Veterinary Highlights: 2016 Trends and Tools in Veterinary Dentistry

I know a number of people who had their vet do dental work on their dogs without using any x-rays. That to me is pretty crazy. How do you know what is really going on in there if you can't look at what the plain eye cannot see? No wonder the dogs ended up with continuing problems.

I can't imagine my dogs' dental care without having dental x-rays done.

Jasmine's vet didn't have any fancy equipment but he wouldn't even think about taking care of the mouth blindly. There is some fancy digital equipment available out there which is awesome. But whether your vet has a fancy modern stuff or old fashion stuff, make sure they use dental x-rays as part of the package otherwise, in my opinion, you're wasting your time and money.

While I consider dental x-rays a must, there are some other very cool things out there, such as bone graft materials to repair damage to the mouth whether from trauma or periodontal disease, special tests for detecting periodontal disease, miniplates for repair of jaw fractures ...

Our dogs certainly can get state-of-the-art dental care.

Source article:
What leaders and experts from the 29th annual Veterinary Dental Forum had to say about the future of veterinary dentistry

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