U.S. Navy Report Outlines The Challenges The U.S. Navy Will Be Facing In The 21st Century.

Franz-Stefan Gady, The Diplomat: US Navy: China and Russia ‘Focused on Taking the Lead’

In a new document, the Chief of Naval Operations outlines challenges the U.S. Navy will be facing in the 21st century.

China and Russia, along with a number of other competitors, are “focused on taking the lead” in the maritime domain and will continue to challenge U.S. naval superiority, the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson, writes in a recently released U.S. Navy strategy document.

The U.S. Navy “must pick up the pace and deny” foreign competitors their objectives, even though the admiral cautions that the “margins of victory are razor thin – but decisive.” The January 2016 document entitled “A Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority” lays out a design based on four lines of effort—“warfighting, learning faster, strengthening our Navy team, and building partnerships”—to be more a more effective force in the 21st century.

WNU Editor: The US Navy report is here .... Document: CNO Richardson’s New U.S. Navy Guidance (USNI News).

More News On How The US Navy Will Face Future Challenges

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Navy's Top Admiral Releases Plan to Combat Evolving Threats at Sea -- Military.com
CNO releases plan for Navy to stay ahead of rivals at sea, prepare for combat -- Stars and Stripes
Top Navy admiral releases new plan to stay ahead of rivals at sea and prepare for combat -- Washington Post
CNO's new vision for the Navy: 5 takeaways -- Navy Times
The U.S. Navy's Master Plan to Dominate Russia and China -- National Interest
U.S. Navy Releases New Strategic Goals -- Maritime Executive
US Unveils New Strategic Plan to Keep Command of Oceans in 21st Century -- Sputnik
Top Navy Admiral Cites Increasing Competition from Russia, China -- Washington Free Beacon
Welcome to New Reality: Russia and China Challenge US Naval Supremacy -- Sputnik
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New CNO’s Given His Vision – Now For The Hard Part -- Bryan Clark, Breaking Defense

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