Today's Topics:
1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Petition, BDS is
growing, the state represses (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
2. Greece, Create Anarcho Feminist Meeting (gr) [machine
translation] (
3. Anarchism and the Continuing Struggle for
Women's Freedom by Bongani Maponyane - TAAC, ZACF
4. Greece, "Black & Red" Anarchist Collective: "3 of oil,
vinegar 3, 6 vinaigrette?" The mathematics of the "left" who will
pay again? we. (gr) [machine translation] (
Message: 1
Petition, While the French government seeks to criminalize the campaign
Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions against Israeli colonialism, a petition was launched to
strengthen the movement. Solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle! ----
Manuel Valls announced January 18, 2015 at a meeting of the Friends of the Representative
Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF) he wanted the French state increases the
pressure and repression against the campaign Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS), initiated
in 2005, which is a member of Alternative Libertaire. This is the face of recent media and
attempted criminalization of a vast movement of solidarity, become awkward for the French
state, historic ally of the state of Israel. ---- During summer 2014, the Israeli army
attacked Gaza and the Palestinian territories during strikes and advanced ground
murderers. Many demonstrations of solidarity with the Palestinian people in struggle
organized in France had been banned.
While the BDS campaign is gaining nowadays more and more importance and benefits of energy motivé.es by his success in the country as elsewhere in the world, the will
power to criminalize actions Boycott and information strengthens: refuse then and still
are strengthening wherever possible the campaign until the end of the apartheid regime!
Saturday, January 27, BDS action to LIDL France 34: fruits and products of Israeli
Mehadrin and Jaffa brands implanted illegally in Israeli settlements sold there.
cc BDS France
Many associations resent the decision of the Court of Cassation of October 20, 2015, which
declared illegal the call to boycott Israeli products. Here a new appeal signed by several
activists, intellectuals and politicians in defense of the BDS campaign launched by
Palestinians July 4, 2005.
We shall roll us not the decision of the Court of Cassation of October 20, 2015!
On 20 October 2015, in two judgments, the Supreme Court declared illegal the call to
boycott Israeli products and upheld the conviction of several heavy movement activists
Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS). She used to this, a section of the press law that
evokes the offense of "incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence against a person
or group of persons because of their origin or their membership an ethnic group, nation,
race, or religion. "
This decision is more than astonishing, it is scandalous. This law is supposed to protect
a person or group of persons discriminated against because of their origin or their
membership or non membership of an ethnic group, nation, race or religion. It does not
provide any way to protect the policy of a state against a citizen criticism when that
criticism takes the form of a boycott of products. Many times, organizations worldwide
have called for a boycott of Burma or Russia, China or Mexico without ever evoked such a
Despite the insistence of the Ministry of Justice, most foreclosures French courts refused
in recent years to consider that the call to boycott Israeli products was part of a
criminal offense.
With the decision of the Court of Cassation, France became the only democratic country in
the world where such a ban was taken. For a country that, for a year, has continued to
claim his commitment to freedom of expression is a situation all the more paradoxical, it
is likely that the European Court of Human Rights Human unwelcome return to this judgment.
Even the Supreme Court has to answer for its decisions and comply with universal
principles that are, inter alia, the right of expression.
The BDS movement has created a resignation context of the international community unable
to put an end to colonization or protect Palestinians daily abuses inflicted by Israeli
army and settlers.
This movement for boycott increasingly successful in the world, as the only non-violent
means of pressuring Israel. It allows all those and all those who wish to peacefully
demonstrate their solidarity and protest thereby against the special treatment enjoyed by
this country from the international community despite its constant violations of
international law. That is why we call to support and strengthen the BDS movement and
boycott Israeli products.
First signatories of the call:
Ahmed Abbes, Research Director at the CNRS, Paris; Sihame Assbague, community activist;
Etienne Balibar, Emeritus Professor, University of Paris-Ouest Nanterre; Said Bouamama,
sociologist; Brauman, doctor, essayist; Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun, Emeritus Professor at the
University Paris Diderot-Paris 7; Delphy, sociologist, co-founder of Feminist News
Questions; Alain Gresh, journalist; Nacira Guénif, sociologist, University Paris 8;
Christian Salmon, writer; Azzedine Taïbi, mayor of Stains; Marie-Christine Vergiat, MEP.
To go further, do not hesitate to consult the file Free Palestine! "After the first
Intifada (1988-1993) and the second Intifada (2000-2005), is a third Palestinian uprising
that has shaken the Israeli colonialist yoke . Without freedom, without ending the
occupation without the return of réfugié.es in their homes, without the abolition of
apartheid plaguing the Mediterranean to the Jordan, we must not hope for lasting peace. "
Message: 2
Volos - Collegiality femanifesta established in November 2015 based on our need to express
ourselves freely in a purely female (this term means and the trans and cis), and not
necessarily sash area. - For us the Anarcha-Feminism deemed necessary, as we recognize the
contribution of historical and social level and S / N area. - Still do not believe that
the acquis is antisexismos a / movement, since patriarchal and sexist residues still
persist. ---- Failure to understand the existence of sexism within our sites is
problematic, it is illusory and wants us complicit. Therefore one of the aims of the group
is self-education on gendered and not only questions based on the value of cross-thematic.
Basis of our common ideological background is the horizontality and equality of all
members of the group. Other retention / connector element is the need to establish
relationships between us based on our shared experiences and experiences, knowing that we
create a space where we can express ourselves freely.
fact is that the existing male dominated assemblies of s / n space are excluded
perithoriopoiimenes.Mas and fully understand that there are informal power relations which
are justified based on the belief that the anarchist militant characterized by machimotita
of the street and the imposing bunch behavior . This criterion is oppressive for the other
tribes as the result of stereotyped socialization of men.
We seek self-determination and not the sameness with men. With the exclude mult @ @
anarchist, feminist struggles like the queer, etc. as reformist or matches unnecessary to
be resolved when the revolution occurred, white cis heterosexual men and not only limit
the anarchist struggle in their own struggle against their own exploiters, in a one-sided,
authoritarian and elitist struggle and finally everything else which As anarchists @
supposed to resist.
The role of the movement is to appoint women how to reclaim space and visibility, but none
the less stand allilengy @ @ @ .Os criticize in this option (creating a purely female
team) had and have the ability to structure antisexistikes and feminist @ assemblies based
on their own needs. Our gendered relates none the less @ and not only women's issue
because patriarchy is a common enemy. The group aims diffusion feminist, antisexistikou,
antiomofovikou, antitransfovikou, antiracist, anti-authoritarian speech and actions.
femanifestA ♀ Ⓐ
Suggest an edit
Message: 3
As anarchist-communists, we oppose sexism whenever and wherever it exists, although we
also realise that class position differentiates the experience of sexism. We salute all
the woman freedom fighters, and the older generation of women, many our mothers, who bear
the scars of the gruesome battles in which they stood firm, fighting the oppression
imposed on the African native by colonial conquest. ---- There were hard times in the
apartheid era, where black women were abused, raped and oppressed: the state did nothing
to stop this, but aided it, as the state was part of the system of oppression. History
shows that dispossession and systematic dehumanization for the purposes of exploitation
and domination were undertaken through the uncontrolled and coercive mayhem of the South
African state.
It is now 20 years into the era of parliamentary democracy, but the oppression of women
continues to haunt society. We live in capitalism, and capitalism has a major impact on
the current situation. The oppression of women lets the bosses have a flexible work force,
it makes it easy to hire and fire women at will. Women don't really have job security, and
they are often fired when they fall pregnant. The bosses justify lower wages and job
security for women, saying that men are the breadwinners.
This is one major reason that women are concentrated in low-wage and insecure jobs as
domestic workers, seasonal farm workers, contract workers and in factories - all areas
where the wealth of the economy is being produced, where they are exploitated severely.
Working class and poor women are oppressed, not just as members of the working class, but
as women. They face problems that men do not. However, their special oppression as women
is in many ways due to their class position in the class system of capitalism and the state.
We realise through capitalism a wealthy woman can afford many things, and has full access
to things like cars, credit cards and a "maid". And we know that many of the struggles to
end women's oppression are dominated by middle-class and upper-class women. But since
upper class women have an investment in capitalism and the state, they cannot fight
against the deep causes of women's oppression in the system. They are part of the system.
Building a strong working class movement requires tackling the stumbling blocks working
class and poor women face in society to date. When we men exercise a degree of power over
women, it is unethical, immoral and insensitive - yet this home-grown oppression is
manifested so widely in people's lives that it's seen as normal.
But who benefits from this behaviour? It is the ruling class. All these hierarchies
support one other, and collectively serve the same purposes: keeping the working class
exploited, divided and controlled, to the benefit of the big business-state alliance.
The long history of women's oppression continues to haunt modern day society. While women
are expected to work as hard, even harder than men, they earn less, and have less
security, as well as many household tasks. Yet in our movements we do not have enough
women in leadership, some even asking if women are competent for these positions. And
because women working class and poor face so many burdens, it makes a difficult
situations, like limiting their participation within their unions and movements, and this
in return makes them vulnerable and silenced from voicing our some of their specific
Thus we as anarchist-collectivist oppose sexism wherever it exists. But only a powerful,
united working class movement can rip up the tree of women's oppression, growing in the
soil of capitalism. But such a movement can only be built by fighting against attitudes
and systems that oppress women.
Related Link:
Message: 4
After a time, two times "left" three elections, it is clear that any hope is now bankrupt.
- In the third memorandum signed by the coalition SY.RIZ.A. - AN.EL., antiasfalistika the
measures to be voted on, impose such changes to the pension and the contributions of
taxpayers, who is sure that will further impoverish the lower walks of life for the
benefit of capital. - Firstly, to consolidate all funds proposed in a single body that
will "ensure" main insurance and another that would "ensure" subsidiary. ---- The public
social insurance will be thing of the past, as will become individual obligation of
workers and public health services will no longer be a private and thus expensive
"luxury". On top of all this comes on top of the cutting of main and supplementary
pensions frightening rates! The new single will be provided (when possible!) Markedly
reduced and the government promotes the reduction of EKAS in order progressively to the
disappearance as in 2019. At the same time the contributions for health insurance and
workers are increasing resulting in further reduction of their salaries .
It is obvious that the government aims to cover the deficit on the backs of already
impoverished social groups, such as pensioners, but also with the changes promoted
condemns all future employee as well as the new pension system is only one more attack of
the local and international capital in the acquired labor rights. In this way, not only
affected the lower social strata, but also goes a step further individualization of work
with obvious purpose to further fragmented the interests of workers so as to remain
inactive in the face of impositions state and bosses.
These freedoms are being, rights violated and to have their peace of mind, state and
bosses promote social cannibalism in all aspects of daily life, ensuring their stay in
power. The competition, the individual interest and the pimp welcomed the working
environment to become the norm that dissolves class resistances before they barely occur.
At a time of intense political and economic turmoil, as the maintenance of social peace is
a key challenge of all governments (let alone this "left-right" abortion) there are still
forces that resist the rule of poverty. The whole of society, living in permanent terror,
which translates either as economic impoverishment / or unemployment as an external threat
because of the "invasion" of immigrants / three fails to recognize the single interests
and oppose the real enemy called capitalism.
We, for our part, we see ourselves as an integral part of this society and against the
logic of the award, against bosses sold out of GSEE and unorganized pseudo-strikes
calling, we set our own spearhead. Through base unions and ventures with anti-hierarchical
characteristics and horizontal structure, but put forward and participate in
self-organized, akidemoneftous social and class struggles.
We stand by the emancipation of labor as part of social liberation, as we understand that
the workers' claims can not be divorced from social needs.
We understand as crucial in creating a stable pole that will become the 'counterweight' to
the institutional state-syndicalism and proceed to militant demands both at work / labor,
and socially. Opposite the strikes - fireworks, collated our general term strikes but put
forward the belief that labor rights and social needs are non-negotiable and as such will
defend! Do not live like slaves!
THE INSURANCE not be solved by LAWS
COLLECTION | Kamara 10 a.m.
Collective for Social Anarchism "Black & Red"
-Member Anarchist Organization Policy | Federation syllogikotiton-