Today's Topics:
1. MEDIA, Greece, WAR & CONFLICT: Greek anarchists organise for
refugees as 'state fails' (
2. Chile, periodico-solidaridad N°31 - Growing social and
environmental struggles in Peru (ca) [machine translation]
3. France, Alternative Libertaire AL #256 (Dec) - social,
Seine-Saint-Denis: the struggle of a public housing neighborhood
against evictions (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
4. France, Alternative Libertaire Tract - AL, Ecology: After
COP21, no change on the horizon (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (
5. Greece, Collegiality of anarchists from east: For the
defense of squats on the counter-attack of the oppressed (gr)
[machine translation] (
6. Spain, Barcelona, Day in solidarity with Fernando Barcenas
(ca) [machine translation] (
7. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Policy, Against the war,
the state of emergency and the deprivation of nationality,
January 30 (fr, it, pt) [machine translation] (
8. Anarchist Federation - Region of. Macedonia: Migrants are
[machine translation] (
Message: 1
The Notara squat houses more than 100 refugees and migrants passing through Athens each
night. ---- Greek anarchists provide a shelter for refugees at an abandoned government
building in Athens [Sorin Furcoi/AL Jazeera] ---- Athens, Greece - As thousands of
refugees and migrants continued to be turned away at borders, a steady flow of new faces
poured into the Notara solidarity centre in the Exarcheia neighbourhood of Athens. ----
Notara was founded in late September when around 20 anarchists and leftists occupied an
abandoned, three-storey building belonging to the Greek Ministry of Labour. The centre
provides temporary accommodation, basic medical treatment, clothing and information for up
to 130 refugees and migrants each day. ---- Refugees boost Greece's economy ---- It is one
of several similar projects springing up across the country while the refugee crisis
continues to grip Europe.
Tucked away in an alley with graffiti-lined walls, Notara is part of a network of
activist-administered refugee solidarity centres in the neighbourhood.
A few hundred metres down the road is a centre that provides social services, while a
handful of anarchist-run dining collectives are just around the corner.
According to the United Nations refugee agency, the UNHCR, more than a million refugees
and migrants reached European shores by boat in 2015.
With the doors open to welcome newcomers, enthusiasm was high as dozens of activists and
volunteers debated how to expand their operations during an assembly meeting on a chilly
night in early December.
"We need more squats in places like Thessaloniki," one volunteer argued, referring to the
coastal city in northern Greece that has become a stopping off point along the refugee
trail as people fleeing violence and economic despair look for safety and stability in Europe.
Refugee children staying at Notara find temporary respite from their exhausting journey
[Sorin Furcoi/AL Jazeera]
Mimi, a 34-year-old anarchist and member of the squat, declined to provide her last name
fearing legal retribution. "We decided to do something in Athens about the refugee
crisis," she told Al Jazeera, crushing the butt of her cigarette into an ashtray and
swiftly lighting another.
The volunteers at the shelter include teachers, social workers, doctors and full-time
activists, among others. What unites them is a belief that the Greek government has failed
to shoulder its responsibilities towards refugees.
The difference between philanthropy and solidarity
"We are against the state and we think the government has done nothing to provide a real
solution," she said, adding that more than 1,700 refugees and migrants had stopped over in
Notara between September 25 and December 1.
Most of the founding volunteers had been active in solidarity work on Greek islands over
the summer of 2015, helping the thousands of people disembarking from boats and dinghies
each day.
"We had a full summer of experience under our belts and felt that refugees needed a safe
space when they get to Athens, especially as the weather gets worse. From Athens, they
still have a long journey ahead of them."
Deeply ideological, Notara and similar endeavours reject the philanthropic approach in
favour of refugee solidarity. Refugees are asked to participate in the twice-weekly
assembly meetings, which make decisions through consensus.
"The act of squatting in this building was a message to the government: It is failing
everywhere and we are putting a spotlight on it," she said. "We are anti-authoritarians.
We reject the assistance of the state, NGOs, charities and businesses."
She said that Notara is for "political people" and not those whose sole motivations are
humanitarian. "There is a difference between philanthropy and solidarity. We understand
that we are on the same level as refugees."
"This is a project by the people. We believe that these are the key principles of
self-organisation, and we want to take the struggle into our own hands."
Border closures
Exarcheia itself was a symbolic choice. With little government presence, the neighbourhood
is a hotbed of leftist political activity where locals clash with police when they show up.
In late November, Notara witnessed a surge of refugees and migrants after Macedonia sealed
off its borders to people who could not prove citizenship in Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan,
deeming them "economic migrants".
Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov claimed that the presence of more than 2,000 refugees
in his country at any given time would result in "permanent and direct threats for
national security".
Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and other countries quickly imposed similar measures.
Seraphim Seferiades, a political science professor at Panteion University, in Athens,
argued that the leftist SYRIZA government's about-face over Greece's debt crisis led to a
vacuum on the broader left.
"The response of the whole left - not just anarchists - has been quite amazing," he told
Al Jazeera.
"People had accumulated so much energy to participate in politics and in domestic
struggles in recent years, like the debt crisis, but all that energy went into refugee
solidarity inititiative after the SYRIZA sellout."
Seferiades said that right-wing groups, such as the Golden Dawn, have been unable to
capitalise on the refugee crisis so far. But if refugee solidarity activists are unable to
tie their activism to Greece's domestic struggles, he warned, the hardline rightists could
seize the opportunity.
"It will eventually happen if the solidarity movement cannot continue to politicise the
issue. They need to show the general population that what migrants and refugees are going
through now is linked to the same European Union policies that make [Greeks] suffer."
Even volunteers' duties at Notara are divided up according to anarchist principles and
everyone participates in the work [Sorin Furcoi/AL Jazeera]
Even volunteers' duties are divided up according to ideological principles, Mimi
explained. "Only doing one job - like clothing distribution - can create a de facto
When they are not seeing patients, doctors help distribute blankets and clothes to
refugees whose suitcases were soaked or ruined during the perilous boat ride. Teachers do
laundry and cook in between classes in Notara's preschool.
Every few nights, a handful of activists venture to Athens' Victoria Square - a gathering
point for refugees - to bring those with nowhere to sleep back to the squat.
'Direct democracy'
Said, a 21-year-old Moroccan who did not want to give his last name, left his hometown of
Casablanca in early September. Braving the wintry Aegean waters and the lengthy land
route, he made it to Idomeni on the Greek-Macedonian border only to find that the crossing
was closed for him.
The closure has created a build-up of tens of thousands of people in Greece, including
those fleeing Morocco, Iran, Yemen, Eritrea, Somalia, Tunisia and elsewhere.
Arriving back in Victoria Square, Said was approached by activists from Notara. "They told
me there is a safe and warm place to sleep," he told Al Jazeera. "I've been here for a few
weeks. I don't know if the borders will open for us again."
Achilles Peklaris, an Exarcheia-based journalist and anarchist activist, argued that
Notara "is far more organised than the camps run by the government", accusing the state of
providing substandard living conditions for refugees and migrants.
"When you mention the word 'anarchy', most people think of chaos and disorder," he told Al
Jazeera. "But if you're worldview depends on a leader to tell you what to do, then we feel
sorry for you," he said.
Referring to the weekly assemblies and inclusive decision-making process, Peklaris added:
"No authority doesn't mean no rules. This is a direct democracy in the purest sense of the
Notara 'is far more organised than the camps run by the government', say volunteers [Sorin
Furcoi/AL Jazeera]
As the assembly meeting came to an end, a family of Afghan refugees arrived. Activists
welcomed them in and a translator explained that they could stay for however long they needed.
Mimi and others took their bags to a room with two beds, bringing them blankets and clean
clothes. Pointing out the worsening weather and the closing of borders across the Balkans,
she predicted that the coming months would be increasingly difficult.
"With the borders closing, so many people are being sent back to Athens," Mimi said. "What
are these people supposed to do? Sleep outside?"
Al Jazeera
Message: 2
current Libertarian - Peru ---- "People are willing; suffer too much and, what is more,
they have begun to understand that they are not forced to suffer " ---- M. Bakunin ----
The current socio-political panorama that hovers in Peru reflects a high rate of social
unrest caused by different reasons, the environmental issue being one of the highlights.
This aspect is part of the fact that our country is considered, according to the
Environmental Justice Global Atlas of the World (conducted last year by the Institute of
Environmental Science and Technology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona), among the
ten countries with conflicts Environmental against mining. ---- Social conflicts in Peru
have increased in the last eleven years and now scale with greater visibility with the
subsequent brutal repression by the government of the day (with killed, wounded,
persecuted, prosecuted, imprisoned and harassed for speaking). Tambogrande, the
Moqueguazo, the Arequipazo, Bagua, Conga, Tintaya, Tia Maria, Las Bambas are just some of
the most emblematic regarding the recent period cases. The scenarios, joints or even
correspond to different times, they have the same actors: the state, transnational and
affected communities. It is clear that the conflict arises as a result of the economic
policies imposed by the Executive to dictate the lotizaciones of indigenous territories,
the extraction of raw (gas, oil, water, plants, minerals, etc.) matter and the auction to
companies operating in our country, most violating international agreements or frameworks
for environmental impact studies.
Fujimorato as a prelude to the crisis
However, we must not forget that this whole scenario has already been brewing since the
90s, from the corrupt and authoritarian management fujimorato that implemented measures
trying to put the country at any cost in the international market and attract foreign
investment to develop extractive industries. In that decade, the State had not drawn
agencies and market natural resources, therefore, concessions were given to private
companies. But this aspect is not produced large popular protests against the depredation
of resources, since social movements and defense fronts were really weak and depleted due
to the reaction of the dictatorial regime of Alberto Fujimori.
Also, let us stress that the regulatory aspect in our country was not prepared to deal
with large-scale mining activities, since the state is just beginning to dictate some
provisions for public participation in the power mining, hydrocarbons and 2002. Even
liberal economists They recognize that by then had still not a regulated process of public
participation in the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessments), and therefore, our country
was not prepared in terms of standards to deliver large native lands to private capital
for exploitation and consequent destruction.
Meanwhile, the Environment Act 2005 established basic principles on how they should be
studies and public participation, and the relationship company-state-community. While the
Ombudsman (created in 1993) publishes its first report on social conflicts recently in
2004. In addition, the creation of the Ministry of Environment in 2008 and the National
Service for Environmental Certification for Sustainable Investment in 2012, accounted
State legal warnings about social unrest; all this we must add that prior consultation for
indigenous communities, with its rules and its seven stages, were also established to
prevent such conflicts. But as always it tends to happen: economic power is imposed to the
detriment of the majority.
Peoples in Resistance
And in a current scene as crucial milestones have social struggle to the call Baguazo 2009
that arose when the police arrogance under the orders of the government of Alan Garcia
ventured repressively in the villages of the northern part of the Peruvian Amazon, to the
detriment of the Awajún Wampis communities who demanded him to the Peruvian State due
process of consultation on political and economic process in their land. The events in
Bagua unleashed midyear 2009, originated in January of the same, with express orders of
the central government grants to the communities as active and important actors in the
negotiation process on all aspects of investment or operating in soils and subsoils that
are part of the ecosystem of these communities, even before the formation of the Peruvian
State as such.
Thus, on June 5 the police lash out with an eviction operation that left 33 dead. These
are the official figures, which handles the media and state institutions, however, many
remember that just happened the slaughter in Bagua, already circulating on social networks
and virtual informative photographs of dozens of bodies of indigenous shot, bled and even
maimed. Then the visual and actual findings are far from certain official figures and data
that we want to impose as the only truth.
However, we know that social unrest has grown exponentially and mechanisms of protest and
repression, or action and reaction, have been a constant since the state for handling
them. Proof of this are the figures that records the National Coordinator of Human Rights
to indicate that in the context of popular protest in the period Alejandro Toledo arrived
to collect 32 dead, 117 in the Garcia government and more than 75 killed so far this
Humala government; in most cases (74%) there are no lawsuits or if they ever existed, and
were closed.
The funny thing is that as a rejection of criminalization and deaths in intense social
protests during the Garcia government is that many leftist groups called for a vote by the
then candidate Humala, who guaranteeing full freedom, dialogue and non-taxation showed a
government facing the people, but soon all this was denied, with the highest point in the
struggle against Yanacocha and Conga mining project in Cajamarca that records a
significant number of deaths. That is, a new government loyal to neoliberal policies and
measures of bullet and blood in response to popular demands.
Moreover, advocacy official reports indicate that over 54% of social conflicts have
arisen, at least, an act of violence. It follows that in the last ten years, the conflict
in our country has established a close relationship between the intensity of the conflict
and the violence level demands attention. In other words, it is the government itself that
creates the objective conditions for the uprisings and struggles, and then, facing the
intensification of the protests, ends "backwards", but at the cost of lives and a lot of
Recently we had the case of Las Bambas where Humala, the premier and ministers Cateriano
Pedro Rosa Maria Ortiz, Energy and Mines; José Luis Pérez Guadalupe, Interior; and Manuel
Pulgar-Vidal, environment, ensured that the conflict that erupted there was "peacefully"
passed, regardless of the lives lost there (again no responsible is prosecuted or has been
punished for these deaths) during the protests of the population (over 30,000 people)
represented on two fronts of defense and six communities that refuse to implement the
project to be harmful to their community interests.
Prospects fight
We know that conflicts are generated on the implementation of a number of aspects of
social, political and economic nature that not only satisfy the majority but is back to
the latent reality of countries like ours. That is, it is not true that argument from the
right mobilized accused in an alleged ignorance and sole purpose of the rule of law or
social destabilization; but the demand for care and protection of their economic, social,
cultural and environmental. This, said within a single plane of democratic reading in a
context of social unrest like ours.
Finally, we note that in our country keeps this sinister picture of criminalization of
social protest, murder and persecution, while the political power insists on showing that
we called "Peruvian miracle" as an example of commercial prosperity within capitalist boom
in our region. Despite the adverse way, it is social movements themselves who from the
heat of battle have been tried and consolidated mechanisms of organization, struggle and
mobilization based on horizontality, mass direct action, solidarity among the sectors
concerned, the autonomy partisan external interference and power of the assemblies discuss
and decide which resolutions taken against the onslaught of government and big business.
And of course, the role of libertarians and each space is dynamic and articulate struggle
with the demands of society towards a national political protest and proposals.
Message: 3
Evictions are increasing in France and more specifically in Seine-Saint-Denis, for example
in the city Gagarin in Romainville. But there, the authorities who come to evict a family
face the opposition of residents and inhabitants determined es to derail the social
cleansing attempt by the district. ---- Between 2013 and 2014, housing evictions rose 15%.
They should increase further in 2015. Rents and expenses rose, not APL, tenants of private
and public housing tenants are increasingly difficult to make ends month purposes. Paris
and Seine-Saint-Denis hold the sad record with a third of expulsions of entire
metropolitan France and this year prefectures and the donors have increased with the
approach of the winter break. ---- On 13 October, the Diassiguy family, parents and nine
children were expelled violently from their HLM city of Gagarin in Romainville (93),
several neighbors came in solidarity were injured by riot police, sent into force. The
family had repaid its debt, expecting the payment of CAF and had appealed the deportation
decision, the court must make its decision on October 27. Prefecture, mayor and DPOs would
not expect this decision to expel. The same day, with the tenants' association Sputnik /
DAL public housing and Housing Rights (DAL), residents and inhabitants were mobilized,
went to demonstrate in front of the mayor and more than 200 people occupied the Community
Council of East Ensemble.
Expulsion in Romainville by droitaulogement
Scare tenants
Since then, the inhabitants of the city do not give more than a dozen demonstrations were
held in the streets of Romainville gathering up to 500 people, young, old, women, men,
teens, who spent their holidays to tow and paste posters, fathers and mothers who sign
petitions, activists and seasoned activists, people demonstrating for the first time,
tenants of the city, in solidarity neighbors ... always in the right mood!
The appeals court finally agreed with the family, suspending the expulsion. Despite this,
town hall side Prefecture, HLM, it turned a deaf ear and balance against truths with a lot
of leaflets in mailboxes and municipal newsletters. Why the freeze? Because you have to
scare tenants who are struggling to pay at the end of the month, and expel them in
silence, because among the tenant of the OPH de Romainville, one third are in unpaid rent.
Because the 11 subway line will be extended and rather than benefit the people of this
town forever, the new station will accelerate the social cleansing Neighborhood Gagarin is
quoted in the new urban renewal program, Anru, a project led by the mayor for a long time
provides for the demolition of 400 homes on 730 and new housing will emerge, housing
solidarity and collective reflex it possible to construct a power struggle against these
policies anrtisociales in housing, by making an example of individual cases among other
collective consequences of these policies from which to fight.
cc DAL
Already tied Project
Even before the pseudo-consultation, the project is put together without the people and
against them. If it succeeds, many families in the neighborhood will be in the same
situation as Diassiguy family, expelled or forced to accept to live further, in more
expensive housing, not suitable.
The people of Gagarin and Sputnik tenant committee / DAL an example by resistant housing
evictions and demolition projects in a popular district. Since the beginning of the
movement, there were no more eviction in quarteir Gagarin. Today, Diassiguy family was
hosted and legal proceedings are instituted so that it reintegrates its housing. In
Gagarin, the struggle continues for the relocation of Diassiguy family, stopping against
evictions and the demolition project area. Furthermore, the DAL Committee calls for the
creation of public housing tenants DAL against evictions, against the demolition of public
housing and against urban renewal projects aimed at social purification in all neighborhoods.
Marie (Right to Housing)
To be informed about the fight Gagarin: Sputnik Dal Romainville (Facebook)
The housing crisis is for the working class, not for speculators. Despite the existence of
laws designed to protect tenants, and social inequality reduction pledges, evictions are
linked in indifference (almost) general.
The winter break
Established sixty years ago, it starts every year on November 1 and prohibits evictions
until March 31, except for the occupants and squatters who are not protected. Until the
eve of the truce, evictions are increasing under the pressure exerted by bailiffs, owners
of the prefectures or town halls to get with the assistance of the public force (police)
before five months of status quo. Frenzy of evictions is repeated every year, more and
more violent and more numerous. From 2013 to 2014, the number of eviction judgments
increased by 5%, the assistance of the police force by 24%, and evictions forcibly by 15%.
A record that is part of a movement that has only amplified the last thirty years: since
1983, evictions have increased by 352%. and assistance of the public force of 254%.
Illegal evictions
That's not counting the tens of thousands of households who leave their homes each year
before the police intervention, often in secret, or violently pushed out by some owners.
Nearly 85% of private sector evictions are carried out in complete illegality notably in
Paris and Île-de-France, and many are in violation of the Alur law, which prohibits to
give notice to his tenant to speculate and better rent or sale behind.
Other illegal evictions increasing, those of recognized families DALO priority (right to
housing), while a circular banned since 2012 they are available on the street without
Emergency (always) at risk
At the same time, emergency shelters and 115 are already on the eve of winter, in extreme
saturation (especially in Paris in Seine-Saint-Denis, in the Rhône, Haute-Garonne Gironde)
and government guidance harden the controls and repression of people without a residence
permit in accommodation centers and infill housing.
Antisocial budget
On November 4, the National Assembly adopted a 2016 budget lodging "mastered" as Minister
Ms. Pinel, with the only opposition the Left Front who denounces a "budget contrary to the
public interest and in particular that of the lower classes" . It's the least we can say:
cutting 225 million euros in APL, disguised drop in the stone to help with the creation of
a national aid to the stone Fund (Fnap) putting share state subsidies and funds from
social landlords, increasing considerably, in fact, the demands on the housing agencies
and hence rents for tenants. Overall, the envelope for equal areas and housing will reach
17.7 billion euros in 2016 with a decrease of 196 million euros.
And now what do we do? We sat in Parliament?
Chloe (AL 93)
Message: 4
The climate agreement that came out of COP21 is "historic" for those who still believe in
the promises of governments. Behind the great symbolic statements, it introduces no
concrete commitments to lower greenhouse gas emissions, and keeps the door wide open for
capitalism so-called "green" continues to ravage the planet. ---- The Paris agreement: a
completely hollow agreement ---- The new "limit" of 1.5 ° C attached to global warming,
presented as the great success of the negotiations, is in fact a diplomatic maneuver to
calm the civil society and the most threatened by climate disasters countries come. in For
the moment, the commitments of States on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions leading
to a warming of 3° C by the end of the century!
The agreement therefore invites States to rapidly propose more ambitious commitments ...
or what? Or nothing! Because no sanctions are foreseen in case of non compliance. But rest
assured, a new group of "experts" will ensure transparency of the process and analyze for
us the "progress" of states! Phew, we are saved ...
After COP21 no change on the horizon - leaflet
Of course, lobbying helping multinationals, the agreement is silent on the need to abandon
fossil fuels, or the responsibility of industrial agriculture in the ecological disaster.
As for not evoke even a mild criticism of the cult of growth and production-madness, then
there are not dreaming.
Vive green growth!
In fact, the agreement is another triumph of neoliberalism: each state is as it sees fit
to meet these fine objectives, meaning today, roughly, to "let the private sector do!"
Privatize, send " signal "to markets, encourage the" compensation "(a tree is planted
while continuing to burn oil), develop renewable energies to lag larigot ... And we trust
this" green growth "to save the planet, and create million jobs by the way!
But behind these speeches, the same logic of frenzied exploitation of nature persist,
worsen see, for example with industrial forest management to produce electricity based on
renewable biomass supposedly. No, let's be serious, no logic of "growth" can not claim to
solve the climate and environmental problems in general. There is only one solution is to
limit our consumption of energy, resources, and thus of material goods, transportation,
gadgets, etc. But this amounts to limit the profits of the capitalists, which they
obviously unbearable.
Ecology to the stick
In fact, what mainly showed the COP21 is that ecology will be a pretext, like the fight
against terrorism, to strengthen the state authority. The ban on demonstrations during the
summit, mass arrests and house arrest of activists green, have hinted. Because as the
climate goes haywire (December was full of "anomalies": temperatures, tornadoes, fires,
floods), social and economic problems will intensify, and the protest against the
hypocrisy and inaction of governments. The leaders want to strengthen authoritarian and
therefore security logic to "maintain order" and "manage" climate chaos they have created.
Unless we give a damn them out by then!
Message: 5
In recent months various squats and hangouts have been targeted by the state and
para-state. - Coordinated hits by institutional bodies (threats of evacuation to 111
-anikei in OAEE- in occupation Mundo Nuevo -anikei municipality Thermis- in occupied
housing immigrants s / he "Orphanage" -anikei in ekklisia- in Katalipsi to Themistocles
Athens-owned refutations M EIA) but also by fascists (Agros Autonomous haunt Ascension
Occupation, Occupation Kouvelis in Athens, Libertatia and Terra Incognita in Thessaloniki)
leaves no room for misinterpretation. ---- The bosses and the state realizing occupations
as foci of resistance and struggle against the plans further enslavement of the oppressed
have every reason to want their repression. Besides this pregnant squats and hangouts
moving the logic of antiemporefmatikotitas of antithesmikotitas, self-organization is the
negation of a world that is built on the farm and the project for a world of equality,
freedom and solidarity. So it makes sense, the rulers hostile to them and those who fight
every day -with Act; reason for the overthrow of the capitalist / authoritarian system of
social relations that construct.
PPC, municipalities, church, Member & owners, all lamogia a company is
Certainly suppression fragrance free means no profit under capitalism, so worth seeing and
biznes hiding behind.
In the "orphanage", which was occupied first time in 2006 and was discharged in 2013, he
had been given a deadline until 2015 in church to tear down and carry out the erection
center chronic sufferers. This of course was not made till the beginning of December 2015,
when epanakatalifthike the building to accommodate the needs of immigrant and migrant
women. The church today, persists and threatens to evacuate the building, claiming that
now will proceed with the project. You will not surprise us, the last place on that level
of Lambrakis not been cemented and not filled with apartment buildings, to turn into a
shopping mall. The church in its efforts to safeguard the enormous fortune threatens the
projects which are housed in buildings of "belonging" (we saw up concentration fancy
priests out of the orphanage met derision neighborhood). This does not surprise us at all
because it has long been understood that the actual role of the church: a profit like any
healthy venture capitalist, who indeed taxed. Certainly not least, it can do no mess,
although of course the stay time of the vigils against civil partnership and pride gay and
racist sermons of some of their heads against immigrants.
At the same time, the municipality of Thermi, remembered also neglected building that
"belongs" to the contribution of Siatistis roads with Philip, from the moment on which in
it were anarchists who remake, turning the space to accommodate political and social
needs. He wants, he says, the mayor can exploit him, to bring revenue to the municipality ...
In a similar background, moves and rumors about the sale of a building on the Via Egnatia
111 OAEE privately imminent eviction 111. Perhaps at least this money not to cut pensions
by the new bill ...
Meanwhile the PPC, other than cutting the current in the homes of people who have to pay,
and cuts off the current in the social and political occupied spaces. Last year in
"School" this year in the busy refugee in Athens, playing the game of the owners and
repression, disconnects the current is, nowadays, a basic need.
Since we talked about owners, worth mentioning and building owners who do not belong to
the public, but let them ravage. Some because their interest to come down on their own
with time and some of indifference, remember the existence of these sites when they seized
and used to meet housing needs and not only (Ntougrou in Larissa, Acta et verba in
Ioannina, Black Pepper in Upper Town of Thessaloniki). Unscrupulous as it is in front of
the profit, they do not hesitate to call out the cops to make people in the street and
load them in categories. And so the story of the property reaches the end after being
consecrated by journalists in the press and on blogs that talk about homes "infection" and
violence pockets (this of course may be true, though of course talking about the violence
of the oppressed against the oppressors). Finally, will be implemented by contractors and
companies that will undertake the project with profit in mind.
As a postscript graphic, we can mention the fascists, who consciously or because of
stupidity (quite likely due to both) defending the capital and do the work where the state
sticky. With individual attacks (in Thessaloniki highly unsuccessful, as they managed to
set fire to an adjacent door occupancy libertatia, and make unsuccessful attempted arson
occupancy Terra Incognita) supplementing a concerted effort of repression against the
structures of the anarchist / anti-authoritarian movement and more extended structures of
the oppressed struggling.
And why would someone do squat today?
The occupied areas are another expression of the struggle that we give daily to take back
what state capital deprive us. Within this struggle is a key issue, from the bottom of
this world, we can meet our needs collectively and through direct action, without begging
by States and bosses.
Especially in today's reality it is important to construct a collective force that can
defend fighter occupations, but also can prevent evictions primary residence and cuts
current debts due to banks and PPC, manage to put the needs of the oppressed over the
profits of the super market and companies, promote the culture of expropriation of
concessionality, community. All of us, we have the same fate, without having something to
lose, it is necessary to organize the attack and our defense against further depreciation
of our lives in the name of national "recovery". It is an oxymoron to have thousands
homeless and many more are driven to the streets and there are houses that stand empty. It
is challenging to have so much wealth concentrated in the hands of a minority and to us to
sharply increase the cost of living.
Inside and outside occupations: STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM
The occupation is part of our racing and as such we will defend them.
Inside the gray city and the stifling continuous pressure of everyday life,
epanoikeiopoioumaste and give life to the empty buildings were standing against the logic
of private property that dominates every aspect of our lives. The squats are places where
kinematic structures housed (radios, printers, Banquet political and cultural expression,
libraries, etc.) and social needs (housing, collective kitchens, gyms, etc.). Within these
communicate without the mediation of money and the condition of the hierarchy within them
breathe on our own way in them experimenting on new forms of organization that will
replace the tragedy and the capitalist power relations.
We will continue to defend the use of both buildings capital fails to exploit to make a
profit in order to accommodate the needs of the oppressed, and the buildings that
encapsulate his authority over our lives by:
Step on the kings
Collegiality anarchists from east
Message: 6
Day of solidarity with our fellow anarchist prisoner Fernando Barcenas Castillo, who has
more than two years in detention in a prison in Mexico City. ---- FRIDAY 29 JANUARY ----
Pass 19h video and chat ---- Fernando Barcenas situation and nuestrxs imprisoned comrades.
---- Local of FELLA - Llibreria Rosa de Foc ---- C / Joaquin Costa 34 (Barcelona) ----
FROM 23 to 30 JANUARY ---- Freedom solidarity actions Fernando Barcenas ---- Fernando was
a high school student at the College of Sciences and Humanities Vallejo campus and worker;
He was arrested on 13 December 2013 in the context of the first mobilization against
rising at the rate of System of Collective Transport Metro, accused of burning, at the
intersection of Insurgentes and Reforma, the Christmas tree of Coca-Cola. Prosecuted for
attacks on public peace in gang and criminal association, it remains since his arrest in
Northern Male Preventive Prison and was sentenced to six years in prison. The legal
process is currently in the last resort: the direct protection of his sentence.
From the prison, Fernando has done several projects critical to prison, such as study
circles and the publication of a newspaper ("The Canero") written by prisoners of Mexico
City system; He has also participated in several initiatives of organization among
prisoners, for example, some collective hunger strikes. Throughout his two years of
imprisonment anti-prison Fernando has strengthened its position and its willingness to
continue the struggle inside prison.
To accompany Fernando in this way for freedom and spread their situation, we call this
Friday, January 29 , 2016, a information day will be explained where Fernando Barcenas
situation in particular and the other comrades s s incarcerated in Mexico. We also call to
make of Saturday 23 to Saturday January 30, 2016 the shares which each considers
appropriate and possible to express solidarity with Fernando and generally towards our @ s
tod @ s comrades s @ s lock up.
Message: 7
On Saturday, January 30, 2016, it will scroll across France against the deprivation of
nationality, state of emergency and the authoritarian constitutional reform orchestrated
by the government PS ... but also against the military action of France in the Middle
East. ---- That date will mark the first big meeting against the unitary state of
emergency, with the convergence of two groups: first the collective We will not give,
which includes 106 associations and 16 unions around the League for Human Rights the man;
secondly grouping Stop state of emergency, supported by Alternative Libertaire. ---- AL
will of course be on the streets that day to denounce patriotic-militaristic drift of the
government and the military action of France in the Middle East, which only fuels a
murderer gear.
Alternative Libertaire, January 15, 2016
Click to access the mobilization kit.
The meeting in Paris:
14:30 Republic Square
Tract AL
War-terrorism war-terrorism ...
After the horrific attacks of November 13, Francois Hollande and Manuel Valls adopted the
formula of George W. Bush in 2001, "war on terror" + restriction of civil liberties. A
militaristic reaction more dangerous to the French company for Daech. How, in fact, apart
Support the progressive forces in the Middle East
Afghanistan 2001, Iraq 2003- 2014, Libya in 2011, Sahel in 2012, Syria 2015 ... Fifteen
years of "war on terror" bombers of the occupation troops, drones, special forces ...
hundreds of billions swallowed , for what? It's in the ruins of bombed countries that
jihadist leaders recruit people with nothing to lose.
Eradication of jihadism depends on the organized forces in the Middle East and Africa.
Progressive forces can sometimes take advantage of the bombing but the participation of
major foreign powers poses many more problems than it solves.
The end of military interventionism will not be a panacea, but a prerequisite for the
extinction of jihadism.
PDF Download the leaflet
Western states are caught in fatal contradictions. On one hand, they lead a "war on
terror" endless. On the other they remain friends with Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey,
supporting jihadism covertly. They guarantee the impunity of Israeli colonialism, which is
nevertheless the cause of deep resentment.
And to please Turkey, they still treat the PKK (Kurdish revolutionary left) as "terrorist".
Yet the Kurdish left today is the best defense against Daech. It imposed military defeats
and opposes to it a political alternative, with a project of democratic, secular, feminist
and environmentalist.
Stop the disintegration of society
Our society is sick of capitalism, undermined by inequality, unemployment, poverty, but
also by discrimination.
Among those that revolt, many (but not enough) are organized in associations, trade
unions, to act collectively on the situation. Only a tiny minority of desperate and
fanatical dream of murder ... It is among them that the leaders are looking to recruit
In response, the coaching of the company by the school and its "republican morality" by
the military or by religion is even more illusory capitalism is allowed to continue
ruining society. To the question social, there is no moral solution.
Militarize society? Surely not!
The "state of emergency" is a scam. It will be powerless to stop suicide bombers. However,
it reduces public freedoms and hinders social protest. Thus, all demonstrations are
prohibited except ... trade events (soccer games, christmas markets ...).
We know beforehand the scapegoats of this militaristic climate: the popular neighborhoods,
migrants fleeing war and misery, the Muslim population that has already suffered several
"retaliation" racist since the attacks. This is outrageous.
Reject this logic. Against jihadism, against military interventionism against the
militarization of society, to the social struggles for supporting progressive forces in
Africa and the Middle East.
Message: 8
As migrant flows to Europe's borders continue to grow, Member of "civilized" Europe to
manage increasing authoritarianism and terrorism: seizure of their valuable personal
property, confinement in concentration camps, transit ban those characterized by power as
"economic migrants", deportations, mandatory. voluntary work. - Those who barely manage to
escape from wars and poverty in Asia and Africa and the Aegean cemetery enter the river of
cheap, without rights and "invisible" workers. ---- H Europe has turned into a
well-organized fortress controlling human trafficking according to the needs of capital
for cheap labor. There is also random persistence of sovereignty to the separation between
"refugees" and "immigrants" between "refugees" that the bosses want to exploit as dirt
cheap skilled labor and "immigrants" who "are useless."
The Frontex comes to take over the job of the military management of migration flows.
Among the tasks of hunting and monitoring and training of armed groups to prevent migrants
to reach Europe's borders. The "Europe of nations" did not seem to struggle with hundreds
of corpses that entails.
In Greece the "left" rule, loyal administrator of all European anti-immigration policies,
continuing the same strategy with increasing time confinement in concentration camps, the
violent repression when they resist the appalling conditions of detention, the evacuation
of Idomeni sends parallel tour its Members to intimidate solidarity if not "cooperate"
with the requirements of the Ministry. The "government of the left" came up in the
criminalization of self-organized structures of solidarity to immigrants. A typical
example is on Lesvos where solidarity not only prevented from being distribute food to
immigrants but arrested them and with charges of human trafficking. In Thessaloniki, the
Occupation Property Migrants Migrants 'Orphanage' was, from day one, threats from the
Church Inc. wherein the building belongs. The purpose of the threats, which accompanied
the early days of the project by priests rallied outside the occupation, from attempted
cut the power and the text "Commission Residents Toumba" against occupation was to
evacuate the building so that it demolished.
For our part we have to negotiate anything with the celebrator of death and executioners
of power. For our class solidarity with immigrants or chased by wars or chased out of
poverty, they are self-evident. It is our duty to erase the boundary lines carve the
powers and safeguard the free movement of all workers.
Friday, January 22 at 17:00
Peace Square, Kilkis
We support and participate in the call of the Assembly of Anarchists from Edessa, Kilkis,
Serres and Xanthi
Friday, January 22, at 16.00
Venizelos Statue, Thessaloniki
Phone for reservations on the bus: 6976759030. Reservations positions through Thursday
21/1 at 20:00.
Anarchist Federation - Region of. Macedonia