What Happened In The German City Of Cologne On New Years Eve?

Washington Post: Germans outraged by mayor’s advice for women after raft of harassment

The mayor of Cologne on Wednesday offered some poorly received advice to female residents of her city after a wave of New Year's Eve attacks that shocked Germany.

"There’s always the possibility of keeping a certain distance of more than an arm’s length — that is to say to make sure yourself you don’t look to be too close to people who are not known to you, and to whom you don’t have a trusting relationship," Henriette Reker said, according to Britain's Guardian newspaper.

Her advice, offered in response to a question about what women in Cologne can do to protect themselves, came during a news conference at which Reker issued her first public comments over reports from about 90 women alleging sexual harassment and thefts on New Year's Eve.

WNU Editor: The press coverage on this story is a few days late ... and where were the police? As for the comments from the mayor of  Cologne .... they do not surprise me. She has (and is) one of the biggest advocates for an open border and to permit millions of refugees to come to Germany. She was even stabbed a day before her re-election last year on this very issue. The fact that there is now blow-back from her policies .... and it is now putting her in the spot-light as victims come forward .... has put her in a position that I am sure she feels very uncomfortable being in .... hence the denial and putting the blame on the victims. My prediction .... this is going to get worse. The majority of refugees who have entered Germany are single men and Muslim .... expect the cultural clashes to get worse.

More News On What Happened In Cologne

Cologne mayor's 'arm's length' advice to avoid sex attacks draws ridicule -- CNN
Cologne Mayor's 'Arm's Length' Sex Assault Advice Stirs Outcry -- NYT
German fury at New Year’s Eve ‘Arab’ sex assaults in Cologne -- AP
Groped between the legs and a firework thrown into a hoodie: Victims reveal horrifying details after attacks by Cologne 'African and Arab' sex mob as police say they are gang of distraction -- Daily Mail
A 'new dimension' of sexual assault in Cologne -- DW
German police face criticism amid outrage over New Year's sex assaults -- DW
Cologne sex attacks: Germany's De Maiziere criticises police -- BBC
German women share horrifying experiences in Cologne New Year’s Eve attacks -- New York Daily News
Twitter storm as Cologne mayor suggests women stay at 'arm's length' from strangers -- DW
Merkel under fire on migrants after New Year's Eve sex assaults -- AFP