Did Hillary Clinton's Emails Contain NSA Intercepts?

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton checks her PDA upon her departure in a military C-17 plane from Malta bound for Tripoli, Libya October 18, 2011. REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE

Observer News: Hillary’s EmailGate Goes Nuclear

Does the latest release of Hillary’s State Department emails include highly classified U.S. intelligence?

Back in October I told you that Hillary Clinton’s email troubles were anything but over, and that the scandal over her misuse of communications while she was Secretary of State was sure to get worse. Sure enough, EmailGate continues to be a thorn in the side of Hillary’s presidential campaign and may have just entered a new, potentially explosive phase with grave ramifications, both political and legal.

The latest court-ordered dump of her email, just placed online by the State Department, brings more troubles for Team Hillary. This release of over 3,000 pages includes 66 “Unclassified” messages that the State Department subsequently determined actually were classified; however, all but one of those 66 were deemed Confidential, the lowest classification level, while one was found to be Secret, bringing the total of Secret messages discovered so far to seven. In all, 1,340 Hillary emails at State have been reassessed as classified.

Update: Little noticed Hillary email might contain NSA intercepts (American Thinker)

WNU Editor: If anyone of us did this .... we would be in jail right now being interrogated and denied bail. But nothing is going to happen to Hillary Clinton right now (if ever) .... thereby giving more proof to the sceptics that we live in a society where there is one rule for us .... and another rule for those who rule over our lives.

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