It has dropped nearly 40 degrees it the past week. The temperature was in the mid 80s the last week of December. Now things are where they should be for this time of year, with overnight lows in the 40s. I had to throw an extra blanket on the bed. I don't mind; I sleep better when it's cooler.
This morning it's tough to get out of bed. I have a busy schedule today. I need to to get up. But I'm warm and comfy wrapped in one of my mother's homemade quilts. Not only is it beautiful, it's the perfect size and weight for cocooning. It's like being wrapped in Mom's love.
When Hubby got up for work Jedi decided to climb in bed with me. With a sigh and a soft lick, he laid down
on beside me. He hardly ever wants to snuggle. I snapped this picture and hit the snooze alarm. By the way, I'm writing this post in bed. It's dark, quiet and comfortable here. Soon I'll have to get up and get going. But for now, the day can wait.
You may not be able to tell by my post, but it's
Wordless Wednesday. Click around below and see what others have to share today. -- K