Quelle: Facebook
New Year's Eve in Cologne saw a huge number of sexual assaults and thefts in the main train station, pictured here, and on the square in front of the station. Witnesses spoke of around 1,000 men, many of them of North African or Arab descent, out of which gangs of pitpockets and sexual molesters emerged.
Spiegel Online: Chaos and Violence: How New Year's Eve in Cologne Has Changed Germany
New Year's Eve in Cologne rapidly descended into a chaotic free-for-all involving sexual assault and theft, most of it apparently committed by foreigners. It has launched a bitter debate over immigration and refugees in Germany -- one that could change the country.
A lot happened on New Year's Eve in Cologne, much of it contradictory, much of it real, much of it imagined. Some was happenstance, some was exaggerated and much of it was horrifying. In its entirety, the events of Cologne on New Year's Eve and in the days that followed adhered to a script that many had feared would come true even before it actually did. The fears of both immigration supporters and virulent xenophobes came true. The fears of Pegida people and refugee helpers; the fears of unknown women and of Chancellor Angela Merkel. Even Donald Trump, the brash Republican presidential candidate in the US, felt it necessary to comment. Germany, he trumpeted, "is going through massive attacks to its people by the migrants allowed to enter the country."
Update: Germany on the Brink (Ross Douthat, NYT).
WNU Editor: When you have Spiegel Online AND the New York Times .... two publications that have unabashedly supported open borders in the past ..... now openly questioning what is happening .... tells me that the debate is shifting. Here is an easy prediction .... open borders/immigration/refugees/migrants/etc. .... this debate is going to be ongoing throughout 2016.
WNU Editor: I have travelled all over the world .... I know only too well on how poor and destitute much of the world is .... and how incredibly lucky we are in the West .... that is why I personally think this is a low number .... Only Ten Percent of Migrant Influx Has Reached Us So Far, Says German Minister (Breitbart).
Update #2: Bleak Outlook for Europe’s Migration Crisis in 2016 (Rhodium Group).
Update #3: If true .... this is beyond shocking .... New Year violence cases up to 516: Cologne police (AFP)