Digital Classics Association Blog

Digital Classics Association Blog
The Digital Classics Association was founded in spring 2013 to advance the use of digital techniques in the study and teaching of classical antiquity.
The DCA has so far concentrated its efforts on promoting and disseminating research, teaching, and outreach information through two venues:
  • A standalone conference, the first of which, called "Word, Space, Time", was held at the University at Buffalo April 5-6, 2013. Discussions are under way about further conferences on a bi-annual basis.
  • Sessions held at the joint meetings of the American Philological Association and American Institute of Archaeology. These will begin at the Chicago meetings in January 2014 with a session called "Getting Started with Digital Classics," and continue for the following three years.
The efforts of DCA are meant to complement those of other organizations that promote digital classics, such as digitalclassicist, as well as provide a bridge to the broader world of the digital humanities, where work is presented in conferences such as the annual Digital Humanities conference and the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science (DHCS).
The leadership of the DCA is:
Co-Chairs: Neil Coffee (University at Buffalo, SUNY) and Gregory Crane (Perseus, Tufts University,  University of Leipzig)
Secretary-Treasurer: Jeffrey Rydberg-Cox (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Steering Committee Member: Charlotte Roueché (King’s College London)
Steering Committee Member: Christopher Blackwell (Furman University, Center for Hellenic Studies)
Steering Committee Member: Patrick Burns (Ph.D. candidate, Fordham University)

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