TWISTED WORLD we live in TODAY - Example 33
Turkish govt. using State and Non-State players to eliminate ethnic groups.
Turkey - Killing Kurdish people (2015)
-Killing Armenia people (1915)
- Sponsoring Islamic State(2012-16)
Why is killing others glorious?
In this clip taken by soldiers from Turkish Military in occupied Kurdish town of Silopi in Turkey's Kurdistan, these group of soldiers known as JÖH and PÖH, the Turkish death squads who have killed hundreds of civilians while operating in the Kurdish cities under curfew. A rough translation of what they chant are " Everything, every time, everywhere always only Turks. On Earth and in heaven - only Turks. We will never allow Kurds in Silopi to survive. We will fight till the end.....we swear that every place will remain Turkish land. What ISIS (Islamic State) has done, is nothing to what we will do, We will kill all Kurds as we killed all the Armenian. Amen. " Many villages and towns in North Kurdistan is now under control of PKK and the Turkish Army has send tanks, jets and heavy weapons bombarding and massacring civilians.