New York Times: Did North Korea Detonate a Hydrogen Bomb? Here’s What We Know
North Korea’s claim that it set off a hydrogen bomb on Wednesday — in what would be the fourth time it has tested a nuclear weapon since 2006 — has stirred concerns among governments around the world. Below is a brief primer on some of the central issues at stake.
Q. What, precisely, did North Korea announce?
A. The North’s government said that it had detonated a hydrogen bomb — its first — at 10 a.m. on Wednesday.
“This test is a measure for self-defense the D.P.R.K. has taken to firmly protect the sovereignty of the country and the vital right of the nation from the ever-growing nuclear threat and blackmail by the U.S.-led hostile forces and to reliably safeguard the peace on the Korean Peninsula and regional security,” it said, referring to the North’s formal name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
North Korea's Nuclear Test -- News Updates January 6, 2016
North Korea nuclear test: Live Updates -- BBC
North Korea nuclear H-bomb test claims provoke scepticism and condemnation – as it happened -- The Guardian
North Korea's nuclear test: live -- The Telegraph
LIVE: North Korea conducts Hydrogen bomb test -- Indian Express
North Korea says it tested a hydrogen bomb -- AP
North Korea says successfully conducts first H-bomb test -- Reuters
North Korea says it successfully conducts hydrogen bomb test -- CNN
North Korea Says It Successfully Conducted Hydrogen Bomb Test -- NBC
North Korea Claims It Has Successfully Tested Hydrogen Bomb -- ABC News
North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test in 'self-defence against US' -- The Guardian
North Korea claims fully successful ‘miniaturized hydrogen bomb’ test -- RT
North Korea Confirms Successful Testing of Hydrogen Bomb -- Sputnik
North Korea says tested hydrogen nuclear device -- Reuters
North Korea says will continue to strengthen nuclear program -- Reuters
Here's North Korea's official hydrogen bomb statement. It's a doozy. -- VOX