What happened ?

While browsing the book store I come across a college guide.

Forbes Best Colleges or Forbes College for everyone or some other such book in the magazine section.  Every year they publish such a book.  Or it seems  as if it is 3 or 4 times a year. There are the best college, the most affordable colleges, the biggest binge drinking and tailgating colleges, the college most likely to insure that parents die broke.  Forbes has this market covered.

Forbes means business.

So I picked it up and looked through it and checked on all the different schools that have been attended by family and friends.  Some of them have actually gone to some pretty snappy places. No Princeton but some pretty good ones. I wonder what others will conclude about my school.

So I went looking for my alma mater.  And low and behold what do I find.

Nothing, nada, zero, zilch .  I even looked at the map page to show the location of the schools and the map is blank.

Seems like Forbes missed my University entirely.   How could this be ?  I don't think Forbes will forget us next year after I notify the alumni association.

A gazillion institutions of higher learning in the country and all save one are listed in the guide.

Did I even attend college all those many years ago. This part of my recurrent nightmare, it goes like this. I have this graduate degree and I am licensed by the state, yet for some reason I have had this nightmare that I never graduated college and they are going to make me go back and do it again. Now I have the reason to believe there might be something to it.

Next time I get a homecoming invitation I am going just to make sure. In the meanwhile I am going to the basement to look for the box with the thing I think is a diploma in it, can't be too careful.

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