Today's Topics:
1. Fight your cassava, Taino! Interview with two Cuban
libertarians By TopoTabernario (
2. Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam: New Year's Eve Noise
demonstration at Schiphol. (
3. IWA-AIT A brief look back at 2015 Part One
4. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #256 (Dec) - Editorial:
The Warrior gear + content (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
5. Greece, Suggestion for the open presentation events [of the]
Anarchist Federation by the Anarchist Federation (gr) [machine
translation] (
Message: 1
A libertarian vision of Cuba ---- Isbel Diaz Torres is a biologist, poet and social
activist. As the historian Mario Castillo Gonzalo Santana. Both are part of the Critical
Observatory Cuban one , the Libertarian Alfredo Lopez Workshop and antiracist Negritude
Brotherhood , among others. They came on tour in summer, to spread the crowdfunding
campaign headquarters where they open, and this is his libertarian and critical view of
the Cuban reality. ---- 1 ---- - Starting with the last
official events in Cuba. The US embassy open again. And Pope's upcoming visit. What would
you say is the political, economic, social, freedoms, etc., on the island right now? ----
Isbel: Cuba is experiencing a sustained and unambiguous process of capitalist restoration,
led by the political-military elites empowered on the island.
This process, which involves the liberalization of the economy, with known mechanisms
enabling foreign investment, renegotiation of the foreign debt, obtaining credit in
international organizations, promoting "Special Development Areas" outside labor
legislations and with flexibility for the free act of foreign companies, among others -
has the enthusiastic support of much of the population, manipulated by the media (every
state) believe these "openings" will have a positive meaning for their households,
especially measures designed to promote private property, in the form of small businesses
called "self-employed", which are actually the seeds of exploitation of some people over
others classical. All these economic changes of recent years have not been accompanied by
changes in political structures that persist in not participatory, non-transparent, and
repression of thought and expression in greater or lesser degree undemocratic scheme. In
Cuba there are no social movements, and political representation is legal only at the
request of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Union of Young Communists, two bureaucratic
institutions of "communists" just named.
These are some of the measures taken: the prices of the products in retail outlets in
foreign currencies are recorded up to 240% of their value; it advances in the application
of a complex tax system that provides 19 types of taxes, three contributions, and three
rates; a new Social Security Act which increased by five years the retirement age was
adopted; still it is reducing the amount of food that arrived monthly to the population
with state subsidy; public spending cuts in the areas of Health (closing offices and
clinics, specialized services concentration), culture (budget reduction, closing awards),
and sports (budget reduction), advances the legalization of property private and private
micro; from 2011 the layoff of thousands of workers from the state sector was started, in
order to reach the figure of 1.5 million people in five years; continued militarization of
society, with the location in the Council of States, Ministers, Politburo and Central
Committee, the National Assembly and senior military officers loyal to Raul Castro and his
program; and empowering the army subordinate companies, which control items such as
agricultural production, info-communications, environmental security, investment, tourism,
construction, and in any strategic sector burgeoning. Finally, the adoption of a new
Labour Code which promotes private exploitation of workers work does not guarantee real
worker participation in management and decision-making, reduced paid holidays for
employees by self-employed (who does not grant the right to establish collective labor
agreements), leaves out of your body and other workers cooperative, hides its associated
regulations, and does not recognize the right to strike.
- One of your concerns is the ecosystem and degradation because of this possible alliance
with savage capitalism. What threatens the island?
Isbel: So far implementations made ostensibly obviate the social and ecological fields,
the sustainability indicators as "conservation", "human rights", "social participation"
can be verified. Many of the proposed actions involve economic objectives irreversible
negative environmental impacts, including deforestation and water exploitation associated
to tourism development, particularly the promotion of golf courses throughout the island,
including Biosphere Reserves as Guanahacabibes Peninsula. These golf courses are
associated with real estate in the country stands as a main incentive grant surface rights
for 99 years to foreigners, who will also allow them to acquire properties in perpetuity.
Then there is the maintenance of a polluting energy matrix based on oil. The country
continues to invest millions in infrastructure. After intensive modernization of power
plants carried out ten years ago, there are now work at the refinery in Cienfuegos,
Cienfuegos vent Matanzas, storage for 600 thousand barrels in Matanzas, the mega-port of
Mariel to a cost of one billion dollars which also joins the implementation of techniques
fracking to extract oil deposits of the most exploited in the country, located in Boca de
Jaruco. As a final example, promoting agrointensivistas technologies, specifically the
cultivation of transgenic seeds is another area which demonstrates that the Cuban
government will stop at nothing in their pursuit of economic growth.
Today, in the hands of Cuban military companies like CubaSoy, non-transparent, the
introduction of GM crops advances in Cuban agriculture, especially corn and soybeans,
which are part of the basic human diet on the island. The process is done without
informing the public of such characteristics and their possible implications
ambientales.Además hygiene, the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology works on
the production of other transgenic organisms such as potato, tomato, potato, rice, and a
variety Fish such as Claria transgénica.El current US approach It involves a new risk,
since we know that 70% of processed foods contain GM products that country. Due to the
saturation of the market and strong opposition to their agricultural products in Europe,
US firms overall seed and agribusiness, have turned their sights on China and Latin
America, to increase growth and a move ganancias.En cheap politicking, these large
companies promoting GMOs have formed the American Coalition of Agriculture by Cuba
(USACC), with the "noble" purpose of achieving the lifting of the blockade, but actually
seek to expand their market.
- As libertarian opponents, do you surprised latter transformations? Do you suffer some
kind of warning that everything runs as planned?
Isbel: No surprise possible, since the Libertarian anarchists Alfredo Lopez Workshop for
five years been warning the real character of the Cuban system. There has been no change
of direction, but now these changes take place with some speed and more naked, confirming
our complaints. Many of the changes, particularly the most cosmetic, have operated in
response to systematic opposition calls right on the island, access to mobile telephony,
access to luxury hotels, eliminate travel bans off the island , liberalize the marketing
of homes and cars, more professionalized sports, expand Internet elacceso. If we look at
these changes, we get a distorted picture of social reality, where these measures have a
very low popular impact, and contribute to the growth of inequalities, causing an already
evident and immoral stratification of society, the establishment of corporate elites,
military, and party, that the benefits are shared. For Cuban libertarians, our demands
have had an answer right on the contrary, as we have seen.
However, the system insists strategy involving more sophisticated mechanisms of repression
and unobvious, different from the traditional irregular beatings and arrests trying to
traditional right-wing dissent us invisible. Our activists received personal threats from
officers of the State Security, an organization that strives to infiltrate its agents in
our ranks. In addition, they resort to our workplaces in order to discredit us, accusing
us of counter employees by the Yankee empire, CIA, and how much slander can invent. One of
our members have lost their jobs twice by his libertarian work, but that does not
intimidate us. Our phones have permanent tracks, and all our actions are monitored by
plainclothes officers. However, as long we waive the anonymity and clandestine work, none
of that stops us. The worst part is that such activity of the Ministry of Interior, often
interfere with our efforts to work in the communities, and expand our membership.
- What is the Cuban Critical Observatory? How it was developed and what activities? What
are the difficulties you have to overcome? And the support of the people?
Isbel: Observatory (OC) has had two moments. Until 2014 it was a qualitative network
involving the sum of several cultural projects, from a network of self-managed groups,
they contributed to the development of popular content and latent liberating in Cuban
society. Researchers, critics, professors, artists, cultural promoters, community
activists, journalists, and members of emerging movements share a space diversity,
dialogue and supportive role. In those scenarios of Cuba and the world, we analyzed and
articulábamos experiences, liberating practices and knowledge as an alternative to
capitalist, authoritarian and colonial alienation.
The network was (and desired) natural consequence of annual events sponsored by Haydee
Santamaria since 2006, but consolidated its operation from 2009. Since then global project
grew considerably activists, scope, deepening their positions and creativity in their
organizational dynamics.
From 2015, however, following our real impact and analyze the crisis in several of the
constituent projects, the OC became no longer configured as a network, but as a
self-organized colectivoactivista by members who believe possible today and tomorrow, a
world where daily life tribute to the achievement of freedom and the full potential of
each person on the planet. We define ourselves as anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist,
anti-authoritarian, ecological, respectful of plurality and diversity, anti-racist,
anti-sexist, solidarity, horizontalists, anti-bureaucratic and anti-militarist.
Our purpose is to create free spaces relations of domination and promote activism related
to the principles espoused by our project. To do this, criticism and proposals We denounce
the political and social reality in the communities we operate, we operate technology
platforms, convened meetings, and we arranged agreements. Our space is the sovereign
decision of our Assembly members.
The difficulties are the same as previously noted, because the anarchists who make up the
Libertarian Workshop Alfredo Lopez, also part of this collective plural.
- In terms of work, what happens in the workplace? Is there unemployment? Is there
Isbel: The workers 'struggles of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have been turned
off by the performances of the current Workers' Central Union of Cuba (CTC), which insists
on staying true to the party elites, regardless of the ways that these undertake, orphan
of a critical positioning and truly anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian. The XI
Congress of the CTC held in 1961 confirmed the loss of autonomy when delegates gave up
almost all the historical achievements of the labor movement: the nine days of sick leave,
the extra Christmas bonus, the working week of 44 x 48 hours , the right to strike and
increased 9.09%, among others. The CTC has just the tool you have used the government to
implement its recent measures (layoffs, increasing the retirement age, the adoption of an
anti-worker labor code, etc.). In work centers queen apathy and disenchantment. With an
average salary of $ 20 a month, Cuban workers come daily to their jobs in state
enterprises with no hope of improving their living conditions, unable to decide on
business decisions, without any control over production and the destinies of this . That's
why the prospect of a new operator with a more modern and tecnologizada (foreign
investment companies) face have sparked hope in that sector of the population. They do not
want collective bargaining agreements, or paid vacations, or Labor Justice Organs ... what
they want greater the current salary, and if it is in foreign currency, the better.
- Speaks softly, in the Western media, racism and homophobia. What about you?
Isbel: Is the reemergence in Cuba some expressions of racism and racial discrimination,
both at the individual and society, and within state institutions and overall power
structures. The deep crisis of the 90s and the small "removal" state, with forced openings
that have been allowed then led to the hidden racism will emerge, this time with a load of
cynicism and truly offensive nakedness. Thus, current economic reforms related to market
liberalization, tested without any legislation that effectively protect the most
vulnerable, have meant ultimately exercises racial discrimination. Institutional racism
has happened to all "natural" to the exclusions in cases of skin color in micro linked to
tourism, the underrepresentation of blacks in university classrooms, and their
over-representation in prisons and slums. After more than 50 years of the Revolution of
1959, within populations of African descent also they reproduce discriminatory
stereotypes, and consumption patterns and standards of beauty produced from the elites of
economic and political power are followed, who in turn the taking of globalized standards.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender have obtained significant achievements in recent
years, after suffering a deep repression during the first decades after 1959. A decisive
role in this has been the presence of this community and its problems in the work of
artists of the patio. However, the main thrust was he given the involvement of Mariela
Castro (daughter of the current president), with a work of visibility and awareness of
this realidad.En the last congress of the PCC, it was possible to include a paragraph
endorse the right of people not to be discriminated against because of sexual orientation.
However, the realization of this policy in laws and actual practices has not yet been
achieved yet. In its essence, at least legally recognized political activity remains in
the hands of certain sectors and official authorities, leaving aside (if not silencing) a
shy and precarious activity independent actors. The LGBTI activism, for example, failed to
place the issue of discrimination in the workplace in the new Labour Code, despite many
and many we raised in our meetings; but he succeeded Deputy Mariela Castro. This does not
mean, of course, that there is no LGBTI activism from civil society; but its real
influence remains negligible as a result of the current socio-political system of the
island. That is why the amendments to the Family Code, the island famous for is said to
contain a proposal for the legal recognition of marriage between same sex, has been
relegated for approval for years.
The fledgling independent LGBTI rights activism in Cuba, struggle for substantive
legislation that legitimizes our rights, and effectively protect us from discrimination in
public, institutional, family settings, as well as public services of state and private
economy; inserted in a General Law Against Discrimination. It also demands free access of
civilian groups (non-state) with the media to develop public campaigns against
discrimination, amplify the demands, visualize our reality and problems, and build
community. Of course, the demand for freedom of association is part of this struggle,
which stimulates the growth and organization of civil society sensitized to the promotion
and defense of our rights. The community seeks legal recognition of homo families,
essential for future legalization required the adoption and access to methods of assisted
reproduction base; and the need for a change of strategy to secure legal recognition of
homosexual unions in pairs, facing the imminent constitutional change that kitchen now
back to the people.
- You have introduced the concept of historical memory ...
Mario: We have been personally aware of what Spain has been discussed intensively under
the eaves of a concept such as "Historical Memory" and the diversity of positions that
have been generated, and especially how this concept has since been largely according to
nationalize nationalize collective memory and around the so-called civil war and the
Franco dictatorship. Here, however, when we speak of historical memory we have almost
always put a surname: popular and proletarian, two words that have suffered an almost
universal disrepute, and Cuba has not been out of it. But in a society where the
police-cultural device Cuban state has monopolized for itself folklorizada representation
as popular as both of the proletariat, and where new conservative and right that are
shaping sensibilities have deleted these words from your vocabulary ( as elsewhere),
several in our anarchist circuit and activism against racism and cultural colonialism have
addressed this set of terms for defining a public action to release under the official
amnesia so many names of fighters and social activists, liberating experiences spaces and
knowledge produced from the very popular and proletarian world on the island. Otherwise
today simply would not be traces of their existence, being sentenced to the infamous
historical memory of power and its organic intellectuals (cynical or disenchanted
enthusiastic militants produce what same). I think an important component of our efforts
to develop a libertarian and anti-authoritarian perspective in Cuba must go through to
produce another historical memory about the future of our society, and it gives light and
contrast the alternatives that have been the established order for more than half a century.
- What salvaríais Revolution?
His will (at some point) to rise as-social-economic policy different from the bourgeois
democracies that dominate the world experiment.
The universal scope of their health and education services (which are now in danger), and
although the level of quality, these are very poor.
His anti-imperialism, taking for granted that it was always a biased speech, as also did
not include the imperialist practices of Russia or China, and is today completely off.
A sense of equality and dignity, which still persists hidden among the people, and that is
a fundamental tool to identify the injustices and disassembly.
The energies of spiritual, cultural decolonization, to dignify the popular world, the
desire of universal knowledge that in certain social sectors and specific moments
generated revolutionary event of 1959 in Cuba.
- The Western Left refuses to be critical of the authoritarian state and always blames the
embargo. Any criticism is capitalist. What would you say them from your gaze libertarian
and within the island?
Isbel: You can not keep thinking that repression, lack of freedom, corruption, lack of
transparency, are only condemnable when exercising the right. Authoritarian regimes that
call themselves leftist, have been unequivocal expression of these same excesses, and Cuba
is no exception. Also it is not possible to build socialism with capitalist reforms. A
dismissed worker is a worker fired in Cuba or Spain. I know that Cuba has always been a
benchmark for the global fight for his opposition to US imperialism, but because even that
remains, after the current rapprochement between the two states, and the imminent lifting
of the blockade. Cuban libertarians have been alone for decades, but now, with the
emergence of "progressive" governments in Latin America, our situation is less particular
and more resembles the libertarian struggles in Venezuela, Argentina, and Brazil. If you
are interested in Cuba, seek the truths outside the official line (which essentially
despises the struggles of the exploited in the world). I'm not saying that my words are
the custodians of truth; I'm just saying that there, in the power of the military and
party elites who dominate all the media on the island, definitely not the truth.
Mario: I would say that Cuba besides being a society that has served as a reference for
most of the left parties in the world, is a company with a state, a government, prisons,
bourgeois neighborhoods, middle class cosmopolitan slums with racism, sexism, centralism.
Cuba also important indicators of quality of life that can show the world, is also a
common society that suffers various attacks of statism, imperialism and national
capitalism. These assaults not decrease, but will become much more aggressive and obvious,
and the dialectical efforts in the recent past served as the basis for the famous
"critical support to the Revolution [The State] Cubana" in the coming years will no longer
serve much. Therefore, let us part of that world that suffers and faces that machine
standardized, global oppression which can be found everywhere.
Before the courses they are taking the helmsmen of the Cuban State, continue to maintain
that any criticism of Cuba's pro-capitalist is an act of great ideological arrogance and
suicidal, compared to a pro-imperialist neoliberal right and Cuban that gains more space
and followers . International solidarity should serve as a counterweight to the solidarity
of the international right is also well aware of what it means destroying the myth Cuba,
despite all its flaws.
- What are your projects.
Isbel: Many projects in which I am involved. The Ranger is an environmental project that
has been radicalized over time. I am also part of the Rainbow Project, an anti-capitalist
and independent group fighting for the rights of the LGBTI community. Latest creation is
CUP (Consumers and Users license) trying to turn people towards self-defense of their
rights before the abuses and violations of the Cuban state and private institutions. But
the most comprehensive, the most energy consuming me, is the Libertarian Alfredo Lopez
Workshop. Right now we are launching one crowdfunding for silver in 2016 and to have our
headquarters: A Libertarian Social Center and Library. With this office running many of
our difficulties can be resolved, and our social impact is tremendous. We hope to enlist
the help of all.
by [Juana Vazquez]
Team El Topo
Isbel Diaz Torres (1976) . Degree in Biology. Poet. As a social activist, is part of the
Critical Observatory Cubano, the environmental group The Ranger Workshop Libertarian
Alfredo Lopez, LGBT Rainbow Project and Independent Anti-capitalist, anti-racist group the
Brotherhood of Negritude. Fixed in Havana Times columnist digital portal. Co-founder and
co-editor of the online newsletters: Compendium OC, That you will, and the Rangers.
Gonzalo Castillo Mario Santana (1975) . Degree in History. Master in Interdisciplinary
Studies in Latin America, the Caribbean and Cuba. As a social activist, it is part of the
Critical Observatory Cubano, Workshop Libertarian Alfredo Lopez of antiracist group of
Negritude Brotherhood and Cultural Action Group Anamauto. It is i ntegrante Working Group
Anti-Capitalisms & Sociabilities Emerging (CLACSO). He has developed activism and activist
around the sociability and political cultures of Chinese and African immigration to Cuba
research and the world of the Cuban labor and imprint of anarchism.
Message: 2
On New Year's Eve, 31st of December 2015, 120 people demonstrated at the migrant prison
Schiphol. We do this every year in solidarity with the people who are being held inside,
to show them solidarity and hoping for a new year in freedom. ---- When we arrived at the
prison, we had fireworks, played music with a samba band and with a sound system, and many
people gave speeches to let the people inside knowthat they aren't forgotten. As one of
the people who were giving a speech said it beautifully: “It doesn't matter who you are,
what color you have and where you come from, we wish you a happy new year in freedom, with
equal rights.” ---- We could cleary see the people in the cells, they reacted to us and
waved back at us. It was horrible to think that they most probably fled situations of war,
poverty, repression, racism or a future without prospects, and are locked up by the
government only because of that. With the exceptionally high amount of people fleeing,
this year especially was a year of sorrows for many who chose to leave their homes because
it was too dangerous there. We think that people always have the right to flee to a safe
place. The system we live in with borders and prisons is something that should be ended as
soon as possible, everybody should have the right to live in the place they choose to live in.
Unfortunately we ourselves saw that same Schiphol prison fron the inside after the
marechausse (military police) chose to arrest us all. This was very unpleasant, especially
for the We Are Here group who don't have papers and take the risk every year of joining us
in solidarity with the people on the inside. Fortunately everybody got released eventually.
Let's not forget that it was a great action, and that we started a new year together in
the name of freedom, and will commit ourselves this year again for everybody else's freedom.
Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam
Message: 3
International Solidarity Campaigns ---- 2015 started off with calls for an international
solidarity campaign against Orange, Citibank and Amazon, Manpower and Adecco. ---- The
campaign against Citibank was called by the ZSP from Poland in response to their practices
of discrimination and harrassment. Several workers are suing the company for differences
in pay, for taking away work after paternity leave and sexual harrassment. (As of 2016
these cases are still ongoing. ---- Citibank claims it is working to improve the situation
with mobbing and harrassment.) Solidarity actions took place in Poland, in several cities
in Spain and in Argentina, with protests sent to Citibank from all over the world. A
couple of months later, a comrade from ZSP was taken in and interrogated during a protest
and Citibank threatened to sue for defacing their logo. New actions are being planned in
the upcoming year.
(Spain, Argentina. Below, Poland.)
The actions at Orange were called by workers who were employed in the call and customer
service center in Salmanca, Spain through Arvato-Qualytel. People at the call center are
employed by external agencies, which mean their jobs are precarious and they have
different working conditions that those employed directly. A couple of CNT activists were
fired for their activity. Actions were held in several cities in Spain at the end of 2014
and internationally in January 2015, with pickets in Poland, the UK and France and other
actions and protests sent from a number of countries. The protests came before a court
case against the company and the comrade managed to come to a satisfactory agreement, with
the company recognizing the wrongful dismissal and paying good compensation. A second
agreement with another comrade was signed a few weeks later.
(Spain, France, Poland)
The call for action at Amazon, Manpower and Adecco was related to campaigns of the ZSP
union at Amazon, where a majority of members were employed through Manpower or Adecco work
Many workers at Amazon had late payments, were underpaid or lacked elements of their
salary, such as payment for vacation, sick days or time scheduled but with no work. As a
result of various protests, around 30 workers received what was owed to them and both
Amazon and the work agencies had to be more careful. Manpower lost its contract with
Amazon, but later started to be used again. Actions were held by IWA affiliates in the UK,
Slovakia, Spain, Norway and Brazil and also be other good comrades from Czech Republic,
Croatia and the US. The union continues to work in the company, dealing with such issues,
which fortunately are less common and trying to organize more people.
(Spain, Brazil, UK)
(Slovakia, Poland)
At the beginning of 2015 we also received a call for international solidarity against
Operation Pandora in Spain. The operation targetted the anarchist movement and a comrade
from CNT was one of those imprisoned. The solidarity campaign extended beyond the IWA,
with many protests held by anarchist organizations around the world. Sections and Friends
held protests in places like Serbia, Sweden, France, Germany and the UK.
(Serbia, Sweden, UK, France)
In January, comrades from the CNT in Leon, Spain also informed us of the firing of a
comrade from McDonalds for union organizing. Solidarity actions took place in Poland,
Norway and around Spain. The campaign was very short since McDonald's admitted that it had
incorrectly fired the comrade and an agreement was made to pay compensation to the worker.
(Spain, Poland)
In March, members of the CNT Metalworkers' Union in Madrid informed us of developments in
lndra, a company where several CNT unions are present. In 2013, two of their members were
fired for denouncing the illegal assignment of workers but in 2015, two of the directors
of lndra were charged, among other things, with perjury at the trials of these workers.
The comrades reported that a major scandal was underway in Spain, with the directors of
lndra accused of bribing judges and prosecutors.
Comrades in Poland joined in with CNT unions in Spain in protesting lndra's practices with
pickets at a number of locations.
(Spain, Poland)
In July, the Sections were asked about solidarity actions to protest the unfair dismissal
of a CNT activist from the Red Cross in Alicante. Protests and other actions took place in
the UK and Poland, with protests being sent from around the world. The comrade still
hasn't been reinstated to her job.
(UK, Spain)
Although no international solidarity campaign was called by the CNT in relation to
dismissals of comrades from DHL company, we note that the comrades from for a made actions
at DHL all over Argentina to protest the dismissals and the practices of the company.
(Spain, Argentina)
Finally, faxes and emails were sent to the NGO Dive Maky in Slovakia, which failed to pay
one comrade and has been harrassing Priama akcia and the comrade who have been trying to
get this money.
Members of the IWA Secretariat tried to visit the NGO but nobody was there, (or at least
nobody opened the door), and protests were left.
(Slovakia, PA and
visitors from IWA)
Some Labour Conflicts and Organizing Activity of the Sections and Friends
During the year 2015 we noted a sharp increase in activity, especially against wage theft,
in the UK where the SolFed managed to help win wages owed in a number of conflicts.
Notable are the campaigns in the hospitality sector, for example in Brighton, with
successful actions at a Portland Road cafe, the Proud Cabaret, Kitchen Porter, a
restaurant in the Lanes, the Caffe Bar ltalia, a pub near Western Rd. The comrades have
been instrumental in the organization of workers in a sector filled with casual jobs and
riddled with problems of non-payments or insufficient payments, among other problems.
The SolFed in Newcastle also won a wage theft case at a call center in that city. They
also started a building workers campaign. They started by protesting sanitary conditions
at one building site and the problem was quickly dealt with by the company responsible.
The local in Newcastle also carried out a “Better Call” campaign to get more contact to
workers who would like to organize and fight.
ln Italy, USI organized and took part in protests against the Jobs Act. The Jobs Act is a
series of labour reforms, allowing, among other things, for easier dismissals and giving
the bosses the power to unilaterally change a workers' duties during restructuring. They
also have to pay lower compensation for unlawful dismissal and fixed-term contracts were
made more flexible. The protests included some muncipal general strikes, such as in Parma.
On a nation-wide level, USI began initiatives to organize in the education sector. Among
the actions USI participated in were against the “Good School” law which aims to limit the
freedom of expression in education and in solidarity with precarious education workers.
The union in San Carlo hospital participated in protests against the running on the
hospital, underfinancing and detoriating working conditions.
The USI-Marche also protested against the working conditions in the cemetary of
Senigallia, where there were also dismissals.
As already mentioned, the ZSP union in Amazon carried out successful actions against
improper payments at the warehouse.
Comrades from the psychiatric hospital in Bielsko-Biala went on strike in a one-day
action. The action was meant to be part of a national escalation of protests to culminate
in a nation-wide strike of nurses which unfortunately did not take place since the main
nurses union struck a deal with the government.
This deal completely leaves out nurses from psychiatric hospitals, as well as workers on
civil contracts, so the ZSP is trying to organize in this area.
ZSP also supported a strike of an independent union of nurses after 7 union members were
fired. Support included help with forming postulates, solidarity work and participations
in meetings with the authorities.
Nurses and local supporters took part in a national protest of nurses in Warsaw, which was
to precede the strike that never took place.
The group of ZSP from Atlantic company also organized actions against that company and
it's dependent company, VlS, which closed up shops and left hundreds of workers and
contractors without salaries or payments. Actions also took place at the bankruptcy court
hearings and at the liquidator's. Dozens of workers have now received payments, but many
others have still been screwed. ZSP aims to continue actions to ensure all its members are
paid and to expose the shady activities of these companies and their executives, who are
still trying to make business with other companies.
ZSP union in Warsaw continues a campaign against exploitation in the public sector, in
particular against the use of trash contracts or illegal employment in firms awarded
public tenders. This campaign has drawn a lot of attention, with the government adopted a
law which would allow public institutions to include social clauses in public tenders but
does not require it. Workers who were illegally used to repair public housing in one
district of Warsaw, as well as to make repairs for a ministry, have organized themselves
to get payment and to expose the practices of public entities, which do not verify the
firms they are using.
In Wroclaw, members of ZSP met with the CEO of OTTO Workforce at the end of December and
are hoping to see a resolution of several problems of workers in Holland. The ZSP held a
campaign against the practices of this work agency some years ago and OTTO has expressed a
desire to avoid similar problems and resolve the issues. So far they have received a
promise to resolve one important matter in a positive way, with a significant payment.
Members of KRAS Educational and Scientific Workers have been active in several protests of
workers at higher educational institutions against cuts and detiorating working conditons.
KRAS has also been active in protests of health care workers and others against cuts in
health care and in the social protests of pensioneers.
The ASF has been trying to expand the organization and start new initiatives, for example
in Tasmania. A Telecommunication Workers' Association affiliated to ASF, comprised of
mainly mobile phone infrastructure technicians.
Besides the conflicts mentioned in the section about international solidarity, the Spanish
section has been active in numerous workplaces.
Workers in Alumalsa organized in several unions went on strike in the summer for 12 days,
achieving an important victory of a 400 euro pay rise for 2015, 450 for 2016 and 500 euros
for 2017. The unions such as CCOO and UGT had signed an agreement early into the strike,
but the workers voted in down in assembly and kept on striking. The agreement finally
reached with the workers also foresees a gradual decrease in working days and a number of
other points. The CNT later also achieved the annulation of contractual clauses which
require employees to work overtime, making this now voluntary.
Workers from the CNT and other unions fighting against a reduncy plan in Rio Madrid, which
cleans and services public parks, won a fight to declare the plan null and void. The union
had organized many protests in this conflict and eventually joined the court battle to
void the plan.
ln the Casa des Monges residence, workers from the CNT Sabadell, who held a successful
strike last year, have managed to get a wage increase.
The conflict started at Ydilo company, using direct action when a member of CNT and 8
other workers were fired, also ended successfully with compensation being given to the
Around Spain, CNT has been organizing in and picketing at Phone House, fighting for better
working conditions. The campaign continues.
Other conflicts are just started and are still going on. For example, in November the CNT
of Gijon started a conflict with hamburger joint Tommy Mel's. A comrade who was not paid
overtime and stood up for his rights was fired. The union has been picketing the
Another restaurant chain that was picketed was Foster's Hollywood, where the CNT has been
conducting campaigns for some time.
The CNT Vigo (now disaffiliated) showed the triumph of direct action, picketing the Bonsai
cafe where a worker was fired because she was ill and wasn't paid. The establishment
conceded to the unions demands.
Among the notable conflicts in restaurants and cafes was the case of Zurich Kebab in
Salamanca where the actions of the CNT led to a settlement for a dismissed worker around
17 times higher than normal.
More conflicts from Spain and other countries will appear in Part Two of this article.
Other Protests and Campaigns
Many Sections of the IWA participated in numerous protests and campaigns, ranging on
issues such as refugee rights, against state repression or evictions. A list of some of
the protests will be published in Part Two of this article.
The USI union in San Carlo hospital was sentenced to pay a huge fine related to a leaflet
distributed at the hospital in 2009. The IWA sent a donation to the union to help pay
these costs.
Two members of USI from San Paolo hospital were also brought to court and accused of
“interrupting public services”, which can lead to 1-5 years in arrest. We are not sure of
the status of the case, so we assume the trial against the comrades is ongoing.
At the end of the year, the CNT from Barcelona and others called for a boycott of the
department store chain El Corte Ingles, for their repression of participants in the March
2012 general strike and other problematic issues. During the protests actions, two members
of CNT were arrested and dozens of others targetted by police. Solidarity actions were
called by different unions of the CNT but, for example, in Madrid the action was repressed
and some would-be participants threatened with prosecution under the gag laws.
A comrade of ZSP fought successfully as his own lawyer against criminal charges brought by
BRW Sofa factory. The comrade was accused of criminal libel and causing economic damage to
the company in connection with the union's defense of another unionist, fired from the
factory for speaking out against its violations of the labour code.
A comrade from the CNT-AIT in France was put under house arrest in a racist and xenophobic
crackdown that also targetted those involved in social protest. Ali's case was picked up
by the mainstream media as a particularly good case of profiling and targetting people
before planned social protests related to the COP summit.
More cases of repression will be described in Part Two of this article.
Other lnternational Activities
As part of building links with other activists around the world and sharing experiences of
direct action and syndicalist organizing, the IWA organized a number of video conferences
to bring people together to share ideas. There were also some discussions and training
made for activists in the Balkan area and Sections and Friends organized and participated
in a regional anarchosyndicalist conference in that area.
Part Two soon to follow.
Message: 4
The attacks in Paris November 13, like those in Beirut yesterday, aimed at maximum effect
of terror on the population and terrorists have managed their shot. There are four, facing
another massacre, that of nationalist Anders Breivik in Oslo, the mayor of the Norwegian
capital declared: "We will punish the culprit. The punishment, it will be more generosity,
more tolerance, more democracy. "Our government has chosen a different path. ---- By
intensifying the bombings in Syria, increasing the powers of prefects and police forces,
as part of a state of emergency extended almost unanimously in Parliament Valls Holland
and meet the expectations of terrorists. The stigmatization of Muslim populations or
civilian victims of bombings serve our propaganda of a so-called Islamic State who takes
refuge in terrorism chained after the defeats on the ground against the Kurds.
Whereas the centenary of the First World War could make us think we are still seeing the
same phenomena of "hunt for traitors," enemies of the sacred union. But we also know that
this situation will not last.
Sinking into a logic of war, our government condemns us to further attacks. We will have
to end it, to rebel against the Will in the war.
Alternative Libertaire on 1 December 2015
Full-lights - Attacks; Daech; Revolutionary Jews; Employment center; Housing evictions;
Family law; Southern Rural Equipment; Elections to the SNCF and La Poste; Arming police;
Prostitution; Québec: Sisterhood; Mining; Kurdistan ; Middle East: Palestine; Law of
separation of Church and State; Chronicles of alienated labor
Editorial: The Warrior gear
Full-lights - Attacks: gear Exit
Attacks: After the blood and tears, solidarity
Daech: Genealogy of a jihadist state
Interview with Jewish and Jewish revolutionaries "Antisemitism is a structural element of
French society"
public employment service: employment center in tune bosses
Accommodation: HLM neighborhood against evictions
Still more evictions, still less social
family law: Under the co-parenting, the Masculinism
South Rural Equipment Congress of the reconquest
Elections to the SNCF: The balance of power remains stable
Elections to the Post: The reformist unions are progressing
Britain: Weekend against the police weapons
Prostitution: The purchase of prohibited sexual act soon, that's fine, but ...
Quebec: Sisterhood, feminism and anti-fascism
Soils: "There is a real economic interest to companies that will exploit these mines"
Kurdistan: YPG have they committed war crimes?
Middle East: Palestine abandoned
the Middle East: The race for supremacy
Fronts Rights: Challenging the redundancy
One hundred and ten years: The law of separation of Church and State was passed
Rights of reply: Letters to the Editor: Details of Ben Barka "The Chronicles of alienated
labor" and edited together
Message: 5
From the study of the contents of this consignment shows that the project of organization
and syllogikopoiisis appears to be some inherent both anarchism and the social and class
struggles. The self-organization even (this kind of organization that profess
libertarian-an almost inexhaustible source of experiences and ideas from labor and social
movement) tends to emerge around as an almost "natural" or perhaps intrinsic tendency that
anarchism has a holistic vision of the world and seeks social revolution. In this context,
the association and involvement of collectives into a coherent organizational structure
put forward as an answer to the question what kind of organization they wish anarchists.
The anarchist federation, then, is an attempt to reestablishment of anarchism in its
natural environment, organization.
Comrades comrades - is our pleasure to meet with comrades and comrades with whom know each
other through our common political and social struggles but also with whom we share common
concerns and anxieties. - Refer to concerns about both the means and methods of our
struggle and structure with our spearhead and objectives and about the nature of relations
between the partners, agonists and collectives. - And of course anxious about the
effectiveness of all the above regarding how to promote our common cause, namely the
social revolution, the individual and social emancipation and creating a world of freedom,
equality and solidarity.
It is these concerns and anxieties were the fuel that fed our discussions over the last
2.5 years, the focus of which was ever the issue of organization of anarchists in Greece.
The result of this effort was the creation of the Anarchist Federation, first appearing in
historical anarchist Greece. This result and our path to creating we want to present
tonight in comrades and the comrades who responded to our call today.
Initial thoughts
- We started with a first finding: the struggles of anarchists in the last half century
(with their victories and their defeats) and the theoretical elaboration of the
objectives, their objectives and results firstly compose a basic historical and political
legacy. Valuable for each partner who wants simultaneously fighting and reflects on the
characteristics of the race.
From the study of the contents of this consignment shows that the project of
organization and syllogikopoiisis appears to be some inherent both anarchism and the
social and class struggles. The self-organization even (this kind of organization that
profess libertarian-an almost inexhaustible source of experiences and ideas from labor and
social movement) tends to emerge around as an almost "natural" or perhaps intrinsic
tendency that anarchism has a holistic vision of the world and seeks social revolution. In
this context, the association and involvement of collectives into a coherent
organizational structure put forward as an answer to the question what kind of
organization they wish anarchists. The anarchist federation, then, is an attempt to
reestablishment of anarchism in its natural environment, organization.
Moving here and now
- We continued to a second point: the anarchist space (latitude) for the (time) is now
marked by failures and shortcomings in the best of cases concern us all comrades and at
worst make it an ineffective political space. At the heart of this problem is once again
the question of organization.
Indeed, in recent years initially outside procedures but progressively more through
them, the question of organization appeared increasingly urgent. Whether out in the
pursuit of a good sense of unity or as a criticism of the shortcomings of (sovereign in
our procedures) aformalismou or as condemnation or defense of individual road that follows
the vast majority of comrades. In any case, however, the finding remained more or less
common: existing organizational structures of the anarchist milieu have shown long the
weaknesses and limitations. In summary, we refer to aformalistikous ways elemental
actually organization distinguished by their efkairiakotita and often cyclical nature,
vague projects that leave space to expressing blurred crowd sometimes mutually exclusive
concepts, the dimensional and truncated ideologization.
The most characteristic example of this phenomenon is the occasional meetings-assemblies
(known our calls in Gini ....) usually aim either to short-term results or actions that
have to do with the timeliness and limited de facto precisely these short-term target.
Returning to the central role of our aformalistikou assembly mode should clarify
something. Several companions is generally accepted that this mode of formation helped in
the past the area to "survive" in times of repression, militant recession and widespread
social inertia. At the same time and is universally accepted that this way has now reached
its historical limits. It is our finding that the aformalismos makes it virtually
impossible to protagmatikotita the anarchist idea. In the same statement indeed leads
considering and paraphernalia of: informal hierarchies and latent or non hegemony that
occasionally appear in space
In our thinking both aformalismos and the coincidental formation leading to
self-referential. Because, really, the well-intentioned questions that reasonably arise if
you sit down to reflect on both our spearhead and the way our constitution is: How can we
talk about self-organization when addressing the oppressed, just when the majority of
anarchist comrades do not belong to self-organized political figures racing of any kind
(collectives, operations, antithesmiseis, places, occupations, etc.)? How can we champion
the self-organization of the whole society and the self-instituting in every aspect of
social life when we fail to reach agreement even among us (individually or at collectives)
or when our meetings can not be built on the basis of stability in time and consistency of
our decisions?
With this in mind our choice can only be distancing from aformalismo. Why under
aformalismou our aforementioned deficiencies tend to become open wounds (we've also seen
several times) lead to the self-referential. A typical example of this phenomenon is the
criticism within the room. The lack of a dialog box and (why not) political confrontation
makes our coincidental meetings (even worse cafes space) as the only available scope
criticism from a collectivity to another. The terms even with whom be managed any
differences perceived in terms of aggression and competition, thus creating an extremely
unfavorable condition: more separates and closes groups in shell in a self available to
the public world, despite pushing a collective address and resolve them. Needless to
mention that this long term undermines the prospect of a strong anarchist movement.
The question of overcoming all of the above, ie cyclical, aformalistikou and activist
character of our constitution emerges as a key issue even more to the history here and
now. In the current juncture, therefore, the ideological edifice of capitalism by the
promises of wealth, consumption and social advancement over by the consent of the bottom,
showing signs of collapse. This event has signaled an unprecedented crisis of legitimacy
of the system and a huge political vacuum created a potential discontinuity. In such a
situation then various political forces are trying to find their own space and the
historical experience shows that in such cases, the grand narratives are gaining ground.
The rise of regime left (the kolotoumpas and progress) and the far right seems to attest
to this thinking.
For the anarchists this discontinuity shapes a necessary but not sufficient condition
for the penetration of our perceptions in a broader social pieces and therefore the
prospect of revolutionary transformation. This is because the looming, if not constantly
present, collapse has caused both package hits the oppressed as the weight of internal
contradictions of the system itself.
But how we will intensify the crisis by becoming really dangerous for state capital? The
organization as a prerequisite for an orderly political preparation of the revolution.
Studying the experience and historical examples we see how many times the anarchists
managed to play a central political role, they succeeded composed in organized bodies that
gave perspective to the social and class struggles, contributed to interconnection and
their synolikopoiisi, and explicitly raised the main strategic their goal, namely social
Further analysis seems to consolidate the belief that the organization is capable of
meaning to the revolution as a process continuous and arduous at all levels of the actual
and not as the famous night where everything will be reversed by the insurrectional
spontaneity of the masses. Against fetishisation insurgency as a holistic project, the
organization suggests to use the uprising as an accelerator of revolutionary processes;
against petty impatience encountered in radical political spaces, puts the systematic
work; against the action without name and recognition, puts capitalization action and our
successes, and finally against violence as an end in itself, puts the class, revolutionary
Considering the above, we were led to the decision to create an anarchist political
organization. An organization based in political, theoretical and ideological agreements
and that marks the passage from the (theoretical) abstract to the (practical) specific.
That is also the method, the tool by which political subjects produce policy and ideas
grounded impacting on the reality itself. Our yardstick is also clear that our enemy, the
state, capital and the political forces are organized and it is now clear that it can only
address methodical and organized.
The federal organization is a means to this end as it can offer:
- The common position of the anarchists in any matter or set their agenda themselves,
- Flexibility in the movements and actions of individual federal departments-regions,
- Quantitative enlarge the diffusion of anarchist discourse and practice,
- Setting up a single, organized and militant presence and culture,
- Highlighting issues on a national level as a united and collective position-answer.
- The possibility for collective and massive intervention highlighting anarchy as the real
opposition in the street, entering our own terms, principles and positions.
- Coordination of the forces of social liberation to the common goal, even by almost
similar roads, and removing the fragmentation. This ensures the possibility of
intervention in the central political scene in which faces the attention of the masses and
that we want to extract, speech articulation towards society and the subjective, which is
also the central objective.
Of course we should note that we are totally contained. There is no way we believe that
the organization is a panacea that will solve all internal problems and ills of our space
nor Passepartout social constituencies. But it is the hope for a more effective
implementation of our ideas for a methodical promote our positions in the arena of
politics, a definitely more upscale intervention in social and workplaces. It is, finally,
necessary but not only -from thereof; adequate tool for the success of the race.
With this in mind, our effort for anarchist organizing reconstruction assumes the
character of anarchist historical responsibility as a key moment in the games. Because we
believe that only the union of our forces can give anarchy able to star on developments
and to outline a revolutionary perspective.
Today, the crisis of the political system knows historic high (abstention in the last
election reached 50%, which crystallises the frustration of an important piece of the
world towards the parliamentary system), it's time to go ahead. To reassert our denials
and simultaneously build our affirmations, a structured, continuous and organized manner.
We must respond to the state capital and attack, to deconstruct the dialectic of
domination and crush the fascist endings of power. To seize the great historic opportunity
to get into the political limelight by taking initiatives and devising an organized,
methodical and effective strategy struggle to go one step closer to social revolution and
the goal of libertarian communism.
Today, when the capitalist restructuring gives new dimension to barbarism constitutes a
market economy, that the structures of the state security and emergency trample with great
ease to any "rights" that the exemption regime is institutionalized systematically
underestimating the face of immigrants / refugees around the proletariat, after all now
that the attack on our class and in society by the state and capital takes unprecedented
dimensions, the anarchist movement must be reconstructed. Thus the need for the creation
of an anarchist political organization, ie an anarchist federation, shows further both our
weaknesses as a place and the same needs of our struggle.
These are precisely the shortcomings, we think that comes to face an anarchist
federation, putting the focus anarchist project, and comparing the timeless question of
power, not its conquest as profess other radical forces, but its abolition and horizontal
organization of society. A federation of collectives and groups that power would allow it
to determine and implement its own strategy and will not constantly eterokathorizetai of
the events away from the Scylla of opportunism and the situation and the Charybdis of
spectacular activism intra-day clashes in the streets Exarchia.
We refer to an organizational structure that will be the political "school" us. In it
you will learn to collectively we set long-term goals, and of course keep the
implementation of our decisions are aimed at their fulfillment. In it we will learn, how
through self-criticism and evaluate our effectiveness in terms of these objectives will
acquire experience both for us and for the movement. This will also learn how to
capitalize we ourselves political outcome of our actions and the targeted activism and not
allow longer rival political forces to derive political goodwill on our backs.
Finally, in our opinion also another crucial point that is imperative (especially at
this juncture) is the preparation, development and dissemination of an anarchist program.
A political and economic revolutionary program, which propose ways to "build a free
society in the shell of the old", and describing as concretely can the structure of
society that we envision. Something which should be realized by only one massive,
revolutionary organization like an anarchist federation.
With an eye in space and movement ...
With an eye in space and movement ...
From the main objectives of the association is to unite as many collectives and groups
of the anarchist milieu. At the same time professed aim is also to disseminate the idea of
syllogikopoiisis, or incitement to partners to become members of a collectivity, or the
promotion of the idea of creating new groups, or strengthening existing self-organized
structures or inventing new .
In any case, however, the Federation hoped both to support, upgrade and enhance the
function and action of partners and groups involved in this and to become a reference
point for all competitors.
We know that the federation started its existence as a minority (organizational)
tendency within the movement, but it is certain that we will exhaust all possibilities to
work within synthetic and unifying space and movement in general. To this end, will seek
cooperation and collaboration with other sections of the site and the contact and
connection with those struggling parts of the society who are looking to organize their
resistance in political terms, but also the possibility of supporting pieces that are
already struggling.
... And thinking oriented society
The formation of the Anarchist Federation is an option to expose ourselves to our
comrades in the movement and in society at large. To draw the attention, imagining rather
than a political narcissism but with some kind of auto-suggestion in order to set up more
solid our positions and the project. All this under the voluntary and lawful pressure of
engagement between ourselves and especially to the world of production, the exploited and
oppressed to which we also belong.
The practice by example and propaganda of these imperatives we consider to be one of the
best tools a political movement aimed at the adoption by the widest possible social
segments. The objective that reaches even the ambition to become a federation of political
expression vector and organization of all the exploited.
Do not forget that our debt is filing a revolutionary proposal that will be aimed at
both global and universal overthrow the existing but secondly and outlining our vision of
a free and self-managed society. Moreover, a factor that can lead to a potentially
revolutionary situation is precisely the existence of a collective vision for a new
society, which is absent today, and is one of the main shortcomings of the movement. As
indeed and Kropotkin: '' No destruction of the dominant world order is possible if at the
time of rollover or the race leading to the overthrow, there is live inside the mind the
idea of what will replace the one that has to be destroyed ' '.
Anarchist Fede