology, #Moscow State #University. 7 #most read #publications http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/3-most-read-authors-from-faculty-of.html" | 06.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Recommended books: in English: Biological Effects of Surfactants; на русском языке: Введение в биохимическую экологию;: "#Recommended #books: #Biological Effects of #Surfactants; на русском языке: Введение в #биохимическую #экологию; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/recommended-books-in-english-biological.html" | 06.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению bookmarks, Google, useful publications, environmental sciences, water, ecotoxicology, biology: "#bookmarks, #Google, useful publications, #environmental sciences, #water, #ecotoxicology, #biology http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/bookmarks-google-useful-publications.html" | 06.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению 150 articles on environmental science, water quality, aquatic ecotoxicology, ecology. Links to full texts and abstracts, with many pictures, photo;: "150 articles on #environmental science, #water quality, aquatic #ecotoxicology, #ecology. #Links to #full #texts. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/150-articles-on-environmental-science.html" | 05.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Ecology books by Moscow University researchers, environmental science, conservation biology, water quality, ecotoxicology, selected examples: "#Ecology #books, Moscow University, #environmental science, #conservation biology, #water quality, #ecotoxicology, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/ecology-books-by-moscow-university.html" | 05.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению 5.2.2016; Environmental sci., 10 most viewed posts. 1000+ views. ecology, water quality, citation, aquatic ecology, Moscow University, Введение в биохимическую экологию,: "#Environmental, 10 #most viewed. 1000 views #ecology #water #citation, aquatic, Введение в биохимическую экологию, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/522016-environmental-sci-10-most-viewed.html" | 05.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Citation of Moscow University results, environmental science, water, ecology, biology, pollution, conservation, articles, books authored / co-authored by Dr Sergei A. Ostroumov (С.А.Остроумов): "#Citation #environmental science #water #ecology, biology, pollution, conservation, articles, books, S. A. Ostroumov http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/citation-of-moscow-university-results.html" | 05.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению 10 most recent environmental science posts. anthropogenic, aquatic, ecology, ecosystem, environmental, hazards, online, pollution, publications, top,toxicity, water quality: "10 most #recent posts. #aquatic, #ecology, #environmental, hazards, #online, #pollution, #toxicity, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/10-most-recent-environmental-science.html" | 04.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Repost. Nice pictures of top universities and 24 useful links, to environmental science publications, available online free at ResearchGate: "Nice pictures, top universities, 24 useful links, #environmental science #publications, #available online free http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/repost-nice-pictures-of-top.html" | 04.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению 1456 views, 23 hours, 3.2.2016, environmental science, in English, in Russian: "1456 views, 23 hours, 3.2.2016, #environmental #science, in #English, in #Russian http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/1456-views-23-hours-322016.html" | 03.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению DOI successfully generated. 300 recent posts, ecology, environment, including all posts of January, 2016. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292642007: "#DOI successfully generated. 300 #recent posts, #ecology, #environment, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292642007 http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/doi-successfully-generated-300-recent.html" | 03.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению DOI successfully generated. Top publications on environmental sciences, biology - researcher at Moscow University, 80 articles. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292708588: " #DOI successfully generated. Top 80 publications on #environmental sciences, #biology. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292708588 http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/doi-successfully-generated-top.html" | 03.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Increase in rating. Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks; the article was mentioned online: "Increase in #rating. Polyfunctional role of #biodiversity in processes leading to #water #purification: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/increase-in-rating-polyfunctional-role.html" | 03.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Учебное пособие «Экологическая биохимия» для студентов (г. Ангарск) цитирует работы и публикации МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова, книгу: С.А.Остроумов "Введение в биохимическую экологию": " «Экологическая биохимия» для студентов #цитирует книгу: С.А.Остроумов "Введение в #биохимическую #экологию" http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/blog-post_3.html" | 03.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению 25 posts in Feb, 2016: environmental science, ecology: "25 posts in Feb, #2016: #environmental science, #ecology http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/25-posts-in-feb-2016-environmental.html" | 03.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Made available online: 600 recent posts, ecology, environment, including all posts of December, 2015; January, 2016. : "Made available #online: 600 recent posts, #ecology, #environment, including posts of December, 2015; January, 2016. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/made-available-online-600-recent-posts.html" | 03.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению most viewed, this moment. Environmental science, posts,: "#most #viewed, this moment. #Environmental science, #posts, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/most-viewed-this-moment-environmental.html" | 03.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению attention to the importance of infochemicals. the infochemicals are the main focus of this book: Книга. Остроумов С.А. Введение в биохимическую экологию. Москва, Издательство Московского университета, 1986, 176 с.: "also see here: Введение в #биохимическую #экологию. Москва,1986, #Остроумов С.А. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292699681; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/1986-176-httpswwwresearchgatenetpublica.html" | 03.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Введение в биохимическую экологию. Москва, Издательство Московского университета, 1986, 176 стр. Книга. Остроумов С.А. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292699681;: "Введение в #биохимическую #экологию. Москва,1986, #Остроумов С.А. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292699681; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/1986-176-httpswwwresearchgatenetpublica.html" | 03.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Top read publications for week ending Jan 31 2016; environmental sciences; click the titles to get the full texts or abstracts free; ecology, water, toxicology, ecotoxicology, detergents, surfactants,: "They liked this information on Facebook: Vaibhav Gavhale, Gaurav Bana" | 03.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению 20 English and Chinese keywords for a series of publications on environmental sciences. Ecology, 生態學, 生态学, Nature Conservation, 自然保護 , 自然保护, Top Papers, 頂尖論文, 顶尖论文: "20 English, #Chinese keywords publications on #environmental sciences. #Ecology, 生态学, #Conservation, 自然保护, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/20-english-and-chinese-keywords-for.html" | 02.02.16 | ||
Комментарий к сообщению Who read publications on ecology, environment. The series of publications of Dr. Sergei Ostroumov, the most read author from Moscow State University. Germany, Austria, Australia, Japan, China, U.S.A., Greece, India, Russia, : "#Who read: #ecology #environment, #most read author, #Germany, Austria, Australia #Japan #China #USA, #Russia http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2016/02/who-read-publications-on-ecology.html" |